Science Humor

The only thing I hated more than math was English. And look at me now, a fucking grammer nazi.


Shit, I just realized you were talking to Waterdork about the college level math stuffs. I've noticed with a lot of adults, though, that they hated history when they were young and in high school, and now they find it awesome and find time to study it.
Honestly, I feel so much dumber than my father, who passed calculus and physics with straight A's without notes on his calculator and without study guides, and I barely made B's. He was by far the best student at the community college.

Oh that was funny Watermark. It was like saying your father is the richest man in the trailerpark! LOL LOL LOL

I can't believe you'd burn your own father like that! LOL
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Well I can tell you never spent any time in the micro/molecular biology lab!
Yeah, but I have seen them out on "dates"...

Here's one now!


Oh that was funny Watermark. It was like saying your father is the richest man in the trailerpark! LOL LOL LOL

I can't believe you'd burn your own father like that! LOL

The CC's in Mississippi actually accept a lot of very bright students. The main point of it is to transfer to another college. If he were going for an associates degree you'd have a point.
A scientist is home with his wife when he yells from the bedroom "Honey come look at this clock!"

She walks in to find him only in his lab coat, unbottoned, with an erection pointing out of the lab coat. She says "That's not a clock!"

He says "It will be when you put your two hands and a face on it!"
The CC's in Mississippi actually accept a lot of very bright students. The main point of it is to transfer to another college. If he were going for an associates degree you'd have a point.
Oh I know. I got my start at a branch campus to the local State U but I still thought it was a great burn! LOL
I hated graphing paper, because I could never draw a parabula for shit.

Your spelling isn't much better.

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