Every trumper is a N4T.
Wow, you really don't understand how (real estate) markets work. You don't understand how this process works. What exactly do you think someone like Brock does when they purchase a home at an auction?
He obviously resells it. The price probably depends on the client he's selling the place to. A guy like Hannity should be able to negotiate a better price just because of who he is. Brock probably thinks it's cool that he's in business with a celebrity. Probably brags to his friends about it. Has an autographed picture of the two of them buddy-buddying it up on the golf course.
But if what you said is true, that Brock drove down the price he paid, then ass-raped Hannity on the markup, then what I said is equally true... that Hannity is a dumbass and sucks at business.
Even worse, the auction price guys like Brock pay, is public information. If Hannity was a smart as he tries to portray himself, he'd have known that and used the info to negotiate a better deal for himself.
Hannity is a shmuck.