Althea told me...
I'm a little concerned about that cat worm.
Bright shiny objects to be used in an attempt to take over power. Otherwise, there is no way to keep a MAGA's attentionSo many issues in the world that need our focus, but the MAGATs focus on stupidity like this instead.
None.It's true in ReichwingWorld. Children must not seek to be individuals because that leads to... gasp! Liberalism!
You wonder how many of the parents whining about this poutrage even bother to go to PTA meetings or the parent-teacher conferences.
Good.The same busybodies tried to ban Harry Potter books as being tools of Satan.
Wow.We got our first hard cover HP book for Xmas. One of our fundie neighbors had tossed it in the subdivision dumpster, still with the Xmas wrap paper attached. Poor kid whose present it was.
Bikers, especially in south Pa. have been making bathtub meth for decades.Lots of White Nationalists are into Meth, both selling and using. I suspect some JPP White Nationalists are mixed up on drugs. It's often how they fund their terrorist activities, weapons and supplies. Eventually they often become users and do stupid shit like try to overthrow the nation and murder Americans.
57 Member/Associates of Various White Supremacists Gangs Charged in Kidnapping and Drug Conspiracies
A massive California police raid reveals how white supremacists are making a bid to control methamphetamine distribution.
Feds Bust White Supremacists With Meth, Counterfeit Bills, and a Rocket Launcher
Gang busts in Florida and Georgia saw more than 80 white supremacists arrested in less than a week.
Bright shiny objects to be used in an attempt to take over power. Otherwise, there is no way to keep a MAGA's attention
Not one
Yep...that shit is nastyOh yeah. This was in rural Missouri, about 70 miles NW of St. Louis. There were meth cookers everywhere there. Our neighbors, who run a 400-acre dairy farm, told us from time to time how they would discover meth-making paraphernalia on their property. They also had incidents where meth makers tried to steal the anhydrous ammonia they used for fertilizer.
He can't quit you^^^
Keeps proving how important I am to him. LOL
Classic MAGA tactic. They dodge and wave the flag when confronted with something they can't BS pass.
That's exactly how it looks to me too.He looks much better like this:
Today, 01:33 PM
Truth Detector
Insane Level of Addiction
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Precisely.Well, Republicans have proven they cannot lead, govern, or convince people to vote for them for their ideas. What else can they do? They need to vilify the other side and scare their voters into voting for them.
He's been drinking in the morning now.So you killed 15,000 electrons to try to claim that this mural is a commie plot?![]()
And there it is!I'll be killing many more electrons before it's all said and done, sweetheart!![]()
I'm a little concerned about that cat worm.
Not one
That's exactly how it looks to me too.
Dutch loves to toy with them.
I ignore them
He's been drinking in the morning now.
Watch as he gets violent.