Sensible Health Care Plan

And when she rants on about tort reform.....does she understand that the "reform" that corporations want would limit legal recourses for people like her? The Shrub & company made efforts that resulted in the corporations being further shielded from being sued for producing a bad product that has a detrimental effect on customers.

Well, the little fool had her moment in the somebody needs to sit her dopey ass down and explain the facts of life to her.

You've seen the bullshit suits brought against some companys..

Buy hot coffee and spill it on yourself ? Somehow its the coffee makers is assumed to be hot when you buy it...don't spill careful...

Buy a ladder and fall off? Somehow its the ladder makers fault....
You climbed up, you fell off...99% of the time its your fault....

Buy a gun and shoot yourself? Is it the gun makers fault?
Don't you know what guns do before you buy them...they shoot bullets dope.....

You've seen this crap over and over, something needs to be done....liberal juries hand out millions of dollars like peanuts.....
Yep cut off your wrong leg and be limited to 1/4 mill or so like in FL.
Tort reform is great stuff for sloppy DR's and malpractice insurance companies.
How much would you sell your one good leg for and then have to have the other bad one removed?
You've seen the bullshit suits brought against some companys.. Yes, but when compared to the number of successful, legitimate suits based, the "frivolous" contention is not justified.

Buy hot coffee and spill it on yourself ? Somehow its the coffee makers is assumed to be hot when you buy it...don't spill careful... And exactly how many of those type of suits make it compared to those of people getting some type of refuse in their food?

Buy a ladder and fall off? Somehow its the ladder makers fault....
You climbed up, you fell off...99% of the time its your fault....

And how many of those suits make it through as opposed to people injured by faulty equipment?

Buy a gun and shoot yourself? Is it the gun makers fault?
Don't you know what guns do before you buy them...they shoot bullets dope..... And how many of those type of suits actually make it through as opposed to those regarding a faulty safety or hair triggers or defective barrels, etc.?

You've seen this crap over and over, something needs to be done....liberal juries hand out millions of dollars like peanuts.....

An exaggeration when compared to the many lawsuits that are successful and legitimate against defective equipment, bad food quality, medical malpractice, etc. Why do you think that the Shrub's administration passed a law that protects pharmaceutical companies from being sued for products that hurt, cripple or kill consumers EVEN WHEN IT'S PROVEN THAT THEY ARE AT FAULT?
Originally Posted by Yurt
does touchyliberal ever debate? seems all his has is ad homs

I don't know............but when you kick his ass with simple truth and logic, hes terrific at name calling and changing the topic....and shouting "willfully ignorant neo-con" over and over....its quite entertaining...

The first 3 words of your post are correct. Interesting how you and Yurt share the same self delusions.....neither can ever logically or factually prove your assertions, but then again reality does have it limits with you guys. Hell, old Yurtle cannot even properly apply descriptions to a situation....but as I proven, he just lies when he can't have his way. Carry on.
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Yes, let MOe have a chance to experience the idiocy.

i do so enjoy idiocy.

bravo said:
You've seen the bullshit suits brought against some companys..

Buy hot coffee and spill it on yourself ? Somehow its the coffee makers is assumed to be hot when you buy it...don't spill careful...

Buy a ladder and fall off? Somehow its the ladder makers fault....
You climbed up, you fell off...99% of the time its your fault....

Buy a gun and shoot yourself? Is it the gun makers fault?
Don't you know what guns do before you buy them...they shoot bullets dope.....

You've seen this crap over and over, something needs to be done....liberal juries hand out millions of dollars like peanuts.....

right, because all juries are liberal. also, there is a process called jury selection and there are these great institutions called appellate (sp?) courts. i suggest you take your complaints to them. these judges would be out of a job if they just applied their political ideology instead of the LAW.
Oversimplification is a wonderful thing.

Has no one read the actual facts about the McDonalds coffee lawsuit?
I recall several, OK very many, baseless allegations.

Do these recollections typically occur before you drive to the store, show your ID, and pay for your booze with your credit card?

Or do the memories flow after you regain consciousness post-consumption?
Actually, since the Democrats in the Great State of NC raised sales taxes by 1% across the board plus additional taxes on booze about three weeks ago, I used it as an opportunity to quit. I haven't had hard liquor since then. :)
Actually, since the Democrats in the Great State of NC raised sales taxes by 1% across the board plus additional taxes on booze about three weeks ago, I used it as an opportunity to quit. I haven't had hard liquor since then. :)

That explains the glue.
Actually, since the Democrats in the Great State of NC raised sales taxes by 1% across the board plus additional taxes on booze about three weeks ago, I used it as an opportunity to quit. I haven't had hard liquor since then. :)

Dems, I thought NC was a red state?

Well except for Chapel hill and Boone.
Explain to me how tort reform and private competition is "nonsense".
Well one, no one is calling for getting rid of private competition. The problem is, is that the market is not addressing the issue of cost control or competition. Health care is to expensive or unavailable for far to many people and Wall Street has made the system less competitive not more. The reforms preposed would actually make things more competative. So that claim she made is nonsense.

Number two, as for tort reforrm. There's no more egocentric self centered group then small business people. I'm not about to give up my consumer protection rights so she can make an easy buck. That's nonsense.

Leave it to small business and corporations and we would be getting loans at 75% interest compounded daily and their private security thugs would be breaking our arms if we didn't pay on time and you would be able to get a license to practice cardiac surgery off a cracker jack box and any business would be able to dump their hazardous waste in my back yard cause "It's good for business.". Business is important and so is small business but the world doesnt' revolve around them.

We, as a society, need Tort reform, driven by the Chamber of Commerce, like we need a collective hole in the head.
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Well one, no one is calling for getting rid of private competition. The problem is, is that the market is not addressing the issue of cost control or competition. Health care is to expensive or unavailable for far to many people and Wall Street has made the system less competitive not more. The reforms preposed would actually make things more competative. So that claim she made is nonsense.

Number two, as for tort reforrm. There's no more egocentric self centered group then small business people. I'm not about to give up my consumer protection rights so she can make an easy buck. That's nonsense.

Leave it to small business and corporations and we would be getting loans at 75% interest compounded daily and their private security thugs would be breaking our arms if we didn't pay on time and you would be able to get a license to practice cardiac surgery off a cracker jack box and any business would be able to dump their hazardous waste in my back yard cause "It's good for business.". Business is important and so is small business but the world doesnt' revolve around them.

We, as a society, need Tort reform, driven by the Chamber of Commerce, like we need a collective hole in the head.

You're pulling your argument out of thin air Mr. Motley Crew.
You're pulling your argument out of thin air Mr. Motley Crew.

Which one is he?

You're pulling your argument out of thin air Mr. Motley Crew.
The Crew aint got shit on us Hooples. Just ask anyone in Cleveland! Are you trying to tell me that my consumer protection rights are "thin air"? Thank you. That proves my point about the chamber of commerce. They don't give a shit about my rights. Just their profits. Are calling the present insurance system competitve? Now that's think air! LOL Blue Cross and half a dozen other companies dominate health insurance as virtual monoplies and you call that competative? What planet are you living on. LOL Go ask your local doctor how competative the health insurance companies are. LOL