Shaken, not stirred!
So one day you can buy Product A, and the next day you can't because it has been deemed via trial and error, research actual experience to be dangerous to the general public.The day before it passed, I could buy an AR-15. The next day I couldn't because the government took away my ability to do it.
That is text book "Losing a right".
That's what gov't is suppose to do ... "promote the general welfare and all that".
Your "right" does NOT supersede the general safety of the public. Never has. That's why you can't mount a .50 caliber machine gun anywhere on a house property in an urban setting (and for the most part, suburban as well).
Them's the brakes, son. Now you have the "right" to own a WHOLE LOTTA OTHER WEAPONS, just not a relative few deemed to dangerous for the general public. The various mass shootings using a formerly banned weapon should have taught you that. But insipidly stubborn people couldn't give a damn about other lives outside of themselves and family/friends. A pity.