Serious question for atheists.

I realize you are not actually interested in acquiring knowledge and improving yourself, but your ignorance should not be allowed to stand on the interwebs.

This may comes as a compete shock to you, but evolution is not only supported by the fossil evidence, genetics, and taxonomy -- but supported by direct observation by humans.

Humans, over a period of years, directly observed the English peppered moth evolve through natural selection to adopt a more advantageous camouflage color.

That was not the result of evolution. It was a little something called adaptation. It is the expression of genetic traits that already exist. Esides, you idiots claim evolution takes milions of years. How long did it take those moths to change color? You people really Crack me up.
That's entirely dependent on your lies and sick imagination.

It's sick that you do it then refuse to admit it. Pucker up with your black lips, cunt. Next thing we'll hear is that you're having a black bastard baby and you don't the baby daddy.
Still waiting. I find it ironic that people who say they believe in science cannot produce one mutation that is beneficial.

^This idiot can’t understand that ANY mutation that allows a species to survive in order to pass on its genes is a beneficial one. He’s already been given several and his best response is “because they were created that way.” :rofl2:

Fucking idiot
Still waiting. This should be an easy question. There are thousands of documented mutations in the human genome. Pick one and tell us how it is beneficial. Just one. You cant do it.
That was not the result of evolution. It was a little something called adaptation. It is the expression of genetic traits that already exist. Esides, you idiots claim evolution takes milions of years. How long did it take those moths to change color? You people really Crack me up.

Adaptation is gradual....and one adaptation may die out if there is a change in the environment.. The surviving genes drive change.

You really don't understand, do you?
Adaptation is gradual....and one adaptation may die out if there is a change in the environment.. The surviving genes drive change.

You really don't understand, do you?

You obviously do not understand what adaptation is. It has nothing to do with mutations. It is the expression of genetic traits that already exist in DNA. These traits are also reversible. So it is not evolution. Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Try reading the link I posted. It was written by a scientist.
Evolution is just the survival of species that are best adapted to their environment..

which sometimes random gene mutations make easier due to the environment the individual lives in.

Like blue eyes in colder climates
You obviously do not understand what adaptation is. It has nothing to do with mutations. It is the expression of genetic traits that already exist in DNA. These traits are also reversible. So it is not evolution. Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Try reading the link I posted. It was written by a scientist.

Genetic traits become increasingly recessive over time if the offspring with the recessive gene do NOT survive to reproduce.

How much education do you have?
You obviously do not understand what adaptation is. It has nothing to do with mutations. It is the expression of genetic traits that already exist in DNA. These traits are also reversible. So it is not evolution. Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Try reading the link I posted. It was written by a scientist.

you hate science remember


Genetic traits become increasingly recessive over time if the offspring with the recessive gene do NOT survive to reproduce.

How much education do you have?

More than you. I asked for a mutation that is beneficial. By that, I mean a random mutation that has actually been observed by geneticists.
More than you. I asked for a mutation that is beneficial. By that, I mean a random mutation that has actually been observed by geneticists.

print print
DNA and Mutations :

Mutations are random

Mutations can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful for the organism, but mutations do not "try" to supply what the organism "needs." Factors in the environment may influence the rate of mutation but are not generally thought to influence the direction of mutation.

For example, exposure to harmful chemicals may increase the mutation rate, but will not cause more mutations that make the organism resistant to those chemicals. In this respect, mutations are random — whether a particular mutation happens or not is unrelated to how useful that mutation would be.

For example, in the U.S. where people have access to shampoos with chemicals that kill lice, we have a lot of lice that are resistant to those chemicals. There are two possible explanations for this:

So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

Oposable thumbs. Although I am not an atheist.
So. You believe in evolution.
Believing that evolution exists is not a requirement to be an atheist. You're off to a bad start.
Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

Here are several examples...

What do I win, since you did "bet" I couldn't do it?
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

I have a serious question for Christians!

Did Adam And Eve have belly buttons?
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

Apolipoprotein AI-Milano gene
low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 gene
Hemoglobin variant HbC gene
Tetrachromatic vision recessive gene
Solute carrier family 30, member 8 gene
TAS2R38, the bitter-taste receptor gene
CETP Low Cholesterol mutation gene
aryl hydrocarbon receptor gene

are just a few I can think of off the top of my head that are occurring now.
Because they were created that way. And what genetic changes are responsible for those long necks? We're discussing science here. Not fantasy. I asked for a mutation that is beneficial. Try again.

Giraffes with the longest necks are more likely to survive and have offspring with longer necks.