Serious question Re: guns

Here’s the bottom line on guns in this country.

1) It never has been a right to possess any gun, at any place, at any time, for any purpose. Never. Pre-Constitution or post-Constitution.
Blatant lie.
2) The Second Amendment was written in the context of the military. Period.
Blatant lie.
To “bear arms” did not mean to grab a gun to shoot dinner.
It doesn't matter the reason. Self defense is an inherent right. Attempting to obtain food is an inherent right.
The original conscientious objector clause validates the intention of that amendment from the get go. There is no argument to be had here. Those are indisputable facts.
Learn what 'fact' means, Dumber. It does NOT mean 'proof' or 'Universal Truth'.
3) Heller does not prohibit restrictions on the manufacturer, transport, sale or possession of certain firearms. Scalia noted that specifically in his majority opinion. There is no argument to be had here. Those are indisputable facts.
The Supreme Court has no authority to change or interpret the Constitution, Dumber. Learn what 'fact' means.

4) The reason the US is the leader in gun violence is simple. Too many guns in the hands of too many people that should never be allowed to possess them in the first place. There is no argument to be had here. Those are indisputable facts.
Irrelevant. Learn what 'fact' means.
Until this country comes to its senses and address #4, we will continue to be the world’s leader in gun violence. American exceptionalism!
Irrelevance fallacy. The right to self defense is inherent.

The best solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Most people are good guys. you want to talk about the world leader in blade violence (the UK), the world leader in intentional poisonings (Nepal), or the world leader in homicides (South Africa, at 41/100,000 people). The United States enjoys a very low homicide rate of only 6.7/100,000 people.

(Sources: CIA, UN Office on Drugs and Crime)

Your own problem is YOURS. It is YOU that lives in fear. It is YOU that lives with hoplophobia.
You are so weak. Stubbornness is not a good quality. Nor is your Trumpiam attitude of declaring yourself the winner, when you lose. The chief justice is ignorant and you are qualified for sucj\h a proclamation. Your are so far off.
Pivot fallacy. Pivoting won't work, Sybil. The topic is guns, not Trump.
“Vehicles cannot be necessary” when they’re not an enumerated right. That’s what you fucking said. That’s what you fucking meant.

Rights do not come from a piece of paper, Dumber.

The right to self defense is inherent. The right of transportation is also inherent.

Neither of these rights come from the Constitution of the United States or any other constitution. That is not the purpose of a constitution.
liar. that is not what I said. and we all see your attempt to derail the thread by you lying about another post from years ago, that you also get wrong because otherwise you look like the idiot you are.
You said it, idiot. You own it. Stupidest fucking post on the forum. EVER. Since they’re not necessary, how are you getting to work these days? Horse and buggy? LOL

My recent post on this thread? 100% true and accurate.
America is a shooting gallery due to the Supremes sucking up to gun manufacturers. The super wealthy won and the result is millions of Americans dying in the streets. The wealthy show the people how little they care about them. The Trumpys cannot see it. They are conned.
This is what they gladly accept for their beloved guns.
Our kids grow up with active shooter drills as part of their school experience. That is horrible.
Here’s the bottom line on guns in this country.
If you are going to open with this line, you have to get EVERYTHING right. You can't make any errors.

1) It never has been a right to possess any gun, at any place, at any time, for any purpose. Never. Pre-Constitution or post-Constitution.
Wrong. The truth is the opposite. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

2) The Second Amendment was written in the context of the military. Period.
Wrong. The Second Amendment was written in the context of the people.

To “bear arms” did not mean to grab a gun to shoot dinner.
Wrong. That meaning was included.

You're not doing too well on this.

The original conscientious objector clause validates the intention of that amendment from the get go.
Wrong. The removal of the original conscientious objector clause means that they rejected the idea expressed.

There is no argument to be had here. Those are indisputable facts.
...then you have no basis for any argument whatsoever.

3) Heller does not prohibit restrictions on the manufacturer, transport, sale or possession of certain firearms.
The Constitution, however, says otherwise, i.e. "shall not be infringed" and thus SCOTUS erred to that extent. A future SCOTUS can and should reverse that erroneous part of the decision at the first opportunity.

4) The reason the US is the leader in gun violence is simple.
The reason for the spikes in unwanted gun violence is indisputable. All mass shootings occur in leftist-mandated defenselessness zones, and leftists want more and more mass shootings because leftists HATE our children just as they HATE humanity. As such, leftists are on a mission to convert the country into one huge defenselessness zone in which all of We the People are rendered completely defenseless before all violent crime, and in which all violent criminals are aware of this fact, and know that they can kill, kill, kill without any annoying distractions or barriers.

The underlying leftist HATRED of all life and of everything that is good, wholesome and that brings happiness into the world is the reason they work so hard to cause all of these mass shootings to occur, and their tireless efforts can be seen in their incessant desire to destroy the 2nd Amendment.

You didn't get anything correct.
If you are going to open with this line, you have to get EVERYTHING right. You can't make any errors.

Wrong. The truth is the opposite. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Wrong. The Second Amendment was written in the context of the people.

Wrong. That meaning was included.

You're not doing too well on this.

Wrong. The removal of the original conscientious objector clause means that they rejected the idea expressed.

...then you have no basis for any argument whatsoever.

The Constitution, however, says otherwise, i.e. "shall not be infringed" and thus SCOTUS erred to that extent. A future SCOTUS can and should reverse that erroneous part of the decision at the first opportunity.

The reason for the spikes in unwanted gun violence is indisputable. All mass shootings occur in leftist-mandated defenselessness zones, and leftists want more and more mass shootings because leftists HATE our children just as they HATE humanity. As such, leftists are on a mission to convert the country into one huge defenselessness zone in which all of We the People are rendered completely defenseless before all violent crime, and in which all violent criminals are aware of this fact, and know that they can kill, kill, kill without any annoying distractions or barriers.

The underlying leftist HATRED of all life and of everything that is good, wholesome and that brings happiness into the world is the reason they work so hard to cause all of these mass shootings to occur, and their tireless efforts can be seen in their incessant desire to destroy the 2nd Amendment.

You didn't get anything correct.
^Becomes a waste of my time and screen space.
I feel sorry for you in spite of myself.

living in fear must suck.
not at all. I know and understand that there are violent maniacs out there and i'm prepared to defend myself. It's MUCH better than living in ignorance and being totally at the mercy of them, like you are. That's gonna suck for you.
You said it, idiot. You own it. Stupidest fucking post on the forum. EVER. Since they’re not necessary, how are you getting to work these days? Horse and buggy? LOL

My recent post on this thread? 100% true and accurate.
again, you can't be honest with anything it seems.