School shooting reported in Nevada

Another example of how gun laws do not prevent a determined nut job from getting weapons to commit their crimes.

But I am sure the brain dead low information Democrat dimwits will continue to demand MORE laws in the lunatic belief that taking weapons out of the hands of the law abiding will prevent crimes.
Yeah no way any of the 10,000 gun murders is due to too much access!

Murder: a criminal act involving the intent to kill

Hmmmmm, that definition doesn't include 'gun.' People intending to commit crimes and murder will still do so without them. Not only that, if you take the law-abiding people's guns away, ONLY the criminals will have them (cliche maybe, but true). You wont get rid of the guns, but you'll leave them all in the hands of the criminals.

Ben Franklin.jpg
So you are stating there isn't blood in the streets, and adults control themselves?.......

This wasn't about gunning down students in a rage. It was more about America today and seeing so many gun people down for no reason, even "peeing on property"

My position was that people who C&C like me can make mistakes and what happens when that happens in a School if a teacher does. We know it can happen because a Republican fighting for that right made the mistake!

It's a discussion to be had in my opinion. The idiots think there should be no discussion.

"Can make mistakes?" Why dont you just stay in bed in the morning?

More kids are probably killed being DRIVEN or walking to school every yr than shot in schools. People make 'mistakes' with their cars constantly and injure and kill. Everyday, all the time.
His own parents could NOT keep this gun from him?


Why do parents beat their kids? Why do parents not watch what their kids do online? How do parents not know their kid is being bullied to death?

Unfortunately, you cant control who has kids...and you cant control what kind of parents they'll be. It's called free will and liberty. Please see my sig.
he was ONLY capable of killing because he had access to a gun

What? He could have set the school on fire, he could have stabbed kids, he could have used a baseball bat....there are a million ways to kill.

Apparently you never saw Carrie.
What? He could have set the school on fire, he could have stabbed kids, he could have used a baseball bat....there are a million ways to kill.

Apparently you never saw Carrie.

and he would have been stopped by that teacher who had marine training
and now you admit that marine could have done it IF the kid didn't have a gun.

the parents who allowed him access to the gun should have WHAT done to them?
and he would have been stopped by that teacher who had marine training

You just proved my point...lololol

NOTHING will stop these people if they are truly motivated and it has nothing to do with guns.

Really? This one was like a little gift with my coffee this morning. Too bad I have to head to work.
and now you admit that marine could have done it IF the kid didn't have a gun. the parents who allowed him access to the gun should have WHAT done to them?

And if the ex-Marine was armed, it would have stopped the tragedy before any innocents were harmed.

Why do you hate innocent children, Desh?