Serious question for atheists.


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So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

Why do you think Giraffes have long necks?
Why do you think Giraffes have long necks?

Because they were created that way. And what genetic changes are responsible for those long necks? We're discussing science here. Not fantasy. I asked for a mutation that is beneficial. Try again.
Because they were created that way. And what genetic changes are responsible for those long necks? We're discussing science here. Not fantasy. I asked for a mutation that is beneficial. Try again.

When babies were born with traits that allowed them to survive in a given environment, they survived while their littermates didn't so those genes were the ones passed on.

Whether that was about camophlage coloring or feathers.. beaks that could more easily crack seeds, running fast, climbing trees or whatever... The offspring that had coping mechanisms survived to breed.

Its pretty simple really. Perhaps someone smarter than me can explain it to you.
Oh and its not their randomness that makes them successful

its their ability to aid the owner of those genes in the prevailing conditions
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

understanding science is above your brain power

just have faith
Still waiting. I find it ironic that people who say they believe in science cannot produce one mutation that is beneficial.
Still waiting. I find it ironic that people who say they believe in science cannot produce one mutation that is beneficial.

Did you ever breed dogs? Say Chocolate poodles or brown Labs?

Why do you think a Texas steer looks different from a Charolais?
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

I realize you are not actually interested in acquiring knowledge and improving yourself, but your ignorance should not be allowed to stand on the interwebs.

This may comes as a compete shock to you, but evolution is not only supported by the fossil evidence, genetics, and taxonomy -- but supported by direct observation by humans.

Humans, over a period of years, directly observed the English peppered moth evolve through natural selection to adopt a more advantageous camouflage color.

Moth turns from black to white as Britain's polluted skies change colour

The Peppered moth, which changed its colour from white to black in areas of Britain with heavy pollution, is now reverting to its original appearance.

The moth was white with small black speckles but over time it evolved to being almost black in parts of the UK because of heavy industrial pollution. The change made it less obvious to predators against backgrounds of grime and soot.