So you admit you don't exist. Thanks for that.
You don't exist. The only way to prove you exist is to grow you in culture.
Is that a valid argument? Yes or no.
The fact that various living creatures exist that can't be grown in culture in no way falsifies the method that the group of doctors describe. You seem to think that just because -some- living creatures can't be grown in culture, that it shouldn't matter that viruses can't be grown in culture.
This is simple falsification. If some living creatures exist that can't be grown in culture then until you first prove that a creature can be grown in culture you can't argue that the failure to grow it would indicate it doesn't exist.
Some living beings can be grown in culture.
Some living beings can't be grown in culture.
Since some living creatures exist that can't be grown in culture, there is no scientific way to require that a living creature be grown in culture to accept that it exist. Requiring it would be pseudo-science since we have evidence that living creatures exist that can't be grown in culture.
I'm guessing you're referring to links you have listed in the past. I believe you're confused as to what those links contained.
LOL. I know what they contain. I also know that your only response has been denial and pseudo-science.
Tell me of the ways virologists have attempted to falsify their notion that those RNA sequences come from alleged viruses.
Different viruses have different RNA sequences. If that was not the case then it would be impossible to see the same RNA sequence for a particle that results in the same symptoms. Do you have evidence of polio virus RNA being found in the sequences that were done for Covid? If your mathematician had found the sequence of polio virus when he did his work, then you would have falsified the polio RNA. Every time RNA sequences are found de novo it is an attempt to falsify where the RNA comes from.
Your denial is nothing but pseudo-science.
Again, tell me of the ways that virologists have attempted to falsify that those electron microscope pictures came from alleged viruses.
They grew the virus in culture before taking it's picture. I asked you to tell us what it was. Clearly you can only deny, deny, deny, deny, deny. Denial is pseudo-science.
Claims that viruses have been grown in tissue cultures are just claims without solid evidence. (Former) Dr. Mark Bailey gets into evidence that the world has been deceived in relation to the alleged Cov 2 virus. From his essay "Farewell to virology (Expert Edition)":
Claims that viruses can't be grown in tissue cultures have less evidence then the claims that some can be grown in tissue culture.
You have never told us how the Nobel Committee was lied to when they gave the Nobel prize in medicine for growing polio virus in a tissue culture. You have never told us how Cutter could not have infected 40,000 people with a virus grown in tissue culture and not properly attenuated.
We keep going over your same denials repeatedly and you never defend your position with any facts. You just keep circling back to the same bullshit over and over and over.