Send smart guys next time.

I posted on USMB for a while. It's been a long time. Was that predominantly Right leaning? There was one board where the admin criticized me for putting too much space between my paragraphs.
Not really, it's a mixture like here. I only really go to the USMB Badlands so maybe my view is a trifle skewed.
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Are you from Liberal Forum? They weren't on here very long before it got too hot for them. The Mangy Moongoose aka Ricky Tavy is an extra special arsehole. Once you heard about his ankle gumming, Peewee Herman and hide-from bunker bullshit you've got most of his vile personality.

Yeah, still seeing it. Is he like the spokesman for the group? I call them the merry band of gay bandoleros. They are really not that bright.
Yeah, still seeing it. Is he like the spokesman for the group? I call them the merry band of gay bandoleros. They are really not that bright.
They are actually quite intelligent, some people just can't handle their sarcasm, opinions and personal insults. Ricky took
after me, he was angry, still doesn't diminish his intelligence in my eyes.
Yeah, still seeing it. Is he like the spokesman for the group? I call them the merry band of gay bandoleros. They are really not that bright.
they like buzz word insults "feebs" seems to be a fav.
They're like a pack of trolls -not all that interested in debate- more interested in namecalling
They are actually quite intelligent, some people just can't handle their sarcasm, opinions and personal insults. Ricky took
after me, he was angry, still doesn't diminish his intelligence in my eyes.

They are naive concerning issues, policies, and current events. They look at the world thru their progressive blinders and just repeat the spin their sources give them. I have had a few discussions with them and they are not impressive. They may be intelligent in their everyday life but as far as issues go they are truly loinfos.
They are naive concerning issues, policies, and current events. They look at the world thru their progressive blinders and just repeat the spin their sources give them. I have had a few discussions with them and they are not impressive. They may be intelligent in their everyday life but as far as issues go they are truly loinfos.
Sorry, I disagree, but, I'll be looking forward to your posts if you have original ideas and don't use sources, it will be refreshing.
Sorry, I disagree, but, I'll be looking forward to your posts if you have original ideas and don't use sources, it will be refreshing.

Come on over to the forum and I will show you. One of them used the old talking point about who had more EOs, Obama or Bush. I had to point out that it is not the number of EOs that a president writes that is important. ALL Presidents use EOs to communicate directives to the Executive Branch. What is important is what those EOs do. When they are used to nullify current law, Like DACA, that is the problem. A President can write 5000 EOs. It is what they contain.

THey also love the Travel suspension. I know it is trendy to call it a muslim ban. But it isn't. It was a suspension for 90 days from 7 countries. Less than 10 percent of the muslim population. And a 120 days for refugees.

Some Muslim ban.
Come on over to the forum and I will show you. One of them used the old talking point about who had more EOs, Obama or Bush. I had to point out that it is not the number of EOs that a president writes that is important. ALL Presidents use EOs to communicate directives to the Executive Branch. What is important is what those EOs do. When they are used to nullify current law, Like DACA, that is the problem. A President can write 5000 EOs. It is what they contain.

THey also love the Travel suspension. I know it is trendy to call it a muslim ban. But it isn't. It was a suspension for 90 days from 7 countries. Less than 10 percent of the muslim population. And a 120 days for refugees.

Some Muslim ban.
I was exposed to their ideas here, like I said, I look forward to your original thoughts on issues!

Your feeble attempts at macho are pathetic, punk.

How many terrorists have you killed today, Martha?

I haven't tried to be macho, Short Sam.

I learned a long time ago that on an anonymous forum talking tough playing internet billy badass is meaningless. You have yet to learn that. Maybe after you take that comprehension course I was good enough to turn your on to you will be ready for other lessons.

Oh, Short Sam, or SS for short, where did i claim to kill terrorists? Too proud to let go, son?
I haven't tried to be macho, Short Sam.

I learned a long time ago that on an anonymous forum talking tough playing internet billy badass is meaningless. You have yet to learn that. Maybe after you take that comprehension course I was good enough to turn your on to you will be ready for other lessons.

Oh, Short Sam, or SS for short, where did i claim to kill terrorists? Too proud to let go, son?

Where did you get all that "learning", Nancy, about killing terrorists with a bullet to the head? Oh, that's right. Total bullshit.

We'll call it pseudo-macho, Rambutt.

It's all good. There used to be a day on these forums while the debate was contentious there was actual debate of issues and policies. It changed during the campaign last year.

Since alGore created the internet it has remained essentially the same-arguing, fighting, bull shitting, name calling & on occasion some actual debating..

Minds changed out of 1,987,8746,453 posts this month about 14 or 15......:whome:
No need. I was gauging the time period you were referencing in your other post. What 'happened', is that Bushco destroyed the Mid East, the world economy, and Washington in general.

Then the black guy got hired, the internet was no longer a fledgling phenomenon, and professional trolls took over quite a few message boards. They coined the term 'reverse racism' to combat the challenges to overtly racist tidbits like 'Barack The Magic Negro', lawn jockey Obama pix, watermelons on the White House lawn pix, Obama medicine man pix...etc.

It seems message boards are a little stinky now, but the ignore button works wonders. There's plenty of quality discussion here, but I have a lot of these kids on ignore.


Where did you get all that "learning", Nancy, about killing terrorists with a bullet to the head? Oh, that's right. Total bullshit.

We'll call it pseudo-macho, Rambutt.

I play a lot of Call of Duty. Very realistic, don't you think?
They are actually quite intelligent, some people just can't handle their sarcasm, opinions and personal insults. Ricky took
after me, he was angry, still doesn't diminish his intelligence in my eyes.
Yea...I seem to remember him/her being able to carry the weight in a debate. I honestly don't remember if I agreed much, but I'm not much for public sign offs when choosing to leave a board for whatever reason.
Yeah, still seeing it. Is he like the spokesman for the group? I call them the merry band of gay bandoleros. They are really not that bright.
He makes the initial beach head before his camp followers...err...follow. Truly nasty piece of shit, he is like Japanese knotweed.