Science can't answer these questions

Darwinian biology and neuroscience provide no definitive answers for why Andrie Sakharov or Alexie Navalny risked their lives, risked their families, risked everything that was materially and financially important in their lives and to the welfare of their family

Did they do it from will, or is that how their sub-atomic particles just happened to randomly collide?
I'll never know. Maybe further evolved people will figure it out.
I've never seen a science textbook that prints the answers to the questions in the OP.

The observation that we have brains and conciousness does not provide an answer. It's just an observation, not an explanation.

Darwinian biology and neuroscience provide no definitive answers for why Andrie Sakharov or Alexie Navalny risked their lives, risked their families, risked everything that was materially and financially important in their lives and to the welfare of their family

They did that because they love facts and hate lies

The fact is mankind degenerates into madness and evil without honoring facts

1 of 2
plural faiths ˈfāths sometimes ˈfāt͟hz
Synonyms of faith
: allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY
lost faith in the company's president
: fidelity to one's promises
: sincerity of intentions
acted in good faith
: belief and trust in and loyalty to God
: belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
: firm belief in something for which there is no proof
clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return
: complete trust
: something that is believed especially with strong conviction
especially : a system of religious beliefs
the Protestant faith
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Synonyms of fact
: something that has actual existence
space exploration is now a fact
: an actual occurrence
prove the fact of damage
: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
These are the hard facts of the case.
: the quality of being actual : ACTUALITY
a question of fact hinges on evidence
: a thing done: such as
accessory after the fact
archaic : ACTION
obsolete : FEAT
They did that because they love facts and hate lies

The fact is mankind degenerates into madness and evil without honoring facts

Then they did it for purely subjective reasons of conscience, which are not explained or predicated by any law of science we have.

The problem is we don't have a science of human conscience yet, and there's no guarantee we ever will
Then they did it for purely subjective reasons of conscience, which are not explained or predicated by any law of science we have.

The problem is we don't have a science of human conscience yet, and there's no guarantee we ever will

Yes it is Cypress

Human brain function studies
It is fact that humans possess emotional connections to other living things

It’s been proven by scientific study

We need human contact to survive and be healthy and a satisfied by life

Other animals also display compassion and sacrifice for others

It’s a scientific FACT
To me it’s OBVIOUSLY a big reason that mankind has not killed it’s self off

Human connection and willingness to sacrifice for others Is a survival tactic
Did they do it from will, or is that how their sub-atomic particles just happened to randomly collide?
I'll never know. Maybe further evolved people will figure it out.

Correct. We don't know why, and we cannot explain this kind of subjective mental experience and decision-making by any science we have at this time.

The fact that the vast majority of humans would not make the decisions Navalny made is proof that he wasn't being driven by some inexorable law of biology or neuroscience as we understand it.

I, for one, am not shocked that humans do not know the answers to everything.
To me it’s OBVIOUSLY a big reason that mankind has not killed it’s self off

Human connection and willingness to sacrifice for others Is a survival tactic
Correct. We don't know why, and we cannot explain this kind of subjective mental experience and decision-making by any science we have at this time.

I, for one, am not shocked that humans do not know the answers to everything.

Science knows about emotions

Why are you pretending they don’t?
When your offspring require YEARS to mature

You need to have deep emotional connections to other humans

If we had none

Mankind could have NEVER developed in the first place
We could not exist if it were not for our ability to possess deep love for other beings

It’s fact

As well as beautiful
Science knows about emotions

Why are you pretending they don’t?

Knowing that emotions exist is not an answer to the questions in the OP.

Paleolithic cave people knew there was a force that caused apples to fall from trees, but that is not an explanation of gravity.

The fact that we know humans have brains and emotions is not an answer to the questions.

Cognitive Psychology Explores Our Mental Processes

Understanding Brain Science and Cognitive Psychology
The human brain is an amazing and powerful tool. It allows us to learn, see, remember, hear, perceive, understand and create language. Sometimes, the human brain also fails us.
Cognitive psychologists study how people acquire, perceive, process and store information. This work can range from exploring how we learn language to understanding the interplay between cognition and emotion.

Yes it is

Psychology is not science. There is no falsifiable theory of human behavior.