Scotsman Joke

Earth to Tom: when did The southern Man say that the movie was history? :pke:

As is the case with most of Tom's threads, this was a carefully orchestrated ruse. Tom is about puffing out his chest, looking down his nose, and schooling the unfortunate person who attempts to engage him in anything that remotely resembles a discussion.

You have to wonder about an Englishman who spends copious hours stalking an American message board salivating for the opportunity to stick his self-styled importance in your eye.

He skulks around here all day and into the wee hours of the morning waiting to lunge and prove (to whom it's unclear) that he's a BIG IMPORTANT educated man. I wonder if this is some kind of release for him?

Can you imagine how small and narrow his little life must be? Think of how much he is here; all obsessed with Americans and American's way of life? He'd climb over bodies to get his opinion in and his voice counted on this little doo-rag message board. Sheesh!

Can we say: "Get a friggin' life" any louder and clearer?
No, I understand that the general public was clueless, as per always. But in the case of certain obsession-followed movies like Braveheart and 300, a lot of people have gone out and done actual studying of the Scots and the Greeks, so some good came out of it...

My general point is that many people form their opinions based on what they learn from films. Just because you know better, says more about you, than the general populace.
My general point is that many people form their opinions based on what they learn from films. Just because you know better, says more about you, than the general populace.

Okay, how about this. Was Richard III a horrible play, because Shakespeare was playing with historical facts and thus misleading the English public?
As is the case with most of Tom's threads, this was a carefully orchestrated ruse. Tom is about puffing out his chest, looking down his nose, and schooling the unfortunate person who attempts to engage him in anything that remotely resembles a discussion.

You have to wonder about an Englishman who spends copious hours stalking an American message board salivating for the opportunity to stick his self-styled importance in your eye.

He skulks around here all day and into the wee hours of the morning waiting to lunge and prove (to whom it's unclear) that he's a BIG IMPORTANT educated man. I wonder if this is some kind of release for him?

Can you imagine how small and narrow his little life must be? Think of how much he is here; all obsessed with Americans and American's way of life? He'd climb over bodies to get his opinion in and his voice counted on this little doo-rag message board. Sheesh!

Can we say: "Get a friggin' life" any louder and clearer?

As I'm feeling magnanimous, you can chose my response to your post.
Seriously, both are great movies. No, they're not historically accurate. That does not detract from their great story telling and inspirational nature. If I want to watch a documentary about revolution and killing the English, I will. If I want to be entertained (not saying that the killing of the English isn't entertaining), I'll watch those movies.
As is the case with most of Tom's threads, this was a carefully orchestrated ruse. Tom is about puffing out his chest, looking down his nose, and schooling the unfortunate person who attempts to engage him in anything that remotely resembles a discussion.

You have to wonder about an Englishman who spends copious hours stalking an American message board salivating for the opportunity to stick his self-styled importance in your eye.

He skulks around here all day and into the wee hours of the morning waiting to lunge and prove (to whom it's unclear) that he's a BIG IMPORTANT educated man. I wonder if this is some kind of release for him?

Can you imagine how small and narrow his little life must be? Think of how much he is here; all obsessed with Americans and American's way of life? He'd climb over bodies to get his opinion in and his voice counted on this little doo-rag message board. Sheesh!

Can we say: "Get a friggin' life" any louder and clearer?

I wonder instead about a Conservatard crone who follows SM around like a maid, reflexively defending him against all and sundry. Get a life? Seems like you spend great deal of time here yourself, Uselessly loyal to the trend.
That's another one where Gibson took liberties with history. He had to. The main character was hardly a sympathetic figure. By todays standards he would be considered a psychopath by any reasonable person.
You could probably say that about Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, George Patton, Albert Einstein, John Lennon, Tiger Woods...
As is the case with most of Tom's threads, this was a carefully orchestrated ruse. Tom is about puffing out his chest, looking down his nose, and schooling the unfortunate person who attempts to engage him in anything that remotely resembles a discussion.

You have to wonder about an Englishman who spends copious hours stalking an American message board salivating for the opportunity to stick his self-styled importance in your eye.

He skulks around here all day and into the wee hours of the morning waiting to lunge and prove (to whom it's unclear) that he's a BIG IMPORTANT educated man. I wonder if this is some kind of release for him?

Can you imagine how small and narrow his little life must be? Think of how much he is here; all obsessed with Americans and American's way of life? He'd climb over bodies to get his opinion in and his voice counted on this little doo-rag message board. Sheesh!

Can we say: "Get a friggin' life" any louder and clearer?

That's funny, because in this thread he proves his superior intellect by arguing against a point not made. :)
That's funny, because in this thread he proves his superior intellect by arguing against a point not made. :)

That's because he so desperately wants you to delve first so it doesn't look so pathetically obvious he's trying to set his own stage.

It's hard being a legend in your own mind. Not much room in the very for any other little ol thang!
I wonder instead about a Conservatard crone who follows SM around like a maid, reflexively defending him against all and sundry. Get a life? Seems like you spend great deal of time here yourself, Uselessly loyal to the trend.
How ironic. Not only do you follow me around on every thread, but you "groan" on every post and make up multiple personalities to "thank" yours. Its hilarious watching you self-destruct like this. :)
As I'm feeling magnanimous, you can chose my response to your post.

One would have to be completely addlepated to click on a link that you put up with your penchant to hate pretty much everything American and your well documented hatred for IE.

I'd tell you what you could do with your magnanimous Pissant, but I am sure it's crowded in there.

You're probably a big pussy on the UK boards and they ran you out on a rail.
How ironic. Not only do you follow me around on every thread, but you "groan" on every post and make up multiple personalities to "thank" yours. Its hilarious watching you self-destruct like this. :)

If there wasn't so much of the "EWWWWWWWWWWWW" factor involved, it would be hysterical.

Considering we now have definitive proof who "it" is.

Stupid frickin' fool!
How cute. The Dumb-asstic Duo, Fatman and Blobbin, congratulating each other as they exhibit the kind of behaviors they accuse others of.

One fantasizes about being Clint, the other wants the world to think she looks like a yogurt shill.
One would have to be completely addlepated to click on a link that you put up with your penchant to hate pretty much everything American and your well documented hatred for IE.

I'd tell you what you could do with your magnanimous Pissant, but I am sure it's crowded in there.

You're probably a big pussy on the UK boards and they ran you out on a rail.

Ignorant and arrogant, a winning combination.