You might consider focusing more on your arguments rather than simply insulting your opponent's arguments. It's not my fault that the first sentence you wrote in post #872 is the one I quoted, it's yours.
I see you have now resorted to attacking me personally instead of providing support for your opinions. Your post would be an example of an ad hominem argument. You are avoiding the topic. What I did was say your argument was shit and then went on to explain why it was shit. You failed to address any of the reasons why your argument was shit.
But here... let me reiterate some of the arguments that you have never disputed in any fashion.
Let's assume that viruses can never be found in anyone that is healthy. If viruses make someone sick, then a healthy person must get the virus prior to getting sick. If a healthy person can never have the virus then a healthy person can never get sick since they can never have the virus. At this point we see how ridiculous this argument is since it has created a paradox.
Let's look at it another way.
Poison can be found in both the sick and the healthy. Can this be true?
If someone ingests arsenic can they be both healthy and have poison in them? Not only is that true. It MUST be true. There must be a reaction before they are no longer healthy.
Then there are also levels of poison that must exist before a reaction occurs.
Since we have established that poison can be in a person that is still healthy we have shown the statement to be false. It also proves that Mike's first statement is false.
Another argument you have not refuted..
Let's examine this with the falsification method.
You claimed that viruses can't be purified or isolated.
That would mean viruses can never be purified of isolated.
You then post an article where viruses are purified and isolated but the claim is they can't be done in enough quantities to infect another.
And another
Let's keep this simple.
Provide one scientific paper published in an actual scientific journal that has been peer reviewed that shows that the Nobel Prize was falsely awarded in 1954.
That paper should show that the process used by Enders can not be duplicated.
And even more...
Here is how to isolate a virus -
It's a much simpler explanation than the one you ignored earlier in this thread.
Viruses can be isolated. They have been isolated. Your claims are not valid.
Here is a picture of isolated viruses.
You have no explanation for what is in this picture. It is virus. It has been isolated and photographed in an electron microscope.
Here is another picture of viruses. Tell us what it is if not a virus.
and more you haven't refuted...
Meanwhile we have the following evidence that you refuse to address at all. I know I am curious as to why you refuse to address it.
Viruses have been isolated and grown in tissue cultures.
Viruses grown in tissue cultures have infected people.
Until you can prove that the virus wasn't grown in a tissue culture and the Nobel committee were fooled any claim that viruses can't be grown in culture are nothing but bullshit from you.
Since we now have evidence of a virus being grown in a culture and you can not refute it with any evidence, let's move on to the next step that proves that viruses grown in a culture can infect people after the virus is grown.
In 1955, Cutter grew the virus in culture and used it to make vaccine. They failed to adequately kill the virus and the virus grown in a culture was used to infect over 40,000 people.