Seeking advice and comment


I have been going to this other site and have been been discussing with the moderator many issues.

Hes has gotten mad at what I post and mostly calls names and blusters.

I said I did not think Bush would ever go to jail for his treason to this country and I would be happy just to see him banned from the country as in jail.

Hes answered with this:I'd happily see each and every one of you in jail or banned from America for your purposefully undermining this nation's resolve during a time of war.

I told him that was unAmerican to say because its freedom of speach to speak out.

During that arguement he said this:When that "political speech" amounts to baseless accusations and lies that undermine this Nation's morale and war effort, I'd call that treason.

I then made them my signature,
GunnyL on freedom of speech:I'd happily see each and every one of you in jail or banned from America for your purposefully undermining this nation's resolve during a time of war.
When that "political speech" amounts to baseless accusations and lies that undermine this Nation's morale and war effort, I'd call that treason.

He is now telling me I have to remove the sig or he will go into my profile and remove it himself because I dont have his permission to use it.

I wrote the guy who runns the site and told him I did not like the idea of this guy having my info at his access.

what do you make of all this?
Hes answered with this:I'd happily see each and every one of you in jail or banned from America for your purposefully undermining this nation's resolve during a time of war.

I told him that was unAmerican to say because its freedom of speach to speak out.

During that arguement he said this:When that "political speech" amounts to baseless accusations and lies that undermine this Nation's morale and war effort, I'd call that treason.

I then made them my signature,
GunnyL on freedom of speech:I'd happily see each and every one of you in jail or banned from America for your purposefully undermining this nation's resolve during a time of war.
When that "political speech" amounts to baseless accusations and lies that undermine this Nation's morale and war effort, I'd call that treason.

He is now telling me I have to remove the sig or he will go into my profile and remove it himself because I dont have his permission to use it.

That guy is a loser and a poseur. Forget about him. He's a real ass. You are awesome on that site Desh.
LOL I just got banned from the other site:

"You have been banned for the following reason:
advertising another website, then attacking staff for thread deletion

Date the ban will be lifted: Never"

It wasn't too hard.
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LOL I just got banned from the other site:

"You have been banned for the following reason:
advertising another website, then attacking staff for thread deletion

Date the ban will be lifted: Never"

It wasn't too hard.


What the hell happened? Did you "attack" that Gunny dude?
She posted that this site was better right in the thread.

I didnt attack him I just kept telling him it was unamerican and that his excuses that is was not what he meant didnt jibe with the words he wrote.

I think he really hates being reminded of it by seeing it in my signature.

I have managed to be pretty civil over there.
oh Yeah that part was for Tia.

I posted it her thread.

Main answered and said RSR is like dixie and I answered I thought of him as a toby.

Thanks for the compliment Cy
She posted that this site was better right in the thread.

I didnt attack him I just kept telling him it was unamerican and that his excuses that is was not what he meant didnt jibe with the words he wrote.

I think he really hates being reminded of it by seeing it in my signature.

I have managed to be pretty civil over there.

I've never seen you be overtly rude or out of line over there.

The cons just hate what you post.

Harry Truman once said something to the effect: "If you want to make a repubican mad, just tell them the truth and they'll think its hell".

That's you Desh ;)
Shrubbie, I remember back at, we had a lot of differences, but you're a pretty cool lady.

What site is this that you're talking about? It sound's a bit like SR, but he doesn't moderate.
Im truthmatters over there and they dont know Im female mums the word.

I was over there a while ago, but this is the only board I use now. Its pretty exhausting having more than one for me, and you're right, the folks here are awesome. We're missing a few from the days, but we got the cream of the crop here.
You must be talking about the gunny and RSR playground ?

Well the remaining bush enablers have to have some place to play I suppose.

Desh my advise is to use our strongest vote.
We are a consumer economy and do not give business to those you disagree with.
It may not be as immediately fulfilling, but works the best in the long run.
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I have been going to this other site and have been been discussing with the moderator many issues.

Hes has gotten mad at what I post and mostly calls names and blusters.

I said I did not think Bush would ever go to jail for his treason to this country and I would be happy just to see him banned from the country as in jail.

Hes answered with this:I'd happily see each and every one of you in jail or banned from America for your purposefully undermining this nation's resolve during a time of war.

I told him that was unAmerican to say because its freedom of speach to speak out.

During that arguement he said this:When that "political speech" amounts to baseless accusations and lies that undermine this Nation's morale and war effort, I'd call that treason.

I then made them my signature,
GunnyL on freedom of speech:I'd happily see each and every one of you in jail or banned from America for your purposefully undermining this nation's resolve during a time of war.
When that "political speech" amounts to baseless accusations and lies that undermine this Nation's morale and war effort, I'd call that treason.

He is now telling me I have to remove the sig or he will go into my profile and remove it himself because I dont have his permission to use it.

I wrote the guy who runns the site and told him I did not like the idea of this guy having my info at his access.

what do you make of all this?

We got around to the subject of war again and I said that, contrary to his attitude, I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction.

"Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

"There is one difference," I pointed out. "In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars."

"Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."