Second degree murder

I thought that maybe the prosecutor was going for a manslaughter plea...but I'm not sure. None of us are in the room. There are a lot of politics at play here. The NRA and A.L.E.C. do not want nationwide scrutiny of these stand your ground laws. This guy walking around free was a huge liability to them. A manslaughter plea could make it all go away. THat's what they want.

But what does the prosecutor want? I really have no idea. As for his not getting a fair trial - well that cuts both ways. Yeah, most have made up their minds, but a lot of white people have decided Zimmerman is innocent and some have even concluded that Martin was a "thug". Cause you know, he's black and all. I don't know if you have noticed this soc, but a lot of white men are terrified of black men. You should see some of the things I hear when I mention that I am going out in Harlem or something. I would love to go into details with them about why I don't automatically fear black males but do sometimes fear some white males. But I don't like to tell people my business so I just look at them like they are crazy. And statistically, white people commit crimes against white people and black people commit them against black people. I know you know this. I am just trying to say I guess, that I feel that there will be people on that jury who won't be able to give Zimmerman a fair trial because they go in convinced he's innocent and nothing is going to change their minds. I'm not saying the reverse won't be true as well, but all anyone is talking about is the reverse. Let's not forget the double edged sword. Is Zimmerman really the underdog here???

If he gets USF and BRavo on his jury, that man walks even if they have Trayvon on tape begging for his life and Zimmerman yelling "You're dead n*gger".

Just some perspective.

"If he gets USF and BRavo on his jury, that man walks even if they have Trayvon on tape begging for his life and Zimmerman yelling "You're dead n*gger".

Just some perspective.

And if someone kills Zimmerman; you would probably suck the dick of every New Black Panther member, in payment.

Just some perspective.
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He can always sue NBC, Spike Lee, the New Black Panthers etc...

I hope he does.
There's more then enough evidence of their guilt.

With all the screamng for his head, I keep thinking of those charges against the LaCross team and how everyone REACTED.
There are posters on this board that were CONVINCED that they were guilty and probably still think so.
What if they were all black guys? What if 90% of them were black guys? What if they have all of those prior calls on tape, have listened to them all, and in each case when he was asked what race the "suspect" was, he answered "he looks black"?

Let's wait and see.

And what was he supposed to say, if they were black?
my question still is, why did he decide to arm himself and go hunting in the night?

and is not the mission of a neighborhood watch to watch and report, not be a self styled vigilante?

Your inclusion of the word "hunting" in your post, is pure bullshit.
You've been like this for a while now and it's really sad.
You used to be one that was more logical, even in the things you didn't agree with; but lately, you've become asinine.
No, it is an assumption. Zimmerman stated he was following Martin on foot while talking to 911. He stated that when they told him not to keep following that he was walking back to his car when Martin confronted him about being followed.

It is not rationalizing anything. It is one side of the events that has been conveyed. You are simply assuming that Zimmerman is lying. You are making an assumption of what happened. Based on what? That he followed him?
Tinkerbell I don't know what planet you're from but here on earth someone following you is considered confrontational as hell.
You are injecting your beliefs onto him. 'These guys' could just as easily be 'these guys that keep robbing us'. You also have nothing but conjecture that he wouldn't have said the same thing about a white guy (or a Hispanic, Asian etc...). You are buying into the notion that he is racist... just as NBC and many other media outlets portrayed him. That said, unconsciously there is likely some profiling going on given that the increase in crime in the area was attributed to black men. So naturally he is going to have a tendency that way.

Again, you are injecting your opinion based on what we have heard. According to Zimmerman Trayvon was 'slinking around buildings'... you and I don't know, unfortunately Trayvon can't answer the allegation, so we are left with only what Zimmerman reported.

As for his 'stalking'... Keep in mind, that is what a neighborhood watch does... they watch/follow people they believe to be suspicious. They report it if they think it prudent. Which is what Zimmerman did. The accounts also vary in that Zimmerman said he was already outside of his car while talking to 9/11 and returning to it after they told him not to follow Martin. Again, we don't know. It might come out in a trial as to where they were relative to his car. I don't think we have seen anything like that reported yet.

Why is that all of those that want Zimmerman lynched, seem to either ignore the fact of the recent robberies or else they just gloss over them?
So, when he followed the advice (from his own words) and turned back to the car this means he was still provoking?
I fail to see the relevence of your question. If I walk up and provoke you and walk away am I suddenly no longer provoked? What an irrational question Damo. What does it even have to do with my comment. We only know of two facts for certain. Zimmerman provoked Trayvon and then Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon. What happened in between we don't know a hell of a lot about.
I'm almost certain we would know, that somebody worked that angle. Getting a records release based on something like this isn't that difficult, hence the fact we heard the 911 tape (heavily edited to make him appear racist from the get go) on NBC. Somebody wanted to know if he was racist and listened to more than one 911 tape from his calls.

Yeah...ALMOST certain.

Suddenly the same guys who lambasted anyone who DARED speculate about this case are now...

SPECULATING about this case.

Ironic, don't ya think?

He doesn't have all the facts, but it's okay for Damo to go where those who want justice for Trayvon aren't allowed to go.

Because he's "almost certain"
What if the majority of the crimes being committed in the neighborhood were done by black guys. Would it not make sense that a certain degree of profiling would occur?

I guess that when liberals go fishing, they just drop their bait in the bathtub.
It's water, right!!
The fact that he got out of his car and followed Trayvon.

1) Following him is not provoking a confrontation, especially if the cops are asking for a description and direction he was headed etc...
2) according to Zimmerman, when the cops told him not to follow Martin, he went back to his car... ie.. he was walking away from Martin

So again... you don't have 'undisputed' evidence that Zimmerman was the one that provoked him.
Again, I plan to continue to discuss the topic of the thread. If you do not wish to do so, you are free to leave. You are not, however, going to tell me what I can and cannot discuss with any success. So give it a rest.

Trayvon being dead is not going to change my point.

No, but we can call bullshit when your diversion starts to get deep...
walking around late at night in the rain. ZOMG HE WAS FOLLOWED! big fucking deal. It's not illegal to follow people. the dispatcher was even prompting him to follow him for a while when asking for a description of the suspect, where he was going, etc.

A friend and I were stalked, the other night.
I had left my vehicle at his place and we were coming back from closing his shop.
As he turned the corner into the subdivision, the driver of this other car started stalking us.
When he turned the corner, to get to his street, the car also turned.
When he turned onto his street, the car also turned.
When he pulled into his driveway, the car pulled right up behind him and the driver turned on the blue and red lights.
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Tinkerbell I don't know what planet you're from but here on earth someone following you is considered confrontational as hell.

Dear Mutt... no, here on earth following someone is not 'confrontational as hell'. People 'followed' me on the way to work today. I didn't get out of my car and start beating them for it. It is most certainly not cause for you to start a fight. You have no idea how long Zimmerman was following him, how long Zimmerman was following him while talking to the cops etc...

You are just making up shit to try and back up your absurd claim.
No, but we can call bullshit when your diversion starts to get deep...

We were discussing profiling. How is it a diversion to ask a question on the topic being discussed?

That is the problem with you liberals. One of you shouts something out and you all tend to jump on the bandwagon without realizing where it is going. So do tell us, what about my question on profiling was a diversion from the discussion on profiling?
Yes, based on my previous experience with photos online of those signs, what... do you think I'm a signist now? And again, only if we actually get to see the evidence. I think the overcharging is designed to get a plea and then we'll never see what evidence would be brought for defense.

This is why I hope a really good attny steps forward and takes this case; because this way this entire thing won't be tried to be pushed under the table, by offering plea agreements.

The state has a hard uphill battle, to prove anything here, and I think they know it.
I believe that the reason they didn't go to a grand jury, is because the prosecuter knew there wasn't enough evidence to get an indictment.
Being followed by a mall cop or a soccer mom is in no way analogous to being followed at night, on a street, by a man. You are being totally ridiculous, and if you really had a knife in your face (was this in the sixth grade by a kid who got tired of you following him around calling him chubs?), and you seriously have no problem with someone following you around on the streets, then that's your sickness. Not mine. You have no right in the world to follow me and I will tell you dead serious if you did, you'd have a problem on your hands. I am not kidding. I might even get in my car and run your ass over. Totally serious.

And your defense for attempting to committ murder, would be...................what?
That your a white spinster?
Exactly! It's killing me that this child lost his life and all RWs can do is whine that Zimmerman won't be getting a fair trial. It's all so unfair and one-sided.

YEAH, heaven forbid that Zimmerman be tried by the truth; something that liberals reject, unless it supports their AGENDA.