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You made the you cannot prove it. I got it. Now run along.
Let Google be your friend.
Now I am going to reveal some truth to you and you should count yourself privileged because few have heard it:
The establishment republicans stupidly believe they need the mexican vote.....newsflash even if they got it they would still lose....though they do not have a chance in hell of getting any significant amount of it.
Now here is what you and all republicans need to know>>>>>
LMAO So youg'ins are supposed to like big oppressive GovCo and high taxes? LMAO
You don't get it.....they do not pay that much tax so it is a non issue for them.
.Actually they are more of a concern because every dollar counts more to someone who makes less of them.
Admit your fail so we can move forward...
FTFYHuman culture (so far) is about a few powerful and corrupt rich and many poor.
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa lower taxes appeal to the rich not the working folk. geez get real dude.
The Republicans have a woman problem, as in women are being duped into believing Republicans hate their vaginas, and want to control them.
The mainstream Republicans keep nominating candidates who offer the White Working Class nothing more than lip service...and look how the working class is being betrayed by those republicans in favor of illegal immigration aka amnesty.
The Republican Party does not have a hispanic problem...they have a white problem.
I know this is probably over your head...I will explain it later.
The middle class is being replaced by hispanics. The parties are in a desperite battle tfor the spanish speaking vote. Whoever wins them ownsbthe future.
So you don't think the rich work? Geeze, get real dude.
I am fascinated by dimwitted fools stuck on Marxist class envy meme's who think that tax rates don't affect Middle Class decisions or only benefit the rich. Where do you dunces get such stupid ideas? Let me guess, by gullibly believing what you read and hear from the media?
Now I am going to reveal some truth to you and you should count yourself privileged because few have heard it:
The establishment republicans stupidly believe they need the mexican vote.....newsflash even if they got it they would still lose....though they do not have a chance in hell of getting any significant amount of it.
Now here is what you and all republicans need to know>>>>>
Tell me one thing the GOP has ever done for the White Working Class aka...the so called 'Reagan Democrats'?
Kalifornicate has been a third world country for years....
Yet the fact is as a member of the working class your taxes are not nearly the concern that it is for someone in the upper classes simply because they pay much,much more than you.
If the Republicans want to win the White Working Class Vote they must show that they are a party on the side of White People for whom life isn't easy – on the side of White People who, every month, are struggling to make ends meet...just as the democrats are on the side of minorities.
In a nutshell the White Working Class needs some real representation in Washington....something they have not had for decades.
To reach the blue collar Americans --Republicans must realise that the concerns of the traditional "middle-class Americans" aka The White Working Class are different from when Reagan reached this group of voters at the end of the 1970s.
Health care now takes a bigger bite than income taxes out of many paychecks. Wage stagnation is a bigger threat to blue-collar workers than inflation. Middle-income parents worry about the cost of college and the crime rate...... especially the ever increasing black on white crime rate and particuarly how thuggish wanna be gangsta black kids prey on white kids in the public schools where most White Working Class kids go to school because they cannot afford the private schools the upper classes send their kids to.
Now it is true as you suggest that the White Working Class tends to be fiscally conservative, wanting low rates of taxation and wanting government to live within its means. But that is not their over-riding concern and that is why the Tea Party Mantra of smaller government and lower taxes is not a election winning platform in and of itself...yet the Tea Partiers offer nothing else. The White Working Class is very patriotic and supportive of the military, but suspicious of foreign adventures.
Most importantly, they are modest in their aspirations for themselves. They do not aspire to be “type A business owners”; they want to go to work, do what’s asked of them, not have too much stress in their lives, and spend time with their families. They want structure and stability in their lives so that things are taken care of and they don’t have to worry.
seven habits of the White Working Class:
(1) Hope for the future
(2) Fear of the present
(3) Pride in their lives
(4) Anger at being disrespected
(5) Belief in public order
(6) Patriotism
(7) Fear of rapid change.
You are entitled to your opinion but that is all you have and it is not enought.
BTW Tell me which republican president lowered your taxes and by how much?