You are not unlike IBDamann. You don't understand the science either.
Uh huh.
I can tell this because when I asked you to support your many claims about climate
I know you are ignorant because you can't recognize an argument when you see it. If you did go through university all you learned is how to repeat the right buzzword at the right time.
Like a parrot.
I've seen parrots get through university these days, standards have really fallen; but it doesn't really matter whether you're lying and ignorant or just ignorant.
the BEST you could do was pull up a wikipedia article telling people what an isotope is.
You also can't tell when you're being mocked. You don't know what scientific debate is, you appear to have the notion of a misguided highschooler that a scientific argument is finding an assertion in a published document and repeating it.
If I relied only on the existence and nature of isotopes, ratios, etc... things that you claim to understand already, to make my argument then what citation is needed?
The correct answer is: None
Your answer is: Something! because I have no idea how to do logic or I don't want to attack an argument I know I can't debunk so I'll pretend
SOrry, but it's also quite clear you are equally uneducated.
What I DON'T understand about you guys is why you seem INCAPABLE of understanding the topic EVEN WHEN IT IS EXPLAINED TO YOU AS STRAIGHTFORWARDLY as one can and also with actual REFERENCES.
Right back at you
No, you are happy with your "opinion" and all you do is mock those who clearly actually understand the topic.
Well you're right about the mocking. When you are as willfully ignorant as you appear you shouldn't project your flaws onto others. It makes them want to mock you.
I can tell with about 99.999999999999999% accuracy that the last real science class you took was in high school.
Got a reference? (lol)
Since then you've never set foot in a lab, never read anything about science. This is why the ONLY things you guys can actually cite are NEWSPAPER stories or POP-SCI articles. You NEVER seem to read the real science. From the REAL EXPERTS. Because it's complex and you don't understand it.
You're pretty ashamed about that aren't you? Why pretend then?
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen when I say: NO ONE IS FOOLED INTO THINKING YOU ACTUALLY KNOW ANY SCIENCE. You might be able to fool other non-scientists because you found the word "bicarbonate" and you stick to it like it is the only carbonate in the ocean.
Hey did you figure out the difference between the
process of fractionation and the
state of isotope abundance? I can give you some wikipedia links again.
I know, like I said it's very disappointing that there are so many pretenders on this site. I was most looking forward to science debates and here are all you brain-dead squawkers more interested in each other than learning anything.