So, you double down and show us you don't know what an "inversion fallacy"--I assume you either mean
Denying the Antecedent, or
Confusion of the inverse, likely the former--is.
I didn't ignore them, it's simply that you don't know how to use them.
A Carnot Heat Engine is an idealized thermal cycle used to analyze heat engines in general, whether they are reciprocating, turbine, steam, gasoline, or whatever. It is a paper exercise not an actual tangible thing.
Stefan-Boltzmann is based on the use of black bodies and thermal output. Albedo defines the relative amount of absorption to reflection of a body.
This is one of the most asinine things I've read in at least a week. One can measure, accurately, the temperature of a surface by the light given off by it. Optical pyrometers, as an example, use this method to accurately measure temperatures on a surface remotely.
Ideal for high-temperature applications in metal, ceramics, or glass industries, the CT series offers robust design, allowing temperatures up to 250°C without extra cooling. Say goodbye to excessive mechanical installation costs.
This Article Discusses an Overview of an Optical Pyrometer, Construction, Working Principle, Advantages, Disadvantages and its Application
What you are claiming is utterly uniformed and downright stupid.
So, now you try to obfuscate the discussion by bringing in Wien's. Why not Planck too? Name dropping doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. All of this comes back to temperature can be measured at a distance accurately, like from space. The temperature of the Earth can be accurately estimated for an average overall one.