Let's see if big letters help you to understand something that is simple.
Dr Bailey step 1 is:
1. a unique particle with the characteristics of a virus is purified from the tissues or fluids of a sick living being.
Purification is the same thing as isolation which requires that the microbe be grown in a culture. Dr Bailey is saying that to show that viruses exist they must be isolated and grown in a culture.
2 points I'd like to make:
1- The "Settling the virus statement" was written by Dr. Tom Cowan "et al". The et al may have included Dr. Mark Bailey and even his wife Dr Sam Bailey for all I know, but it's not a certainty. The only person I'm certain contributed to it was Dr. Tom Cowan, so I think it'd be better to call it Dr. Cowan's paper.
2- I agree that purification means the same thing as isolation, but purification/isolation has nothing to do with being grown in culture. As a matter of fact, if you read the 5 points carefully, you'll find that they're not actually asking for any alleged virus to be grown in culture at all. Virologists have often claimed that this can't be done for many viruses, so they've actually requested something quite different. It's written quite clearly in step 4:
4. the purified viral particles alone, through a natural exposure route, are shown to cause identical sickness in test subjects, by using valid controls;
The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement | drsambailey.com
The problem for virologists is that they haven't even shown solid evidence that they've ever isolated/purified a virus, in the regular sense of the term, which means removing everything -but- alleged viruses, so there's no way they could get to step 4.
1. Denial on your part.
What do you think I'm denying?
Dr Bailey signed the paper. Both Dr Baileys signed it. Claiming he didn't write it is irrelevant to the discussion of what is in the paper.
Agreed, but it's -not- irrelevant when it comes to who should be given credit for the steps mentioned in the paper. It seems you want to make this all about Dr. Mark Bailey, or at best, include his wife Dr. Sam Bailey, but the fact of the matter is that there are a good deal more doctors involved. If you're going to talk about the "Settling the Virus Debate" statement, which Dr. Sam Bailey credited as having been written by "Dr. Tom Cowan et al", it simply makes more sense to say that they are Dr. Tom Cowan's steps, not Dr. Mark Bailey's.
2. How cute that you simply deny what Dr Bailey writes.
You really need to stop being so vague sometimes. First of all, there are 2 Dr. Baileys who have written articles on the subject of whether or not biological viruses exist. Saying that I "deny what Dr. Bailey writes" is akin to saying that someone denies what Edgar Allen Poe writes. You're going to need to be a tad more specific.
At the heart of the matter is a simple concept and we need to see evidence that alleged disease-causing particles cause new particles that are clones of the former.
The problem for Dr Bailey and you is that you both are using pseudo-science. Once again, you failed to address my argument and simply cut it off.
Alright, for those trying to follow along, Saunders has now jumped to a sentence from "A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)", page 11, paragraph 2. I don't know why he decided to quote that line, or label it "pseudo-science", perhaps he can explain in the next post.
Here it is again.
Let's see if big letters help you to understand something that is simple. Perhaps you need even bigger letters. I can add color if you continue to ignore it.
Dr Bailey step 1 is:
1. a unique particle with the characteristics of a virus is purified from the tissues or fluids of a sick living being.
Again, for anyone trying to follow along, Saunders has now once again jumped to Dr. Tom Cowan et al's "Settling the Virus Debate" statement, page 1.
Purification is the same thing as isolation which requires that the microbe be grown in a culture.
I agree that purification is the same thing as isolation, but your statement after that has several points that need to be addressed.
For starters, purification/isolation of a substance doesn't actually need to be grown i a culture. If that were the case, proteins, which are smaller than alleged viruses, wouldn't be able to be isolated/purified, because proteins don't "grow in culture". Everyone agrees that they are not alive in the sense that they don't reproduce by any means. Note the fact that while proteins are smaller than these alleged viruses, they can still be purified/isolated, whereas viruses for some reason can't be. The simple explanation is they can't be isolated/purified because they simply don't exist and when you remove everything that isn't these alleged "viruses" you're left with nothing at all.
Secondly you don't need to be classified as a microbe to be grown in culture. Certain virologists have claimed to grow viruses in culture, but not all people agree that these alleged viruses are microbes.
Dr Bailey is saying that to show that viruses exist they must be isolated and grown in a culture.
First of all, which Dr. Bailey are you referring to? And secondly, where does Dr. Bailey say this?
Bacteria are microbes. Bacteria can be isolated and grown in a culture.
On this, we can agree.
Dr Bailey's test requires that viruses act just like bacteria.
Not sure what "test" you're referring to. I can say that Dr. Tom Cowan's "Settling the Virus Debate" statement makes it clear that their test doesn't involve growing alleged viruses in culture.