Seattle is dying

Cool, lots of nice places around there, but as I mentioned my cousins, they live south of the city & are being effected by the problems... Such as theft, they are not doing anything about it, just like here in Calif so thieves just take what they want & nothing is done about it IF IT IS UNDER $900, & no, that is not a typO $900.00

Same is happening here. Exactly. Car theft is rampant and the thieves walk the first two times. They only get prosecuted after their third theft. How many cars do they actually steal after being caught the third time? Shoplifting is not a crime. Don't bother calling the police unless somebody's shot, they won't come.
What's going on in this country?
Cool, lots of nice places around there, but as I mentioned my cousins, they live south of the city & are being effected by the problems... Such as theft, they are not doing anything about it, just like here in Calif so thieves just take what they want & nothing is done about it IF IT IS UNDER $900, & no, that is not a typO $900.00

Sounds like the part of California where you live is a shithole.
Same is happening here. Exactly. Car theft is rampant and the thieves walk the first two times. They only get prosecuted after their third theft. How many cars do they actually steal after being caught the third time? Shoplifting is not a crime. Don't bother calling the police unless somebody's shot, they won't come.
What's going on in this country?

Wow, surprising that they tolerate that up there, I thought they would be more of a shoot first ask later type of frontier folk??
You recall how they handled all of them during & the left-overs after Mardi Gras??

Put them on a bus & drive them to the county line, tell them you come back you going to prison for a long time... Vast majority walked over the bridge & never returned..

Actually SF sued Reno for doing that a few years ago. Reno was giving "some folks" one way tix to SF & a few bucks....... Was working till they found out about it..
Yea, nothing fancy like your place w/ high standards only allowin double wides & such...

You seem to know a lot about double wides. I know nothing about them. None where I am, boy. Safest city in the State. It has a 0/1000 violent crime rate.
You seem to know a lot about double wides. I know nothing about them. None where I am, boy. Safest city in the State. It has a 0/1000 violent crime rate.

That's nice, I am happy for you.. We all rest a lil better knowing you are safe.... :)

Did you actually have a comment on the topic or just trolling from your safe place today??
Anyone remember what Salt Lake City, in the red state of Utah, realized, and did? I feel it ironic, that the people many other Christians pushed away, are showing the wannabe Christians out there, how it's done.
What did they do??

The vid is pretty good, towards the end they are actually offering viable alternatives that are working..
That's nice, I am happy for you.. We all rest a lil better knowing you are safe.... :)

Did you actually have a comment on the topic or just trolling from your safe place today??

I don't believe he is capable of normal discourse in a lowbrow discussion, let alone one more thought provoking.
Build halfway houses, residential hospitals, and jails. Those repeatedly caught living on the street should be given appropriate residence.
What did they do??

The vid is pretty good, towards the end they are actually offering viable alternatives that are working..

If you're talking to me, I'll tell you. Salt Lake City, found out it was easier to just give homeless people housing. It actually ended up being more cost effective, as opposed to dealing with them on the streets.
If you're talking to me, I'll tell you. Salt Lake City, found out it was easier to just give homeless people housing. It actually ended up being more cost effective, as opposed to dealing with them on the streets.

One homeless guy was followed for ten years, and in that time he cost taxpayers over a million dollars. E.g. he'd get drunk in public, someone would call the police, the police would took him to the hospital to treat his intoxication. Yes, housing should be forced on them for the sake of saving money and quality of life of everyone.
Wow, surprising that they tolerate that up there, .
Only in Anchorage. Mayor is a San Francisco carpetbagger who went to Harvard and The University of California Hastings College of Law . Complicit city council.
Anchorage is dying too.
Only in Anchorage. Mayor is a San Francisco carpetbagger who went to Harvard and The University of California Hastings College of Law . Complicit city council.
Anchorage is dying too.

When I lived in NYC I use to shop a lot in small family markets, deli's etc & there was always these old guys sitting around in the back playing dominoes & other games~they very rarely got robbed as everyone knew @ least one of those old fuckers was packing something & wouldn't hesitate to use it...

It use to be you could do something about ppl that want to steal but now they have more rights than those trying to protect their livelihoods..
Red states are the low IQ states, last in education and first in trailer dwelling and bible thumping

Red states are relatively poor, but I don't they have lower IQ. Whites are smarter than blacks and browns, even if a whiter state is poorer.