Select your Candidate

I thought SF was a moderate. I mean, why not Benito Mussolini? I feel like I have to lie down, I'm getting a throbbing headache.

Duncan Hunter? That's Ann Coulter's guy.

Rudy G.? Can one get any more fascist?

Newsflash Darla: When someone consistenly uses the words "Hitlary" and "Al Bore", they are a dyed in the wool hard core republican. ;)
A right wing freak.

Like Rudy and Benito.

Keep in mind...

McCain was my top at 14
Hunter and Rudy were at 11
Richardson and Biden were at 10

I disagree with each of them, but when you look at the aggregate there is not much difference between my "agreement" with Hunter and Rudy vs. Richardson and Biden.

Hitlary did get a one.... that made me happy.
Keep in mind...

McCain was my top at 14
Hunter and Rudy were at 11
Richardson and Biden were at 10

I disagree with each of them, but when you look at the aggregate there is not much difference between my "agreement" with Hunter and Rudy vs. Richardson and Biden.

Hitlary did get a one.... that made me happy.

Oh...I guess since I got a 15 with Ron Paul I can't say much about those scores then.
Keep in mind...

McCain was my top at 14
Hunter and Rudy were at 11
Richardson and Biden were at 10

I disagree with each of them, but when you look at the aggregate there is not much difference between my "agreement" with Hunter and Rudy vs. Richardson and Biden.

Hitlary did get a one.... that made me happy.

How did you take the test, when you can't even supposedly see my posts? My post was the only place you could hit the link


:clink: :cof1:

Chris Dodd?

This test is rigged, for Christ sake. But Kucinich was still three points higher at 21.

Top Republican, again, was Ron Paul, but he's still lower than any Democrat (besides Richardson).
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Chris Dodd?

This test is rigged, for Christ sake. But Kucinich was still three points higher at 21.

Top Republican, again, was Ron Paul, but he's still lower than any Democrat (besides Richardson).

Wow, that's interesting Water, I wouldn't have thought you and I would have similar results.
You are comparing McCain to Mussolini? Give me a break.

By the way... who is Duncan Hunter???

Duncan Hunter is the foremost advocate of the military as a tool of international intervention. He wants US troops involved in virtually every hot spot in the world.
That is just for today. Tomorrow he will score completely opposite you. Young minds... always a changing.

I got pretty much the same results in a quiz I took 5 months ago. Except that Gravel was tops. Gravels third now, but that is probably because of differences in the quiz.