So that is the way some living creatures reproduce. Would it be a valid test to say bacteria must reproduce by an egg being fertilized with sperm as proof that they are living? Of course it would not be a valid test because we know some living creatures don't reproduce by eggs and sperm. We also know some living creatures don't have male and females. Science doesn't set up a test for the whole by using a test that is only valid for a subset. You can't use the test until you know that test is actually valid for that particular creature. Any other use of it would be pseudo-science. But then we go even further. Science doesn't require that an individual reproduce to prove it exists. Plenty of humans exist that either haven't or are biologically incapable of reproducing. That doesn't mean they aren't human.In some ways sure, but humans can't be reproduce in "culture". To reproduce, a female human egg has to be fertlized by a male human sperm.
How can something that doesn't exist be a microbe? Your reasoning is circular here. You claim they are microbes so want to use a test that is valid for bacteria which were the only known microbes when the word microbe came into being and the test for bacteria was first formulated. But you also claim viruses don't exist. Since they don't exist and you are devising a test, you can't start with a test that only is used for SOME living creatures. You are using pseudo-science. You have declared they will only exist if tests show them to be the same as bacteria. That test has been shown to be false since it doesn't work for all living creatures. You can't use that test until you first show that viruses are like bacteria. You clearly have not shown that since you claim they don't exist. Your logic is ridiculous and PSEUDO-SCIENCE.They are both microbes. If you can find any argument to explain why viruses can't be truly isolated and grown in culture just like their fellow microbes, bacteria, by all means let me know.
That is only a small bit of the evidence I have presented and you have been unable to refute with any evidence of your own. You have only denial, cherry picking, logical fallacies, and you are unable to explain away in any reasonable or rational way even the most simple of evidence that supports viruses existing.It seems all the evidence you can provide is the fact that some Nobel Prize judges were hoodwinked into believing it happened. In fairness, a lot more people believed it too, including most if not all of the doctors referenced in the opening post of this thread at the time that this alleged covid pandemic started. But since then, they started looking into the evidence of the Cov 2 virus and viruses more generally and found that the evidence that any virus exists is severely wanting.
The doctors haven't refuted the evidence that was accepted by the Nobel Committee and the scientific community. They have avoided addressing it at all. Science doesn't avoid experimental evidence that would show their theory to be false. They address that evidence. Your doctors have never explained what was grown if it wasn't virus. Your doctors have never explained what was in the Cutter vaccine that wasn't in the other vaccines if it wasn't virus that wasn't properly attenuated. Your doctors have never explained why polio didn't return to Africa when they started using DDT if DDT caused polio symptoms. These are 3 pieces of evidence I have asked you to address and you have not done so. Now you are trying to run away from it again by claiming that is all the evidence I have. That is bullshit on your part. I have provided multiple links to scientific articles published in scientific papers and you have ignored all those links and not addressed the science or simply denied what they said.