Setting The Record Straight About The White Working Class

A huge mistake being made by Tea Partiers is that the only message they have been able to get out is that they stand for 'Smaller Government and lower taxes' which essentially just makes them a special interest group.

I am amused that being for the Constitutional limitations of Government is a "special interest group".

You are obviously swilling too much media kool-aid.

So what does the Democratic Party's pandering to low information voting dunces make them?
“A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither” Thomas Jefferson"

A nice idea for those times.....Newsflash...times have changed and incredibly so. Now a ragtag gang of militant muslims have the capability to wipe out a entire city.

When did they have this capability and who are these ragtag militants with such capability?

Obama said just a few days ago that his biggest worry was someone setting off a nuke in NYC.

I must have missed this statement; can you cite a link where he made that claim? Most of the time he avoids the word "terrorism" like it is the plague.

Therefore...........any society that wants to survive in these times must place the utmost importance on has its price for sure....but compare that with annihilation....duh

Your message is very confusing; first you quote Jefferson regarding Liberty, then claim in order to survive we must forgo Liberty?

DUH alright; which summarizes many of your posts.
You don't get it.....they do not pay that much tax so it is a non issue for them.

Where do you arrive at such erroneous conclusions? Taxes have a more sizable impact on lower income groups thn higher inane groups. Most über wealthy Liberals are for higher tax rates because they erroneously think they can outsource "caring" to Big Government and not have to deal with it at a personal level.

Do you have ANY data whatsoever to support your canards?
Sometimes I wonder if I ought to keep Truth Detector on 'ignore' - EIGHT posts I can't read. But then I try and understand!. So it goes! :)
The simple fact is that the mantra of 'smaller government and lower taxes' does not have enough appeal to the White Working Class to motivate them to vote republican in the overwhelming numbers needed.....aka at least 72%

The simple fact is that mantra is driven by the upper class members of the so called Tea Party.
That mantra did not help them last time and it will not help them this time.....keep doing the same thing and expect different results and see where that gets you.

The mainstream republicans, the establishment republicans, and the so called tea party just do not want to believe they need the White Working Class Vote and when I say need...i mean they must get it in an overwhelming manner. They got the majority of the White Working Class Vote last time but not the 72% they needed to win. If they had got that Romney would be President today.....and tragically he could have gotten it and gotten it very easily.

Your rhetoric is nonsense; you claimed the rich don't work; then run off with this "white" bullshit.

This isn't about appealing to "white" or "colored" voters in elections. It's about a consistent message that believes in the Constitution and free Capitalist markets that provide more choice as being the best way to achieve peaceful coexistence and prosperity. It isn't a race issue any more than it is a Marxist class envy message.

It is about educating low information fools why and what made this nation the most propserous and powerful nation in the world; limited Government, freedom of choice, capitalism and liberty. It didn't come from the Big Government Nanny Statism we saw from Imperialist Europeans or the Marxist Class envy of Statist Communism.
Sometimes I wonder if I ought to keep Truth Detector on 'ignore' - EIGHT posts I can't read. But then I try and understand!. So it goes! :)

You're better off keeping me on ignore you brain dead twit; that way you can remain blissfully stupid and ignorant. ;)
When did they have this capability and who are these ragtag militants with such capability?

I must have missed this statement; can you cite a link where he made that claim? Most of the time he avoids the word "terrorism" like it is the plague.

Your message is very confusing; first you quote Jefferson regarding Liberty, then claim in order to survive we must forgo Liberty?

DUH alright; which summarizes many of your posts.

He did say that, it kind of slipped out when talking about Russia when they invade3d the Crimean peninsula. I think that they will set a nuke off themselves in order to either institute martial law, and crash the economy then Blame Bush for it. Or they will blame it on terrorists and send all conservatives to fight the war.
Your rhetoric is nonsense; you claimed the rich don't work; then run off with this "white" bullshit.

This isn't about appealing to "white" or "colored" voters in elections. It's about a consistent message that believes in the Constitution and free Capitalist markets that provide more choice as being the best way to achieve peaceful coexistence and prosperity. It isn't a race issue any more than it is a Marxist class envy message.

It is about educating low information fools why and what made this nation the most propserous and powerful nation in the world; limited Government, freedom of choice, capitalism and liberty. It didn't come from the Big Government Nanny Statism we saw from Imperialist Europeans or the Marxist Class envy of Statist Communism.

Your head is way up in the clouds or up your ass cuz you definitely do not understand what the Republicans need to do....that is if they want to win.

In a nutshell you are overwrought with your rhetoric which might look good on some term paper at the junior college but has no relevance in real politics.
Where do you arrive at such erroneous conclusions? Taxes have a more sizable impact on lower income groups thn higher inane groups. Most über wealthy Liberals are for higher tax rates because they erroneously think they can outsource "caring" to Big Government and not have to deal with it at a personal level.

Do you have ANY data whatsoever to support your canards?

Try and use a little common sense aka.....some logic, think for yourself and quit listening to the talking heads.

First of all: Why do you think so many Whites stayed home instead of voting for Romney?

Obviously they knew the democrats were going to make them pay more taxes.

Study up a little>>>>
Quote Originally Posted by SmilinJack View Post

“A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither” Thomas Jefferson"

A nice idea for those times.....Newsflash...times have changed and incredibly so. Now a ragtag gang of militant muslims have the capability to wipe out a entire city.
When did they have this capability and who are these ragtag militants with such capability?

Quote Originally Posted by SmilinJack View Post

Obama said just a few days ago that his biggest worry was someone setting off a nuke in NYC.
I must have missed this statement; can you cite a link where he made that claim? Most of the time he avoids the word "terrorism" like it is the plague.

Quote Originally Posted by SmilinJack View Post

Therefore...........any society that wants to survive in these times must place the utmost importance on has its price for sure....but compare that with annihilation....duh
Your message is very confusing; first you quote Jefferson regarding Liberty, then claim in order to survive we must forgo Liberty? quote

First of all the Jefferson quote was something I was responding to...I forget who posted that.

Yes, you missed Obama's statement aka "someone setting off a nuke in NYC is my biggest worry" do your homework before you come on is easily googable.

You seem reallly appear out of touch concerning terrorism, terrorists and their capabilities. i.e. Ever heard of a suitcase nuke? Ever heard of a dirty bomb? Ever heard of biological terrorism or chemical terrorism.

How many people do you think it would require to do any or all of the above?....and if you think it impossible for a small group of terrorists to do any of the above then you are absolutely out of touch.

Now as to who these groups are ...there are some that are well known such as alquaida, the muslim brotherhood and so on and so forth and many that are not well known....which group will make the next attack on America is anybody's guess....that is why we need a very strong and efficient intelligence community un-hindered by morons who cannot get it through their pinheads that National Security Trumps personal liberties.

Also...I have noticed you have a tendency to misquote people.....if you are going to quote me then use the quote function and post my words ...not your interpetation of them because you are easily confused obviously.
How To Appeal To The White Working Class

As has been pointed out previously....the republicans only hope of regaining the white house in 2016 is to persuade at least 72% of White Working Class to vote Republican.

The White Working Class is the largest bloc of voters in the nation but the Republican Leadership wants to ignore them....why? I have explained that and I might explain it again but not right now.

What I want to point out right now is this.............
He did say that, it kind of slipped out when talking about Russia when they invade3d the Crimean peninsula. I think that they will set a nuke off themselves in order to either institute martial law, and crash the economy then Blame Bush for it. Or they will blame it on terrorists and send all conservatives to fight the war.

Your heart is in the right place but you are way off the deep end. I do not think for one second that even obama would set off a nuke in America...ya know the place where he lives, where his daughters live...for crying out loud you make yourself appear ridiculous.

Now he very well could look for some excuse to inact martial law...that is a valid point...but the way disasters have been hitting America he will not have to look long or hard for one to use to declare martial law. So, granted that is a real concern.