Say goodbye Iran

A sobering perspective:

1. Yahoo and his Lick'em party were toast prior to Oct. 7th, as the Israeli people were fed up with the corruption and attempts to extend executive power. Now with a decades long war looming, he and his boys aren't going anywhere .... especially with the thoughts of zionist imperialism dancing in their heads.

2. The Israeli people have screamed bloody murder as to how Yahoo's administration dropped the ball that made Oct. 7th possible DESPITE being forewarned by allies.

3. Yahoo's scorched earth policy regarding Gaza (and parts of the West Bank) has done more to jeopardize the return of the hostages. More to the point, it's not killing Hamas because that is an ideology. All it's doing is a form of genocide that just ignites sympathy in the Arab/Moslem world (those for and against groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

4. In his senatorial career, Uncle Joe is on record saying that if Israel didn't exist, the USA would have to create one to protect and promote our "vested interests" in that region. So any BS admonishments and chastisements from him and Harris are just rhetoric, because those weapons keep shipping and those checks keep clearing.

5. Iran can fight back and our hold on Iraq is tentative at best. Also, as one does not trust reports from terrorists groups and Iran, one should not trust reports from Israel and the US Secty of State/foreign affairs.

6. We've already started shipping troops to the region. I wonder will the American people tolerate another "back door draft" as was done during Iraq & Afghanistan?
Congrats, Tacky.
You got a thumbs up from the jihadist moon.
Undeniable facts tend to elicit that reaction from zionists and their supporters.
You're trying, Tacky, to imagine a "right and wrong" dynamic
in an "us and them" paradigm.

The planet isn't big enough for Israelis and Palestinians both.
This isn't the feeling of one party.
This is the feeling of BOTH.
This is an existential conflict
where the genocide of one is honestly the only acceptable solution to the other.

Don't go on a fool's errand looking for a "good guy" here.

We've each chosen for for ourselves
which bad guy is "us"
and which bad guy is "them."

We've made different choices, that's all.

Looking at that ugly ass "Freedom Tower" in Manhattan
where the majestic Twin Towers used to stand
is more than sufficient reminder to me
how I feel about Islamic Jihadists of any Middle Eastern nationality or Muslim denomination.
Looking at that ugly ass "Freedom Tower" in Manhattan
where the majestic Twin Towers used to stand
is more than sufficient reminder to me
The twin towers demolition didn't happen in a vacuum. It wasn't an unprovoked attack.
Your bitterness at its success has eradicated its roots from your mind.
Accept the US guilt for blindly supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine- for its own strategic gains.
The twin towers demolition didn't happen in a vacuum. It wasn't an unprovoked attack.
Your bitterness at its success has eradicated its roots from your mind.
Accept the US guilt for blindly supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine- for its own strategic gains.
Do you honestly think that I give a fuck?

You're subhuman trash to me,
and I'm sure that you feel the same about me.

Some people weren't destined to get along.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has no good guy,
and I've chosen which bad guy I'd rather see survive
based on my own better interest.

Jews haven't attacked America yet.
Jews haven't attacked America yet.
Sure they have. But we're talking about Zionists, not Jews per se.

Further, the LAW clearly states that the Zionists are the bad guys. Those that are attacked and occupied can never be the villains.

" Subhuman trash " eh ? OK, nibbles- if you insist upon bringing me into your bile-strewn rhetoric - as you have, above- then you're going to be experiencing a great deal more of me. Best put me out of your mind.
You're trying, Tacky, to imagine a "right and wrong" dynamic
in an "us and them" paradigm.

The planet isn't big enough for Israelis and Palestinians both.
This isn't the feeling of one party.
This is the feeling of BOTH.
This is an existential conflict
where the genocide of one is honestly the only acceptable solution to the other.

Don't go on a fool's errand looking for a "good guy" here.

We've each chosen for for ourselves
which bad guy is "us"
and which bad guy is "them."

We've made different choices, that's all.

Looking at that ugly ass "Freedom Tower" in Manhattan
where the majestic Twin Towers used to stand
is more than sufficient reminder to me
how I feel about Islamic Jihadists of any Middle Eastern nationality or Muslim denomination.
Cut the BS and prove anything I said was false.
Cut the BS and prove anything I said was false.
It's not a matter of being true or false, Tacky.
It's a matter of not mattering. There's no relevance in any of that.

It is what it is--an inevitable war of genocide--exactly what both sides want.
What it should be or what we'd like it to be is not happening.

We've each chosen sides.
That's the issue here.
It's not a matter of being true or false, Tacky.
It's a matter of not mattering. There's no relevance in any of that.

It is what it is--an inevitable war of genocide--exactly what both sides want.
What it should be or what we'd like it to be is not happening.

We've each chosen sides.
That's the issue here.


My problem here is that my country has committed itself to one side of the fray regardless of who does what .... and that has meant allowing Israel to have nukes, sending near countless billion$ over the decades, and run an apartheid situation with encroaching boundaries (i.e., illegal "settlements").

I keep wondering ... what if Israel cut the crap with the apartheid number on the Palestinians while at the same time using US dollars to make damned sure the borders were secure? The neighboring states with radical idealism would have much less of a case if the Palestinians said, "hey, we can live with this no problem!"
The Israeli Jews have, in their US-buoyed arrogance, mired themselves in the insoluble- a ' democratic Jewish state '. 25% of Israelis are not Jewish . As early as 1948 Truman, in recognizing Israel, accepted a ' State of Israel ' and crossed out ' Jewish '. Since then the Jews have striven to have Israel recognized as ' Jewish ' when it is not. Jews are simply a majority in a mixed population. This has led to apartheid, ' hafrada ' , the mistreatment of non-Jews , the continuation of the Zionist ethnic cleansing program and war after war- funded by US Zionists.
One solution would be to force the Israelis out of the Palestinian state and back into Israel, let them turn it into a Jewish supremacist state and then wall the brutal fuckers in.
Another solution would be to allow them to clear Palestine of Palestinians and announce the ' Greater Israel' that their sick leadership has been working towards for decades. That's the solution that the Zionist Jews want- backed by Christian Zionists in the US. That's why the US has designated the indigenous people of Palestine and those that support them in law as ' terrorists ' and convinced US citizens that the invading Jews are the ' good guys '.
So the United States is the problem. It is continuing to support Zionist Jewish insanity and violence in the face of the very international laws that it created itself in 1947 and after, along with the other victorious allies of WW2. For the Israeli problem to be solved- and it is an Israeli problem, not a Palestinian problem- the US must change. Trump isn't the answer, quite the opposite. Who knows what Harris might offer once she's free of Genocide Joe.
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The Israeli Jews have, in their US-buoyed arrogance, mired themselves in the insoluble- a ' democratic Jewish state '. 25% of Israelis are not Jewish . As early as 1948 Truman, in recognizing Israel, accepted a ' State of Israel ' and crossed out ' Jewish '. Since then the Jews have striven to have Israel recognized as ' Jewish ' when it is not. Jews are simply a majority in a mixed population. This has led to apartheid, ' hafrada ' , the mistreatment of non-Jews , the continuation of the Zionist ethnic cleansing program and war after war- funded by US Zionists.
One solution would be to force the Israelis out of the Palestinian state and back into Israel, let them turn it into a Jewish supremacist state and then wall the brutal fuckers in.
Another solution would be to allow them to clear Palestine of Palestinians and announce the ' Greater Israel' that their sick leadership has been working towards for decades. That's the solution that the Zionist Jews want- backed by Christian Zionists in the US. That's why the US has designated the indigenous people of Palestine and those that support them in law as ' terrorists ' and convinced US citizens that the invading Jews are the ' good guys '.
So the United States is the problem. It is continuing to support Zionist Jewish insanity and violence in the face of the very international laws that it created itself in 1947 and after, along with the other victorious allies of WW2. For the Israeli problem to be solved- and it is an Israeli problem, not a Palestinian problem- the US must change. Trump isn't the answer, quite the opposite. Who knows what Harris might offer once she's free of Genocide Joe.
The collapsing West is not interested in solutions, only in excuses to take their brutality out for another walk.
People with balls, Tacky, cannot straddle a fence very long.
Too uncomfortable.
I have balls.
I've taken a side.

You have too.
You've sided with the jihadists who hate us.
Only you try to justify it with YOUR bullshit and your righteous indignation..
Maybe it's some kind of black grievance thing; I have no way of knowing.

I don't believe in measured responses.
Somebody fucks with you, it's on.
October 7th happened.
Now consequences are happing.

If I thought like you, I'd wear a skirt.
October 7th WAS a consequence. The previous Jewish atrocities against Palestinians are being deliberately ignored now- as they were then- by repugnant philosemites who revel in the murder of 22,000 children along with 20,000 other indigenous Palestinians, predominantly women.