science proves human effected GW

Overwhelming evidence shows it is real. 98 percent of scientists say it is real. I never understand why people deny it.
We should have cleaned up long ago. we should have ended fossil fuel use. If man's contribution to Global warming is real, we might be able to save the planet. If all those scientists are wrong and the science is incorrect, we would have a cleaner air, water and land. The only bad result comes from ignoring the problem.
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now what idiots

How stupid can you possibly be to post an article like this and claim it "proves" humans cause anything in it?

"Swart and his team used simulations based off historical data and recent observations. By removing contributing factors from their simulation, the researchers were able to pinpoint the the cause as being man-made greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion"

So basically the author of the article on the scientific article comes right out and admits the "researchers" started with a conclusion and fit the experiment to coincide with their conclusion. :doh:

Why don't you at least post a link to the actual study? It couldn't be worse than what the author wrote about the study.
Simulations are extremely complex , using enormous computing power. They are serious branches of science and technology. They require inputting tons of data collected over long times. Lots of science is done that way, so is economics and physics.
now what idiots
How stupid can you possibly be to post an article like this and claim it "proves" humans cause anything in it?
"Swart and his team used simulations based off historical data and recent observations. By removing contributing factors from their simulation, the researchers were able to pinpoint the the cause as being man-made greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion"

So basically the author of the article on the scientific article comes right out and admits the "researchers" started with a conclusion and fit the experiment to coincide with their conclusion. :doh:

Why don't you at least post a link to the actual study? It couldn't be worse than what the author wrote about the study.

How stupid can you possibly be to post an article like this and claim it "proves" humans cause anything in it?
"Swart and his team used simulations based off historical data and recent observations. By removing contributing factors from their simulation, the researchers were able to pinpoint the the cause as being man-made greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion"

So basically the author of the article on the scientific article comes right out and admits the "researchers" started with a conclusion and fit the experiment to coincide with their conclusion.

Why don't you at least post a link to the actual study? It couldn't be worse than what the author wrote about the study.
Wait, wait wait...this is the first time?

AlGore was wrong? The Science wasn't in?

Oh My Lord! They lied to us!

Of course, the science was in. That did not change. Man-made global warming is a terrible problem that the right will ignore. Gore showed the proof both in books and movies.
Of course, the science was in. That did not change. Man-made global warming is a terrible problem that the right will ignore. Gore showed the proof both in books and movies.

This message is hidden because Nordberg thinks Physics is a type of cheese.
These eugenicists have been lying about the environment for years.

'Man is causing global warming' is hate speech against all humanity.