Science Is Libertarian

I draw no real distinction between Rothbard and Friedman. They both want to blame the fed and take the blame away from the failure of American business. And they're both being proven wrong by the recent near depression which was averted by Obama's quick actions.

Technically you are right about SS forum being less than 10 years old. But in reality it was a continuation of Wanniski's Talk Shop and the participants were the same group of about a dozen people with an occasional newcomer that came and usually didn't stay. Name me five of the participants and show me that 'you' know what you're talking about. Five that went back to talk shop.

Libertarianism is about 89% based on greed, as is Friedman's whole philosophy and as he freely admitted. It is nothing more than a clever device used to reconcile keeping all your money and avoid paying taxes. Supplyside economics is about the same thing only it's even more transparent in that it relies on the Laffer curve to justify only the supplysiders keeping all their money while the underclasses pay the burden of keeping the gov solvent.
The other 10% of libertarians are angry racists who found a convenient excuse to hate the poor. The racist that you freely admit are a part of the makeup. And the other 1% or so could actually be true believers in the libertarian fantasy world. Some undoubtedly would be flat earthers too.

Ron Paul is a libertarian inasmuch as he uses the libertarian label to reconcile his politics of greed. His racist rantings for which he was smacked down are consistent with his politics of greed because without the poor in the black community the problem would be at least surmountable for his politics. It isn't.

Is there any true libertarian you wouldn't try to distance yourself from.

If you see no distinction between Friedman and Rothbard then you don't know what you are talking about and failed to absorb what you claim to have read or did not actually read it. I am guessing the latter.

I did not admit anything. Your claims of knowing the detailed demographics of libertarians is nothing more baseless horseshit and ad hom.

You are nothing but a troll and you will be joining my ignore list soon.
If you see no distinction between Friedman and Rothbard then you don't know what you are talking about and failed to absorb what you claim to have read or did not actually read it. I am guessing the latter.

I did not admit anything. Your claims of knowing the detailed demographics of libertarians is nothing more baseless horseshit and ad hom.

You are nothing but a troll and you will be joining my ignore list soon.

Ignore works for me Baxter. It's a onesided thing where the one ignoring loses the ability to state his case. So run away when you're ready.

And the talkshop participants were? Or let's make it easier for you. The main ss forum participants were?

No, of course you don't know, because as stated on this forum by others you are a phony libertarian wannabe. And besides that, PMP is kicking your ass on that topic too.
Ignore works for me Baxter. It's a onesided thing where the one ignoring loses the ability to state his case. So run away when you're ready.

And the talkshop participants were? Or let's make it easier for you. The main ss forum participants were?

No, of course you don't know, because as stated on this forum by others you are a phony libertarian wannabe. And besides that, PMP is kicking your ass on that topic too.

Pmp does nothing but trip over his own feet and then tries to scurry away from his embarrassment. You are so incredibly stupid you buy into his bs or you are not what you claim. Again, I am guessing the latter.

You have made no case about how I diverge from libertarianism or any other topic. You seem to be using that as an insult which makes little sense considering your ignorant definition of libertarianism. But then it does make sense because you are loser troll.
Pmp does nothing but trip over his own feet and then tries to scurry away from his embarrassment. You are so incredibly stupid you buy into his bs or you are not what you claim. Again, I am guessing the latter.

I don't buy into PMP's ideas but I do use him to pester you. And you're all in for it too! I wonder how long I can keep you going?

You have made no case about how I diverge from libertarianism or any other topic. You seem to be using that as an insult which makes little sense considering your ignorant definition of libertarianism. But then it does make sense because you are loser troll.

You have made no case for backing your claim that you 'are' a libertarian. People who claim to be libertarians are insulting others who understand that libertarian ideas are nothing more than 'pie in the sky' bullshit with a dishonest motive. As I said, it's mostly an excuse to dodge paying taxes. Everything they tout is with the intention of forwarding that wet dream.

You don't know anything about ss forum or talkshop do you. You googled the site and somhow found the date it was started by Robert Churchill. Do you at least know the three sections of which it was comprised? No, of course not.

Tell me a little about your libertarian philosophy. I'll explain how everything you say is motivated by your ambition of not having to pay your taxes.
Baxter runs away. Proving that he is completely incapable of putting his money where his mouth is. He is not a real libertarian but hides behind the supposed agenda purely for selfish reasons of not wanting to pay taxes. Typical of all libertarians who always claim that nobody really understands their agenda but inevitably always run away when asked to explain it.

Phhhhtttt! A waste of time albeit a small waste because it didn't take more than an hour to send him packing.