Contig is short for contiguous. The fact that they are assembled doesn't change the fact that once assembled, they form a contiguous length of RNA.
You mistake ignore with simply not remembering everything he said. So, congratulations, you've shown that k141_27232 was not, in fact, the longest contig that the mathematician found. That doesn't change the fact that the mathematician found k141_27232 very interesting. Furthermore, there are other points that I think are quite interesting. Many of them are made in the very paragraph from which you got your sentence. Quoting the complete paragraph:
We obtained 28,459 (200 nt - 29,802 nt) contigs, significantly less than described in [1]. Deviating from the representations in [1], the longest contig we assembled comprised only 29,802 nt, 672 nt less than the longest contig with 30,474 nt, which according to [1] comprised almost the entire viral genome. Our longest contig showed a perfect match with the MN908947.3 sequence at a length of 29,801 nt (Tables and Figures, Tables 1, 2). Thus, we could not reproduce the longest contig of 30,474 nt, which is so important for scientific verification. Consequently, the published sequence data cannot be the original reads used for assembly.
Aren't you at least curious as to why the published sequence data can't be the original reads used for assembly?
Surely the fact that the mathematician and doctor Stefan Lanka couldn't even reproduce the longest sequence allegedly found by the authors of the alleged Cov 2 virus, which "comprised almost the entire viral genome" should be a blazing red flag, don't you think?
As mentioned elsewhere, there are very good reasons why the mathematician wouldn't want to put his name to the paper. It's hardly news that any professional who disagrees with the official covid narrative is bound to have serious repercussions. I think the treatment of doctors like Dr. Sam Bailey provides ample evidence for this.
In any case, you do seem to be right concerning the fact that the mathematician and Dr. Stefan Lanka never mentions the length of k141_27232 contig, at least in the analysis paper. I suspect that it may be in the tables document. I may look at that later to see if it's there.
Contig does NOT mean contiguous RNA. 1980, Staden [4] wrote: In order to make it easier to talk about our data gained by the shotgun method of sequencing we have invented the word "contig". A contig is a set of gel readings that are related to one another by overlap of their sequences. All gel readings belong to one and only one contig, and each contig contains at least one gel reading. The gel readings in a contig can be summed to form a contiguous consensus sequence and the length of this sequence is the length of the contig.
A sequence contig is a continuous (not contiguous) sequence resulting from the reassembly of the small DNA fragments generated by bottom-up sequencing strategies.
It is a word that is made up to describe the assembled reads.
You better start to backtrack since we are finding some of your claims are proven false.

Why would they necessarily be the same since the mathematician says he eliminated over 50% of them before he even started? He clearly states "After filtering the
paired-end reads, 26,108,482 of the original total of 56,565,928 reads remained, with
a length of about 150 bp."
The mathematician that refused to put his name on the paper also states this, "not all steps can be retraced or reproduced."
Since he admits he didn't do every step, the fact that he got different results is not a surprise at all. The fact that he got a result that was almost identical to the genome of Covid as assembled in the original paper should be important to note. Even while taking shortcuts and doing it differently he still got almost identical results.
Meanwhile over over 6,000 other de novo assemblies have confirmed the genome. Aren't you curious why others using different samples from different sick people got the same genome?
Aren't you curious about this?
Meanwhile we have the following evidence that you refuse to address at all. I know I am curious as to why you refuse to address it.
Viruses have been isolated and grown in tissue cultures.
Viruses grown in tissue cultures have infected people.
Until you can prove that the virus wasn't grown in a tissue culture and the Nobel committee were fooled any claim that viruses can't be grown in culture are nothing but bullshit from you.
Since we now have evidence of a virus being grown in a culture and you can not refute it with any evidence, let's move on to the next step that proves that viruses grown in a culture can infect people after the virus is grown.
In 1955, Cutter grew the virus in culture and used it to make vaccine. They failed to adequately kill the virus and the virus grown in a culture was used to infect over 40,000 people.