You can claim whatever you like. I've found that Dr. Mark Bailey's essay A Farewell to Virology provides an excellent refutation of virology as a whole. In terms of a specific alleged viral RNA genome, namely the Cov 2 virus, I rebutted the notion that its alleged RNA was unique in post #602.
It seems you and Bailey have no answer for the facts.
I have a database of over 6,000,000 RNA sequences that does not match the RNA sequence found in tRNA, rRNA or any other RNA found in a healthy cell. Your explanation fails since it doesn't explain why the sequences found in viruses don't match tRNA or rRNA.
rRNA doesn't code. Viruses do code.
tRNA does code but is shorter than viruses and there are only about 100 found across all cellular species.
So based on your limited reading which doesn't include any actual science you continue to regurgitate the same, worse than garbage, unsupported bullshit.