Same Old Message of Change and Hope

Meme you might as well tell us and yourself the truth.

You have no proof and have based these ideas right out of the ass of the propaganda mongers in the republican party.

You are lapping up the lies of people who are using you to rape you.

I don't have to prove anything to you all.
And speaking of lapping, you all have the Democrat talking points down to a T. You all sound like parrots..
And I'm being raped!? Oh the drama.
It actually doesn't sound that much like Obama, and is incredibly flimsy as far as "showing" anything about the Democratic party.

What a stupid thread.

What a stupid post to a thread. Of course it sounds like Obama, as Carter even used some of the exact same words and phrases. There is not really much of a difference, you could take the text of Carter's inaugural address and make an Obama campaign speech out of it. In fact, I wonder if they, by chance, had the same speech writer?

What it shows about the Democrat party, is very clear, which is why you responded. It shows they are full of promises for the future which never come to fruition, and they will continue to speak of this ever-elusive "hope and change" that we are going to somehow find together under their administration. It reveals the strategy of Democrats to play on our emotions and feelings, rather than finding real solutions to our problems.
No; looking at it again, it actually doesn't sound anything like Obama.

As for "never come to fruition," Democrats have been responsible for as much progressive change in this country on issues ranging from protecting the environment to education to energy to worker's rights as you can fit in that tiny little head of yours. What have Bush & the GOP accomplished over the past 7 years by comparison? A counter-productive war that will cost America for decades to come, and a deficit. Where are the other great conservative accomplishments in that time? What happened to the revolution? Where are the "real solutions" you speak of?

As far as improving our everyday lives, conditions in the workplace, clean air and water, healthcare & anything else that affects us personally, the Democrats have ruled over the GOP; it's not even worth comparing.
No; looking at it again, it actually doesn't sound anything like Obama.

As for "never come to fruition," Democrats have been responsible for as much progressive change in this country on issues ranging from protecting the environment to education to energy to worker's rights as you can fit in that tiny little head of yours. What have Bush & the GOP accomplished over the past 7 years by comparison? A counter-productive war that will cost America for decades to come, and a deficit. Where are the other great conservative accomplishments in that time? What happened to the revolution? Where are the "real solutions" you speak of?

As far as improving our everyday lives, conditions in the workplace, clean air and water, healthcare & anything else that affects us personally, the Democrats have ruled over the GOP; it's not even worth comparing.
I'm a convert. The Democrats have every issue and answer correct. Alleluia!
Yeah, here are some more empty liberal platitudes of liberal presidents past:

For all of our people, we will set as our goal the decent order that makes progress possible and our lives secure.

As we reach toward our hopes, our task is to build on what has gone before—not turning away from the old, but turning toward the new.

In this past third of a century, government has passed more laws, spent more money, initiated more programs, than in all our previous history.

In pursuing our goals of full employment, better housing, excellence in education; in rebuilding our cities and improving our rural areas; in protecting our environment and enhancing the quality of life—in all these and more, we will and must press urgently forward.

We shall plan now for the day when our wealth can be transferred from the destruction of war abroad to the urgent needs of our people at home . . .

What has to be done, has to be done by government and people together or it will not be done at all. The lesson of past agony is that without the people we can do nothing; with the people we can do everything.

To match the magnitude of our tasks, we need the energies of our people—enlisted not only in grand enterprises, but more importantly in those small, splendid efforts that make headlines in the neighborhood newspaper instead of the national journal.

With these, we can build a great cathedral of the spirit—each of us raising it one stone at a time, as he reaches out to his neighbor, helping, caring, doing.

I do not offer a life of uninspiring ease. I do not call for a life of grim sacrifice. I ask you to join in a high adventure—one as rich as humanity itself, and as exciting as the times we live in.

The essence of freedom is that each of us shares in the shaping of his own destiny.

Until he has been part of a cause larger than himself, no man is truly whole.

The way to fulfillment is in the use of our talents; we achieve nobility in the spirit that inspires that use.

As we measure what can be done, we shall promise only what we know we can produce, but as we chart our goals we shall be lifted by our dreams.

No man can be fully free while his neighbor is not. To go forward at all is to go forward together.

This means black and white together, as one nation, not two. The laws have caught up with our conscience. What remains is to give life to what is in the law: to ensure at last that as all are born equal in dignity before God, all are born equal in dignity before man.

As we learn to go forward together at home, let us also seek to go forward together with all mankind.

Let us take as our goal: where peace is unknown, make it welcome; where peace is fragile, make it strong; where peace is temporary, make it permanent.

Full of Hopes and Dreams and the promise of Change and Togetherness. Fucking liberal ass Nixon.
No; looking at it again, it actually doesn't sound anything like Obama.

As for "never come to fruition," Democrats have been responsible for as much progressive change in this country on issues ranging from protecting the environment to education to energy to worker's rights as you can fit in that tiny little head of yours. What have Bush & the GOP accomplished over the past 7 years by comparison? A counter-productive war that will cost America for decades to come, and a deficit. Where are the other great conservative accomplishments in that time? What happened to the revolution? Where are the "real solutions" you speak of?

As far as improving our everyday lives, conditions in the workplace, clean air and water, healthcare & anything else that affects us personally, the Democrats have ruled over the GOP; it's not even worth comparing.

Well of course it doesn't sound like Obama to you! I should have qualified my statement... To most free-thinking rational people who are politically fair-minded and not biased toward the Messiah Obama, it sounds the same.

Now you want us all to think that Jimmy Carter talking about "hope and change" was different than Obama's talking about "hope and change" but you fail to show us how it is any different, other than to say you don't see it. We didn't expect you to see it, you are too drenched in Kool-Aid to be objective.

President Bush has signed more environmental legislation than Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton combined, and under Bush, the environmental restrictions are more strict than ever in our nation's history. Education? You think Democrats have "improved" education? How? By siding with the liberal teacher's union and fighting against school vouchers? Take a look at the most recent studies on education in America, and show us where Democrats made significant improvements, I would like to see that. Energy? Again, what have the Democrats done except to block any suggestion that we might want to drill for our own oil? Aside from waging a smear campaign on Dick Cheney, the Democrats have been completely un-involved with Energy policy in America.

What the Democrats have given us is Grandiose Speeches! Like Carter's and Obama's... Together, we can have Hope and Change for the Future.... What does it mean? Well, it means, ELECT US, make yourself FEEL GOOD! Know that it doesn't matter that we Democrats never actually SOLVE the problems, but we are full of HOPE and TOGETHER we can CHANGE. Empty words from an Empty Party.
What President hasn't used the word "hope" or talked about making America even better? It just shows what a hack you are, trying to contend that it's one & the same w/ Obama.

Anyhoo, Bush has been an absolute f'in disaster for the environment. You should be sent to jail for even suggesting otherwise. Oh - I know, Dix - Clear Skies, right? I could write tomes about the negative impact of Bush's policies on the environment, including allowing corporate polluters to write legislation, easing every environmental standard we have, opening of millions of unprotected acres to development & gutting the EPA. Oh...and assigning an ExxonMobil lobbyist to head up the admin's environmental task force. Brilliant.

NCLB is a failure - trying to fit every circle & triangle into a square hole. Nationalized testing has ruined what good there was in the system, and we have teachers everywhere teaching the test, and eliminating programs that made kids well-rounded & able to compete on a wide variety of levels with their foreign counterparts. Where is the GOP's Head Start program? Where is their initiative to truly overhaul education in a way that actually benefits students? Again, 7+ years of utter failure.

Also after 7+ years, we're more addicted to foreign oil than ever. Petroleum lobbyists have ruled Washington on Bush's watch, and big oil has won the day. Americans are paying through the nose for it, and our "friends" in the Middle East are reaping record profits, as well. Bush's main claim to fame is an energy bill that broke previous records for pork spending.

Face it - your party had the better part of 8 years, and you tanked. There is nothing lasting that will come out of this admin, except the quagmire you called the greatest military achievement of our generation.
Spoken like a true kool-aide drenched liberal! Forget about trying to explain Obama's "Hope and Change" message, forget about how remarkably similar it is to what Democrats said 30 years ago, let's focus on Bush and the past 7 years!

You can bash on Bush all you want to, he is old news to most people. What you can't do, is focus on the topic of the thread and tell us how Obama brings any different message than Carter brought 30 years ago. You can't show us results from Democrats, only more and more eloquent speeches and empty promises. Your party has been in control of Congress for the past 4 years, what have they done to "bring us together with hope and change?" Nothing I can see, and they never will. The Democrats like to use pretty words and tell us what all they will do for us, and how beautiful the world will be, if only we will elect them to office again. We've been doing it for 30 years, and they just continue with the same empty promise.
Spoken like a true kool-aide drenched liberal! Forget about trying to explain Obama's "Hope and Change" message, forget about how remarkably similar it is to what Democrats said 30 years ago, let's focus on Bush and the past 7 years!

You can bash on Bush all you want to, he is old news to most people. What you can't do, is focus on the topic of the thread and tell us how Obama brings any different message than Carter brought 30 years ago. You can't show us results from Democrats, only more and more eloquent speeches and empty promises. Your party has been in control of Congress for the past 4 years, what have they done to "bring us together with hope and change?" Nothing I can see, and they never will. The Democrats like to use pretty words and tell us what all they will do for us, and how beautiful the world will be, if only we will elect them to office again. We've been doing it for 30 years, and they just continue with the same empty promise.

"Your party has been in control of Congress for the past 4 years"

Why do you keep saying this, when you know its not true?
"Your party has been in control of Congress for the past 4 years"

Laugh my f'in arse off!

Must've been the same math class where you learned 1/3....
"Your party has been in control of Congress for the past 4 years"

Laugh my f'in arse off!

Must've been the same math class where you learned 1/3....

Well, last I checked, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and Harry Reid was Senate Majority Leader. Is this not the case? I know it has been the past two years, and before that, it was Democrat after what'shisname "switched" to an independent and gave the Dems the majority. That was in 2005, so it's been 3 years, and by the end of this election cycle, 4 years.

As for 1/3, unless you've found something to support the idea that one can be evenly divided by three without a remainder, then my original statement still stands true. In the universe we live in, with the laws of physics we are bound to, one divided by three produces a remainder. If you want to claim otherwise, you need to show evidence, not just form a group pile and keep repeating the same idiocy. Frankly, I think it shows what lack of imagination you have, that after all this time, that is the only thing you can think to say to me.

Far be it from me to interrupt your subversion and distortions, you have proven in this very thread, you really have nothing to stand on. Instead of talking about the subject or trying to have a civilized debate, you seek to grab onto some bullshit from the past and hurl your stupid shit at me. You know, it is getting old, not just with me, but with America in general. We are growing weary of your stalling, obfuscation, and distortion of the truth. We are tired of hearing the same old Bush-Bashing Bullshit and 30-year-old rhetoric about your liberal socialist utopian dreams. The American people deserve some answers, are you going to provide them, or just continue to hurl insult after insult at people who disagree with you?
Well, last I checked, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and Harry Reid was Senate Majority Leader. Is this not the case? I know it has been the past two years, and before that, it was Democrat after what'shisname "switched" to an independent and gave the Dems the majority. That was in 2005, so it's been 3 years, and by the end of this election cycle, 4 years.

As for 1/3, unless you've found something to support the idea that one can be evenly divided by three without a remainder, then my original statement still stands true. In the universe we live in, with the laws of physics we are bound to, one divided by three produces a remainder. If you want to claim otherwise, you need to show evidence, not just form a group pile and keep repeating the same idiocy. Frankly, I think it shows what lack of imagination you have, that after all this time, that is the only thing you can think to say to me.

Far be it from me to interrupt your subversion and distortions, you have proven in this very thread, you really have nothing to stand on. Instead of talking about the subject or trying to have a civilized debate, you seek to grab onto some bullshit from the past and hurl your stupid shit at me. You know, it is getting old, not just with me, but with America in general. We are growing weary of your stalling, obfuscation, and distortion of the truth. We are tired of hearing the same old Bush-Bashing Bullshit and 30-year-old rhetoric about your liberal socialist utopian dreams. The American people deserve some answers, are you going to provide them, or just continue to hurl insult after insult at people who disagree with you?

Dixie, I'm relatively new to this board so I wasn't here when you were posting before but have heard your name mentioned quite a bit. I hope you stick around and continue posting as whether people agree with you or not the level of discussion seems to be elevated, imo, when you are here.

As far as how the long the Democrats have been in control at the end of Bush's term they will have been in charge of Congress the past two years. I believe it was in June of 2001 that Tom Daschle and the Democrats took over the Senate when Jim Jeffords switched parties. So I think the Dems controlled the Senate for 18 months or so at that point until Jan. 2003. The Republicans controlled the House until the beggining of 2007.
Well, last I checked, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and Harry Reid was Senate Majority Leader. Is this not the case? I know it has been the past two years, and before that, it was Democrat after what'shisname "switched" to an independent and gave the Dems the majority. That was in 2005, so it's been 3 years, and by the end of this election cycle, 4 years.

As for 1/3, unless you've found something to support the idea that one can be evenly divided by three without a remainder, then my original statement still stands true. In the universe we live in, with the laws of physics we are bound to, one divided by three produces a remainder. If you want to claim otherwise, you need to show evidence, not just form a group pile and keep repeating the same idiocy. Frankly, I think it shows what lack of imagination you have, that after all this time, that is the only thing you can think to say to me.

Far be it from me to interrupt your subversion and distortions, you have proven in this very thread, you really have nothing to stand on. Instead of talking about the subject or trying to have a civilized debate, you seek to grab onto some bullshit from the past and hurl your stupid shit at me. You know, it is getting old, not just with me, but with America in general. We are growing weary of your stalling, obfuscation, and distortion of the truth. We are tired of hearing the same old Bush-Bashing Bullshit and 30-year-old rhetoric about your liberal socialist utopian dreams. The American people deserve some answers, are you going to provide them, or just continue to hurl insult after insult at people who disagree with you?

Dixie please explain how the Democratic Congress would override a veto, or shut down a fillerbuster? I'd appreciate it if you would show your math, since I suck at math. Thank you.
Dixie, I'm relatively new to this board so I wasn't here when you were posting before but have heard your name mentioned quite a bit. I hope you stick around and continue posting as whether people agree with you or not the level of discussion seems to be elevated, imo, when you are here.

As far as how the long the Democrats have been in control at the end of Bush's term they will have been in charge of Congress the past two years. I believe it was in June of 2001 that Tom Daschle and the Democrats took over the Senate when Jim Jeffords switched parties. So I think the Dems controlled the Senate for 18 months or so at that point until Jan. 2003. The Republicans controlled the House until the beggining of 2007.

Cawacko, if you don't want to wait for Dixie to come along and elevate this discussion, feel free to start scribbling and show your own math. Thank you.
You know, I liked it better when I was on your ignore list..
I'm not your lapdog, go research it yourself.

In other words, you don't have a clue what the fuck you're talking about.

Marxism probably wasn't covered in your GED studies.
"We are growing weary of your stalling, obfuscation, and distortion of the truth. We are tired of hearing the same old Bush-Bashing Bullshit and 30-year-old rhetoric about your liberal socialist utopian dreams. "

Oh,man - I just love it when Dix speaks for "the American people." Just like he did prior to 2006 and told us we Dems would pay the price for our years of obstruction & thwarting Bush in his noble effort to change the world.

Dixie - the American people are tired alright; they are tired of Bush & the GOP. Have you caught any polls? Have you caught any of the special elections in heavily red districts that Dems have been winning? Have you caught the 2-1 turnout for Dem primaries compared to Republican primaries?

I do agree that Americans deserve answers. They deserve answers for why 4,000 young soldiers are dead, and 30,000 are maimed. They deserve answers for why they are less safe after spending close to a trillion. They deserve answer as to why our standing in the world has declined, why they aren't keeping up with the cost of living, and why they are paying $4.00 a gallon for gas.

Get ready for a good ol' fashioned ass-whooping this fall, Dix. The "people" who you speak for are going to surprise you.
Oh - and Democrats have "controlled Congress" for exactly 1 year, 4 months and 16 days. I guess that's kind of close to 4 years, if you're using geological time.
Cawacko, if you don't want to wait for Dixie to come along and elevate this discussion, feel free to start scribbling and show your own math. Thank you.

I'm not very good at math but what math are we discussing?
Now you want us all to think that Grorge bush talking about "hope and change" was different than Obama's talking about "hope and change" but you fail to show us how it is any different, other than to say you don't see it. We didn't expect you to see it, you are too drenched in Kool-Aid to be objective.

Ohh the Irony of if all....