Sailor's cringy new signature

I never said that, I said we should only have white immigration. Non-white people who are already here should be allowed to stay.
But no, Sailor is pretending I'm racist because I think anti-black Blacks are cucks.

in short, we call you a racist because you're a racist.....
Give me an example of one you consider an Uncle Tom and why you call them that.

Candace Owens for supporting Trump. I know Trump isn't actually racist, but he uses racism against Blacks to get attention and support. I'd say that's also pretty bad.

I'd never support a politician who uses the "White Supremacy" narrative to gain power, even if they don't really believe it. Whites who do are either ignorant, which is forgivable, or pathetic cucks.
Candace Owens probably has more intelligence and compassion in one of her pinky fingers than most loony libs possess in their whole body. Candace SHOULD be considered a national treasure.
Candace Owens for supporting Trump. I know Trump isn't actually racist, but he uses racism against Blacks to get attention and support. I'd say that's also pretty bad.

I'd never support a politician who uses the "White Supremacy" narrative to gain power, even if they don't really believe it. Whites who do are either ignorant, which is forgivable, or pathetic cucks.

You are a racist. Dumb as fuck. A guy pretending to be a woman. Just a confused typical left wing Democrat.
As you show so well. A perfect example. Now go outside Jr, find a black man and call him an uncle tom to his face. Report back here.

I don't blindly side with the Left or the Right and use idiotic stereotypes to ad hom people. You're an NPC, not everyone else is.