Same Old Message of Change and Hope

You are actually, very amazingly, I might add, getting close to the TRUTH! *GASP*

The problem is, liberating Iraq was the right thing to do. It's not Vietnam, nothing like it. It's not even technically a real war, we have no opposing army or nation, just a hodgepodge of terrorist misfits from Iran, who don't want to see democracy in Iraq. Now, some Americans don't like the war, some think there were other things we could have done, some think we shouldn't have taken out Saddam, some think there were more important things we should have done, but a vast and overwhelming majority of Americans, whether they agree with the war in Iraq or not, realize and understand, it was the right thing to do.

No on "likes" this war, or any war! I hate that our boys are dying over there, I hate that we had to spill one drop of blood to eradicate the scum-sucking terrorists, but it was the right thing to do, and it needed to be done. I hate that it is taking so long, I wish we could have done it without any loss of life and in a matter of a few days, but it's still the right thing to do. You have failed at convincing Americans this is just like Vietnam, most of them are well aware of the differences. Yes, Anti-War America, the rest of us don't agree with you about Iraq, and we never will, and that is a problem for you.

"No on "likes" this war, or any war! I hate that our boys are dying over there, I hate that we had to spill one drop of blood to eradicate the scum-sucking terrorists, but it was the right thing to do, and it needed to be done."

You and Superfreak swapping notes on the whole war was "inevitable" thing?

My point about politicians, is that they generally only do shit when their jobs are in jeopardy. And while 70% of americans at large aren't into this war, precious few are investing any time or effort to let their numbskull politicians that they will be fired if they don't get us out. And certainly, I could probably count on one hand the number of republican voters who have lifted a finger to end this war.

Its apathy.
Timeline legislation was passed by a majority of reps in the Senate & House.

It was vetoed by Bush, who doesn't have to worry about re-election.

Stick that in your delusional pipe & smoke it. I hope you choke on it, frankly.

Give me a break! For the first 6 years of his Administration, he thought the Veto Pen belonged to some Italian gangster, and he best leave it alone!

It barely passed, and frankly, many politicians had to go against the will of their constituents to support it. Some of them actually didn't support it as much as they just managed to be out when the vote was cast, so they didn't have to take a position. Timeline legislation also represents the liberals last chance at anything remotely close to ending the war. This comes after everything else has failed. Effort after effort to get something done about the "awful war" that 2/3 of America is supposedly in opposition to, has gone down in flames. This was your last ditch effort to eek out anything close to a "victory" for the anti-war crowd.

The biggest joke is, the fact that Congress spent time constructing meaningless legislation. The Bush Administration is not going to abide by any timeline set by Congress. Especially if Bush figures out what the Executive Order Pen is for.
You and Superfreak swapping notes on the whole war was "inevitable" thing?

No idea what you are talking about, but I do think the whole war was inevitable. Saddam wasn't going to change who he was. We were never going to be able to trust him, or know that he wasn't dealing with our enemies, or conspiring to bring us down. He wasn't going to cooperate with the United Nations or mandates from the World Court, or any one else, he was a tyrant dictator. So... yes, inevitably, those people have to be taken out sooner or later. History has been very clear on this.

My point about politicians, is that they generally only do shit when their jobs are in jeopardy. And while 70% of americans at large aren't into this war, precious few are investing any time or effort to let their numbskull politicians that they will be fired if they don't get us out. And certainly, I could probably count on one hand the number of republican voters who have lifted a finger to end this war.

Its apathy.

My point is, what politician in his right mind, would be in favor of something that 66% of his constituents were opposed to? Yeah, maybe one or two idiots somewhere might be that far out of touch with who he/she represents, but an overwhelming majority of Congress? I don't buy that! These are POLITICIANS! Their CAREER is to get re-elected! If 66% of their constituents wanted them to wear chicken feathers and run up and down Pennsylvania Avenue clucking like a chicken, they would do it to get re-elected! I find it hard to believe that 66% of America is opposed to the war, because Congress still has us in it.

Now, you want to say it is because the Anti-War bunch are tepid, not letting their voices be heard... I don't buy that either, but IF that is the case, what does that tell you? It tells me that they know in their heart of hearts, liberating the people of Iraq from Saddam Hussein, was the right thing to do.
Liberating perhaps upwards of 1 million Iraqi of their Lives was the thing to do ?
Trashing their infrastructure ?

Liberating perhaps upwards of 1 million Iraqi of their Lives was the thing to do ?
Trashing their infrastructure ?


No, freeing upward of 50 million Iraqi's who would otherwise be subject to brutal torture and death under the fist of a tyrant dictator. Liberating upward of 25 million Iraqi women by allowing them a voice in the political process. Liberating the education system from the Baath/Saddam regime and their perverted propaganda. Giving the people of Iraq some chance at a future.

Saving the lives of millions who would have been put to death under Saddam. Potentially saving millions of American lives from the dangers of alQaeda with WMD's or nukes. It's all the right thing to do, and you know it.

Things get broken in war, that is one of the ramifications of it. Infrastructure can be replaced, Iraqi people can't be. You can whine about the innocent Iraqi's we've killed, but how many of them would have met the same fate under Saddam in the same period? My guess is, many of them, and many more. It is unfortunate that innocent people had to lose their life, but it doesn't outweigh the importance of the lives saved.
No, freeing upward of 50 million Iraqi's who would otherwise be subject to brutal torture and death under the fist of a tyrant dictator.

Now, seriously, Hussein was certainly a strongman, but he didn't torture and kill 50 million people. That's a bit of an exaggeration.
"You can whine about the innocent Iraqi's we've killed"

What a miserable fucking person you are. Delusional, and miserable.
Did you "care" about the innocent people killed in the Sudan when BJ Clinton bombed an asiprin factory?

Did you shed crocodile tears for the "collateral damage" when the Liemeister bombed Kosovo?

Did snot run down your chin the day Clinton sent missiles into an Afghan hillside?

Seems to me your tear ducts only function when the CIC of American forces has an "R" after his name.

What a hypocrite you are.
Did you "care" about the innocent people killed in the Sudan when BJ Clinton bombed an asiprin factory?

Did you shed crocodile tears for the "collateral damage" when the Liemeister bombed Kosovo?

Did snot run down your chin the day Clinton sent missiles into an Afghan hillside?

Seems to me your tear ducts only function when the CIC of American forces has an "R" after his name.

What a hypocrite you are.

I was against all of those.

How stupid do you feel now? I hope very.