Second College Degrees

Maybe some of you guys have advice to proffer. I'm currently considering retraining in a different field. I'm presently about three credits away from finishing my journalism major, however I'd like to go into electrical engineering. The problem is that there isn't much cross-over credit wise, so I may have to get a second degree before I'm even eligible to apply for graduate school. My understanding is that the feds don't offer financial aid for second undergraduate degrees, however. Is that correct or not? I'm waiting for a reply from a couple colleges I've emailed, so we'll see I guess.

How the heck is someone expected to retrain from a dying profession if he or she can't get federal financial aid? The banks aren't really lending private loans either.

What are some options I haven't considered?
Get a side job, that's how I paid most of my way through college and then a loan for the rest.
I didn't use any government, you don't need to either.
Get a side job, that's how I paid most of my way through college and then a loan for the rest.
I didn't use any government, you don't need to either.

How much was tuition when you went to school? Things have changed -- I dunno if you noticed. I had a sidejob that paid well above minimum wage for my first degree and it BARELY covered living expenses. Trying to cover tuition with it (and this was out of state tuition) just wouldn't be practical unless I worked full-time.
Stop being such a fucking douchebag Dano. IB1 has a right to use whatever resource available to pay his way through college, and that's what's right.
How much was tuition when you went to school? Things have changed -- I dunno if you noticed. I had a sidejob that paid well above minimum wage for my first degree and it BARELY covered living expenses. Trying to cover tuition with it (and this was out of state tuition) just wouldn't be practical unless I worked full-time.

Tuition was high as it was a private school, but I did work full time. Computer college for 4.5 hours in the afternoon and then the pizzeria for 9 hours. I worked weekends too.
Another option is maybe a roommate? My brother went through university with usually around 4 or 5 roommates in a townhome, cheap rent.

Believe me, you'll feel better for paying for it yourself and the less loans you graduate with, the better for you.

I would also not do electrical engineering, software engineering or any fields relating to high tech. In the last 3 companies I've been at I've seen only 2 young graduates and one was gone in the first layoff. The thing is that high tech never really recovered from the first downturn so there are all these people floating around with tons of experience - it will be very hard for you to find work.
Isn't Maineman an electrical engineer (or something similar), you might want to consult him if you're bent on it.

Good luck.
I'm not getting in the middle of this. I will say that my son went through 4.5 years, including a semester at Disney with only 2k in debt. How? RA for 3 years, worked at desk, had academic scholarship. He graduates in June and already has paid back the loans, with 0 interest, as he was interest deferred.

His last 2 semesters were spent in an apartment, he'd OD on RA position. This semester is 'at home' working sex offenders parole with county.
Yes there is. You are just a child. I am more mature than you, whiny baby conservative.

Ok I'll play, find it in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution for that matter.
You are just some fat little kid who steals bandwidth from Mom's basement while playing games and posting stupidity. You haven't been out in the world, hell you haven't even seen any of the Liberalism firsthand you think you love.
Ok I'll play, find it in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution for that matter.

Find right to property in the constitution. It is silly to argue that because something wasn't mentioned in the bill of rights it isn't a right, and that's one of the main reasons some founders didn't want to make one. Fuck the founders any way. I do what's right, not what some 200 year old piece of paper made by slaveholders says to do.

You are just some fat little kid

I'm 6 feet tall and have a weight of 175 (BMI 23.7). I am also 20 years old.

So you were wrong on three different points in the same seven word sentence. That's a new record for you I think, congratulations Danotard.

who steals bandwidth from Mom's basement

I do redistribute my mothers neighbors unused, unsecured bandwidth (which is broadcasted onto my property) while I'm over at her house, which is rarely. She doesn't have a basement, clearly it wouldn't exist if she did after Katrina.

while playing games and posting stupidity.

No Dano, you have a monopoly on the stupidity part I'd never dare to challenge.

You haven't been out in the world, hell you haven't even seen any of the Liberalism firsthand you think you love.

You are a delusional old man who thinks that the world is a constant battle between the forces of good (CONSERVATISM!) and the forces of evil (LIBERALISM!) It is such a silly worldview that it doesn't even deserve to be debated on its merits.
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How much was tuition when you went to school? Things have changed -- I dunno if you noticed. I had a sidejob that paid well above minimum wage for my first degree and it BARELY covered living expenses. Trying to cover tuition with it (and this was out of state tuition) just wouldn't be practical unless I worked full-time.

Jr. College is usually less expensive
Tuition was high as it was a private school, but I did work full time. Computer college for 4.5 hours in the afternoon and then the pizzeria for 9 hours. I worked weekends too.
Another option is maybe a roommate? My brother went through university with usually around 4 or 5 roommates in a townhome, cheap rent.

Believe me, you'll feel better for paying for it yourself .........

LMAO Man. Dano. Your toolage knows no bounds.

Yeah, paying for it yourself and working full time totally beats gov't grants.
Jr. College is usually less expensive

Very true. At our local JC, referred to more than once as 'the Harvard of Junior Colleges', because of how many go onto the Ivies and very selective colleges, there are a plethora of opportunities.

For one, if an incoming freshman qualifies for the honors program and enrolls, then earns 4.0 average for associates degree, they get full ride, including room and board at U of I, Champaign or Chicago. Very selective. Yes, even includes engineering at Champaign.
I agree with Lady T, pick up the degree, regardless of major. For the second, should take you two years or so, whether BA or BS, gen ed is gen ed, and that's done. In all likelihood a couple courses do cross over, I hope.

Being the proud holder of 3 BA's and 1 MS, I feel your pain, cost wise. The reason for picking up the degree, which is soooo close, what if you DO need to work full time, given the economy and all? Have the degree, may not help, but can't hurt.

Keep in mind that a BSEE is typically a 5 year program. Even with the gen ed credits you'd still be looking at least 3 years to complete the BSEE at a normal full time pace. Also understand that a journalism background is precious little preparation for an engineering degree. If your math and physical science skills are lacking you may be talking 4 more years.
Keep in mind that a BSEE is typically a 5 year program. Even with the gen ed credits you'd still be looking at least 3 years to complete the BSEE at a normal full time pace. Also understand that a journalism background is precious little preparation for an engineering degree. If your math and physical science skills are lacking you may be talking 4 more years.

which is why I said, 'about'. Engineering usually 5 years, then again, many in the field are 'that smart' that able to lower the time.

In any case, I'd pick up the at hand degree, then do what was necessary to get the other, recognizing things may get in the way. That was my point, originally.
Why couldn't you just drop those last 3 credit hours, get the credits for the degree you need, then jump on these three at the same time and graduate with 2 at the same time?
