Althea told me...
Yes. That, and Gingrich's 'monkeys flinging poo' approach to politics. It's very efficient.Absolutely. The GOP platform is fear. Fear of "the other".
Yes. That, and Gingrich's 'monkeys flinging poo' approach to politics. It's very efficient.Absolutely. The GOP platform is fear. Fear of "the other".
Is your "new unit" the Threepers or the Oath Breakers? How many have been arrested so far? Did you cooperate with the Feds like Kellye?
Your threat to murder any government agents is interesting. Was that actually done or are you just blowing hot air?
dumbest fuck on the board said:you were never taught the difference between innocent civilian and collaberator...............and it shows.
Yes. That, and Gingrich's 'monkeys flinging poo' approach to politics. It's very efficient.
Run of the mill Republicans will still vote R. What the lack of a platform coupled with reality show nonsense does, is incite those who never voted before to come out and vote. They love the spectacle, and couldn't care less about the issues.
They're too stupid to realize that their lives are worse because of Republicans.
Young voters have a very short attention span. Roe peaked a bit early. With massive early voting in Ga., the numbers do NOT show kids coming out to the polls yet.I think that Roe v Wade might have changed that and gotten more young ppl out. I have a feeling that this is going to be a record-breaking mid-term election as far as numbers go. If the young ppl show up, there may be a lot of disappointed Red faces come next Wednesday. And lawyers gleefully rubbing their hands as the (R)s rush to court to file BoohooSuits.
Young voters have a very short attention span. Roe peaked a bit early. With massive early voting in Ga., the numbers do NOT show kids coming out to the polls yet.
Perhaps they'll vote on E day? Not much noise from the shooting victims either.That is not good.
That's why he's a hard "ignore" for me. Shit like that doesn't belong here.
Young voters have a very short attention span. Roe peaked a bit early. With massive early voting in Ga., the numbers do NOT show kids coming out to the polls yet.
That's why he's a hard "ignore" for me. Shit like that doesn't belong here.
There's some crazy stuff in that mural, and I can see my younger g-kids loving it to pieces. The artist did the characters to appeal to older (m.s. age) kids, based on video games and pop media for that age group. The overall message IMO is positivity, happiness, friendship, acceptance, health.
The people who see Satanism, witchcrafts, and other scary stuff in that are the problem. Their poor children.
And there it is!
That's why he's a hard "ignore" for me. Shit like that doesn't belong here.
That is not good.
Shit like you doesn't deserve to be stealing human beings' oxygen. Oxygen thief.
I think that Roe v Wade might have changed that and gotten more young ppl out. I have a feeling that this is going to be a record-breaking mid-term election as far as numbers go. If the young ppl show up, there may be a lot of disappointed Red faces come next Wednesday. And lawyers gleefully rubbing their hands as the (R)s rush to court to file BoohooSuits.
Aw. I love you, too. You look like Jabba the Hut's uglier brother.
Actually I'm quite handsome. I had the body of David for decades. Well, now it's the body of Shrek, but I still have my strength, so there's that.
I hucked a riding lawnmower up into the back of a pickup truck recently. It was a uhh.."Bolens" wtf ever that is.
I think a Murray rebrand.
Oh my. I can balance a John Deere zero turn with a 72-inch deck on my rock-hard butt cheeks. <--- That's what you sound like.
Thing weighs over 300 lbs, Sparky. That's right around my limit these days.