School shooting reported in Nevada

what should happen to the parents who allowed him the weapon with which to kill a man?

Some states have laws that outline how guns should be controlled in the home so that minors cant get hold of them. Even if Nevada doesnt, they can and should be (IMO) held responsible just like they could be if their underage kid got their car keys and killed someone.

I'm all for taking every single thing, including the house, they own of parents who's kid texts and injures me....throw them all in jail too. There are devices that prevent that shit. And actual parenting.
Some states have laws that outline how guns should be controlled in the home so that minors cant get hold of them. Even if Nevada doesnt, they can and should be (IMO) held responsible just like they could be if their underage kid got their car keys and killed someone.

I'm all for taking every single thing, including the house, they own of parents who's kid texts and injures me....throw them all in jail too. There are devices that prevent that shit. And actual parenting.

oh they will be sued into bankrupty.

What should happen to them legally for allowing their son to get the weapon?
oh they will be sued into bankrupty.

What should happen to them legally for allowing their son to get the weapon?

Being sued sounds like legal to me. But the rest depends on their state's laws. Which I already wrote. I answered this question....dont waste my time.

I gotta leave for work.
Your time is pretty much wasted by yourself by clinging to historically failed ideas.
that is not my fault
I see the dullard class on JPP is blaming those darned guns and legal gun owners again. Should we be surprised that they really are THAT stupid? :rolleyes:
Imagine the outcome if this heroic teacher had been armed.

Landsberry walked toward the shooter on a playground basketball court after the first student was hit, saving lives, according to authorities.

"Mr. Landsberry's heroic actions, by stepping toward the shooter, allowed time for other students in the playground area to flee," Mieras said.
So what regulations do teachers have with a gun? None? Some? The 2A says "none" for teachers and criminals let out of jail. Is this smart?

Is there some rule that teachers should have a gun snapped in a gun vest? Because that's not in the 2A.

Is there some rule that teachers should have to pass a training course to absorb the knowledge of how to store a gun safely in school? Because that's not in the 2A.

Is there a rule that states a teacher can't hold their gun in their hand while teaching lessons? Because that's not in the 2A.

Seems the 2A is pretty vague and has room to be improved says most.
seeing how it carries the phrase 'shall not be infringed', vagueness is only in ideological perception and emotional need.
I know your confusion because the new Libertarian movement has a base of "I'm a good person and why punish me for the acts of others. I'm innocent until proven guilty". This is basic ignorance and Nihilism.
those evil founding bastards, full of ignorance and nihilism. scrap the constitution they wrote.
so under the law gun owners don't have ANY responsibility to secure their weapons?

Every state is different. Some have laws that pertain to locking up weapons in homes with kids, trigger locks, etc. There are alot of different laws. Specific laws or not tho, the parents can usually be held responsible and face penalties.