APP - Senator Kennedy became one of my heroes!


and the answer....more lol

Hey I admit the negative to the Democratic party. The abilit to inherit knows no bounds I agree. But people who grew up in mega rich families often times are more liberal... I dont know why, but to me it seems the trend.

Vanderbilts, Rockafellers, Kennedy's.
In the past I had never really cared much about Sennator Kennedy one way or another. Never really thought much about him, except the one time I met him in 1992.

I saw a clip on Larry King Live last night which made him one of my heros. They asked him what was the most important vote of your 40 year Sennate career. He said his vote against the Iraq war.

He outlined why he decided to vote no, and the extreeme pressure that was put on him to vote yes. He stood strong and made the correct decision. I honor that. I honor the same position taken by President Obama. For that Kennedy has become a hero in my book.
Only a faggot would have a hero like that. I'm glad he's dead and want to see lots more liberals dead, especially liberal politicians.
Odd you don't say anything to the lefties who have wished death on people.

Did you read the post I referred to? It is the ranting of a sick person, you know, the one you read about that the neighbors say was a "quiet man, he stayed to himself". I was serious with my concern
When you see a post like that point it out to me, I'll be more than glad to join you, however, I also didn't see a response by you to the above post either if, as you indicate, you are truly concerned about messages like that. Those jousts you referred to regarding my side, I think you know I was never aboard or participating in those threads as soon as they were destroyed by the childishness. But, if you will point out posts such as that, both sides, again, I will join you.
Oh bull, SM is far from being a sick man..

watermark tells all the Republicans on here they should all die and go to hell, and the world would be a better place without Republicans, do we automatically assume he is a mass killer?? so much dramatics, it is funny as hell though..
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Oh bull, SM is far from being a sick man..

watermark tells all the Republicans on here they should all die and go to hell, and the world would be a better place without Republicans, do we automatically assume he is a mass killer?? so much dramatics, it is funny as hell though..

Obviously, as I suspected, your morality doesn't extend too far from your politics. You have a strange sense of humor.
Oh bull, SM is far from being a sick man..

watermark tells all the Republicans on here they should all die and go to hell, and the world would be a better place without Republicans, do we automatically assume he is a mass killer?? so much dramatics, it is funny as hell though..

Let's not forget BAC's and Lady T's death comments. This is obviously the left's MO.
Only a faggot would have a hero like that. I'm glad he's dead and want to see lots more liberals dead, especially liberal politicians.

If what you say is true... lots of Republican Senators and representatives describing themselves as "faggots" on television this weekend!