Sailor's cringy new signature

how many times here have you said blacks and whites should nit live together in this nation?

should I go get some?
dudes stone by stone is not a liberal

he/she/it is a racist who thinks white and people of color cant live together

I havr outed assholes before who claimed to be liberals and were fucking racists

my guess it she/he/it

is an it

a russo bot hole

Lol. The Democrat Party was founded on racism, you've just learned to hide it (though not very well). Stone is just honest. A scumbag piece of shit left winger, but an honest one.

You fuckers are all a bunch of racists.
I thought we were calling you a racist because you believe America should be white's only........

I never said that, I said we should only have white immigration. Non-white people who are already here should be allowed to stay.
But no, Sailor is pretending I'm racist because I think anti-black Blacks are cucks.
I never said that, I said we should only have white immigration. Non-white people who are already here should be allowed to stay.
But no, Sailor is pretending I'm racist because I think anti-black Blacks are cucks.

No one is "pretending" you are racist. You are. Behind the safety of keyboard that is you fucking little cunt. Quite whining and accept yourself.