They shouldn't give a shit about your rights. They simply want to make the most money, and with free market competition, that will give you the best product at the lowest price.The Crew aint got shit on us Hooples. Just ask anyone in Cleveland! Are you trying to tell me that my consumer protection rights are "thin air"? Thank you. That proves my point about the chamber of commerce. They don't give a shit about my rights. Just their profits. Are calling the present insurance system competitve? Now that's think air! LOL Blue Cross and half a dozen other companies dominate health insurance as virtual monoplies and you call that competative? What planet are you living on. LOL Go ask your local doctor how competative the health insurance companies are. LOL
Dude, that's the point! All to often that "Best Product at the best price" is a piece of shit that hurts a lot of people for the buck they make ( certain car comes to mind) and your genuinely warped in the head if you think I'm about to give up those protections.They shouldn't give a shit about your rights. They simply want to make the most money, and with free market competition, that will give you the best product at the lowest price.
Dude, have faith in capitalism. It works.Dude, that's the point! All to often that "Best Product at the best price" is a piece of shit that hurts a lot of people for the buck they make ( certain car comes to mind) and your genuinely warped in the head if you think I'm about to give up those protections.
Dude, have faith in capitalism. It works.
Dude, capitalism works but capitalism as religion doesn't. Capitalism has it's limits and isn't the cure for everything and laissez-faire capitalism is an economic system every bit as vile, barbaric and inhuman as communism. The only difference between the two is that laissez-faire capitalism works. Personall I don't want to live under either system.Dude, have faith in capitalism. It works.
The constitution also allows for government to prohibit trusts and monopolies, which is essentially what the health insurance industries have become.The Constitution allows government to set standards so that businesses can compete on a level playing field. For health care insurance that should include not dropping someone if they developed a condition, plan portability and a reasonable grace period for late premiums.
Most liberals think so, and of course they are wrong.i think we can all agree that the constitution is really out-dated
Most liberals think so, and of course they are wrong.
As the woman pointed out, there are 1500 insurance companies willing to do business in the US, and they only thing holding them back from doing so in all 50 states are antiquated government regulations. The only monopoly here is the government.The constitution also allows for government to prohibit trusts and monopolies, which is essentially what the health insurance industries have become.
cmon man, the thing is 200 years old. back then they wouldnt even have let you vote.
The Constitution guarantees me the right to vote: Amendment XV.cmon man, the thing is 200 years old. back then they wouldnt even have let you vote.
The constitution also allows for government to prohibit trusts and monopolies, which is essentially what the health insurance industries have become.
i think we can all agree that the constitution is really out-dated
The Constitution guarantees me the right to vote: Amendment XV.
As the woman pointed out, there are 1500 insurance companies willing to do business in the US, and they only thing holding them back from doing so in all 50 states are antiquated government regulations. The only monopoly here is the government.