APP - Senator Kennedy became one of my heroes!


Well-known member
In the past I had never really cared much about Sennator Kennedy one way or another. Never really thought much about him, except the one time I met him in 1992.

I saw a clip on Larry King Live last night which made him one of my heros. They asked him what was the most important vote of your 40 year Sennate career. He said his vote against the Iraq war.

He outlined why he decided to vote no, and the extreeme pressure that was put on him to vote yes. He stood strong and made the correct decision. I honor that. I honor the same position taken by President Obama. For that Kennedy has become a hero in my book.
He doesn't have to ask them, they already expressed their hate for the man and what a coward he was..
He doesn't have to ask them, they already expressed their hate for the man and what a coward he was..

Really...this I would like to see in print. Didn't they take his money?
He voted against a war that needlessly killed thousands of American heros and hundrids of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.
A hero, rightfully buried where American Heros are buried... In Arlington National Cemitery!
He voted against a war that needlessly killed thousands of American heros and hundrids of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.
thanks, Jarod, the man made a statement that he lived with the memory of her everyday of his life and felt remorse for what he did.

It sounds to me like he paid for his sins. His family may have had to money to get him off with a light punishment, but that doesn't mean he didn't pay everyday of his life for his part in her death.

If he had gone to prison for it, it still would not be enough for some people.

I am glad that I am a liberal and look beyond that night in 1969 and look at what good has come from this man's life of service.
He voted against a war that needlessly killed thousands of American heros and hundrids of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.

and there it is....another lefting bringing up deaths of us soldiers to condemn gwb.....but oh mention kennedy killing that young girl and you hate america and a stupid or whatever

fucking hypocrisy
and there it is....another lefting bringing up deaths of us soldiers to condemn gwb.....but oh mention kennedy killing that young girl and you hate america and a stupid or whatever

fucking hypocrisy

I did not even mention GWB, defensive are you?
Argument shifting, I was talking about the war when you said I was blamining Bush. I said nuthing about Bush in connection with the war.


oh, it musta been in one of the other hundred threads you've started on the puke..:rolleyes:

that is pitiful
it's too bad it's part of his legacy...even though we know the lefties would like to erase it from his past.