I stated that the Earth's temperature is changing.
You should have stated that your WACKY religious dogma obligates you to believe that the earth's temperature is changing. Of course, you have no rational basis for why any rational adult should also believe it.
Why is open to question and research.
Nope. Why you believe the earth's average global equilibrium temperature is changing is a psychological case study. You have no rational basis for such a belief.
I clearly, and repeatedly stated, that I doubt it is due to anthropogenic CO2.
I notice your qualification "anthropogenic" of the type of CO2 in question, as though CO2 molecules come with little XML tags denoting their source of origin. Too funny.
CO2 is CO2. There is no difference. Your position is that CO2 is using its magical superpower to defy thermodynamics to specifically increase earth's average global equilibrium temperature, and you believe this because your thought-masters have ordered you to believe it. You subsequently found some disinformation on the internet, written by fellow members of your congregation, that corroborates what you have been ordered to believe, and you naturally presumed that it was all true ... specifically because it was on the internet.
I'll add, that I further question if it is due to changes in CO2 levels from all causes.
No, you don't "question" this whatsoever, because if you were to do so, you would be openly admitting that you have absolutely no reason for the WACKY beliefs that you have.
That doesn't even make sense. Can you get someone to translate that from gibberish to English?
That's what I say about all of your posts.
You don't understand what I wrote because you are mathematically incompetent. I can't help you there. I will mention, however, that you claim a change in temperature, and you can only claim that after having "subtracted" one temperature from another and realized a non-zero result. Actually, nevermind, it is not my intention to force you to suddenly learn math that is several grades above your level. Just know that nobody knows the earth's temperature to any usable accuracy, and that no one can therefore know if the earth's temperature is changing to any usable accuracy.
This is where you emphatically assert, as all warmizombies do, that of course NASA knows the earth's temperature because ... ummmm .... because, uh, ... satellites!
Once you officially make that claim, the fun begins.
I know the planet's climate changes over time. That's clearly demonstrable.
There is no such thing as a global/planetary climate, so no, you don't "know" that this nonexistent thing somehow changes. A "global climate" is just WACKY religious doctrine that you similarly cannot unambiguously define for scientific scrutiny, and no, you cannot somehow "demonstrate" it. You should be embarrased that you actually fell for the disinformation without calling booooolsch't.
Albedo is a well understood scientific principle.
Too funny. "Albedo" is a term for a quantity, it is not a "principle."
Emissivity is the efficiency of a body. "Albedo" is therefore simply the extent to which the body is not efficient. It is not needed and hence, is not included in black body science, but is used by scientifically illiterate morons who only know how to regurgitate what they have been ordered to believe.
Emissivity is related to albedo when the energy being transferred to a body is external to that body.
All energy being transferred to a body is initially external to the body. You aren't making a very good showing.
Anyway, no. Emissivity is the quantity of importance.
Only a complete scientific illiterate would state "Albedo doesn't even exist."
"Albedo" doesn't exist in black body science. Only completely scientifically illiterate morons think that "albedo" somehow replaced emissivity.
This is just dissembling in the form of an equivocation fallacy.
Nope. You are required to define all of your terms, or your argument is discarded.
Your argument is discarded.
Now you try a demand for more proof fallacy also known as argument from ignorance.
Nope. You have not stated any problem. You can't jump right to discussing "solutions" for which there is no problem without having your argument summarily dismissed.
So ... why don't you begin by explaining why you believe the WACKY
Climate Change shit that you worship? Why don't you state this "problem" that you claim needs a solution? Is it because you are fully aware that you are the only one who can "see" your religious spirits and demons?