Scotsman Joke

I don't frankly understand any of it. The two films you cited are total bullshit historically, overlong and full of Hollywood cliques. I suppose if Braveheart had been made in the 1970s they would have had Bert Reynolds play William Wallace, so we ought to be grateful for that at least.

William Wallace was part of the aristocracy.
That's nice, Tom, but I was talking about the "slimy aristocracy"; the Brits. :pke:
Wow you really do have poor reading skills. Here's a clue: "slimy" is an adjective, that modifies the noun "Limey".

Function: noun
Date: 14th century

: a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous languages and typically serving as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else

Well it is inspirational. Almost as good as The Patriot.

Come get some, you Limey BAHSTIDS. :)
That's another one where Gibson took liberties with history. He had to. The main character was hardly a sympathetic figure. By todays standards he would be considered a psychopath by any reasonable person.
I don't frankly understand any of it. The two films you cited are total bullshit historically, overlong and full of Hollywood cliques. I suppose if Braveheart had been made in the 1970s they would have had Bert Reynolds play William Wallace, so we ought to be grateful for that at least.
What the hell is wrong with Burt Reynolds? I think "Smokey and the Longshanks" would have been a great movie!!!
Dumass SM thinks "Brit" is English, but it actually means all Enlish, Scots, and Welsh.

In 2002 William Wallace was ranked #48 as one of the 100 Greatest Britons in an extensive UK poll conducted by the BBC.
What the hell is wrong with Burt Reynolds? I think "Smokey and the Longshanks" would have been a great movie!!!

Burt has an Irish Jig, not a Scottish one!

Another Scottish joke.

A visitor to an Aberdeen bar was surprised to find the beer only two pence a pint. The barman explained that it was the price to mark the centenary of the pub opening. The visitor noticed, however, that the bar was empty.

"Are the regular customers not enjoying the special prices?" he asked.

To which the barman replied "They're waiting for the Happy Hour". .
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I saw the end of Braveheart last night on the tube. Greatest movie ever made, you English bahstids.

1. No it wasn't.

2. It wasn't historically accurate.

3. The cry of "freedom" at the end was ridiculous, because there wasn't freedom any fucking where in europe at that time and the Scots weren't promising to bring it, only another goddamn king. If anything, they'd be worse off, since at that point in time England was the most liberal country in europe (outside of the republics), with the magna carta and all. A return to feudal Scottish rule probably would've been a step backwards, which is saying a lot in its sadness, but still.
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Dumass SM thinks "Brit" is English, but it actually means all Enlish, Scots, and Welsh.

In 2002 William Wallace was ranked #48 as one of the 100 Greatest Britons in an extensive UK poll conducted by the BBC.

It's funny but only today I was explaining to this guy from North Carolina, because he asked, what's the difference between the English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish etc. I pointed out that many people over here are confused as well, so he shouldn't feel bad about it.
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1. No it wasn't.

2. It wasn't historically accurate.

3. The cry of "freedom" at the end was ridiculous, because there wasn't freedom any fucking where in europe at that time and the Scots weren't promising to bring it, only another goddamn king. If anything, they'd be worse off, since at that point in time England was the most liberal country in europe (outside of the republics), with the magna carta and all. A return to feudal Scottish rule probably would've been a step backwards, which is saying a lot in its sadness, but still.

Unfortunately people like SM have no awareness of history outside of their own jaundiced view of the world. It is really astonishing that with all the resources available now, they are incapable of knowing anything outside their own comfortable bubble, sad but true nonetheless.
ZOMG Braveheart sucks because its not historically accurate!!!!!1111!!! Seriously, I didn't know that!??!

Oh OK, because you know that it immediately follows that everybody else knows that as well. Obviously it doesn't bother you that much so called history is distorted and falsified by Hollywood? I find it incredibly strange that films of former times were actually more known for their fidelity and accuracy to historical events than films of the last few years.
Oh OK, because you know that it immediately follows that everybody else knows that as well. Obviously it doesn't bother you that much so called history is distorted and falsified by Hollywood? I find it incredibly strange that films of former times were actually more known for their fidelity and accuracy to historical events than films of the last few years.

No, I understand that the general public was clueless, as per always. But in the case of certain obsession-followed movies like Braveheart and 300, a lot of people have gone out and done actual studying of the Scots and the Greeks, so some good came out of it...