Serious question for atheists.

So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

at some point we mutated a slight indent on our heads and we grew light collecting cells inside of it and it turned into our eyeballs.

or you could talk about light colored moths that might get a random mutation to make their skin darker, which helps them blend into trees better and thus they live longer to reproduce.

you sound very stupid and ignorant.
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

It’s not the case that all atheists are science enthusiasts. Atheism is a position on god claims, not a position on the diversity of life. And there’s no requirement that atheists have a complete catalog of all the evidence for evolution any more than, say, Christians are required to fluently speak Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.

But if you’re serious about wanting to learn about the genetic evidence for evolution, including specific examples of mutations in various genomes, I recommend the book Making of the Fittest, with followup in the bibliography for anything you find interesting enough to want to learn more about.

I particularly enjoyed its treatment of the evolution of opsin genes for color vision.

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Giraffes with the longest necks are more likely to survive and have offspring with longer necks.

then those offspring can eat more than others and grow strong and be able to reproduce more healthy offspring who also carry on that gene

it multiplies

its weird how these people who faith asks to JUST ACCEPT religious doctrine keep trying to claim with lies that SCIENCE doesn't make sense
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

I've seen no evidence you understand what you're attmepting to discuss. Single point mutations can be beneficial, detrimental, both, or none of the above/indifferent.
So. You believe in evolution. Evolution is supposed to be the result of random mutations. Here's my question. Can you point out a single mutation that is beneficial? Just one. I bet you cant do it.

Sure. The breeding of extremely small dogs that fit in purses or even pockets. It is beneficial. There is a market for them.
Why do you think Giraffes have long necks?

Is it because that allows it to eat tree leaves, or is the ability to eat tree leaves beneficial over another animal that can dig in the dirt and eat more nutritious grubs?

This is not a demonstration of either a mutation vs design, or whether it's 'beneficial'.
^This idiot can’t understand that ANY mutation that allows a species to survive in order to pass on its genes is a beneficial one. He’s already been given several and his best response is “because they were created that way.” :rofl2:

Fucking idiot

Just take a look at how we have gotten taller over the centuries.

Why didn't we just stay short and squat, like Grugore??
You are a wise one oh Cornholio!

Is it because that allows it to eat tree leaves, or is the ability to eat tree leaves beneficial over another animal that can dig in the dirt and eat more nutritious grubs?

This is not a demonstration of either a mutation vs design, or whether it's 'beneficial'.

How many other herbivores are competing for leaves in the treetops?