Settling the Biological Virus Debate

I did an internet search for your "Argument of ignorance fallacy". Came up with an entry from Wikipedia titled "Argument from Ignorance", I assume this is what you mean. From their entry:

Argument from ignorance (from Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance represents "a lack of contrary evidence"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true. This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes the possibility that there may have been an insufficient investigation to prove that the proposition is either true or false.[1] It also does not allow for the possibility that the answer is unknowable, only knowable in the future, or neither completely true nor completely false.[2] In debates, appealing to ignorance is sometimes an attempt to shift the burden of proof.

I have never asserted that I have proof that viruses don't exist. I have simply posited that I've seen no solid evidence that they exist. The same can be said for the doctors and other professionals who signed the document referenced in the opening post of this thread.

Argument of ignorance fallacy.[snip]

At this point, you're just doing the written equivalent of a broken record. Good luck with that.
@Scott's rationale boils down to this.

Me: I don't believe in the Eiffel Tower. I've never seen it so it doesn't exist.
You: Here are some pictures of it.
Me: Anyone can fake pictures. (I produce a website stating that there's no such thing as the Eiffel Tower and all photos are faked.)
You: I went to Paris and saw it for myself.
Me: You just *thought* you did. People told you it was there and you believed them.

First, I've put my response to your post in the thread I made for discussing whether or not biological viruses are real, as we're clearly not just talking about whether the bird flu is fake at this point.

In response to your analogy, it's terrible. As your analogy itself points out, you can literally go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower. The microbes that some label as biological viruses are not visible with the human eye. As to any electron microscrope photographs of microbes, that's all they are- photographs of microbes. I've seen no solid evidence that they actually have the properties that virologists say they have.

If you'd like to read why around a dozen or so medical doctors and other researchers no longer believe in biological viruses, by all means take a look at the opening post of this thread. I must warn you, though, it's a few paragraphs long- seeing as you have described a single paragraph as a "wall of text", I suspect it may be beyond your attention span.
Glad we agree on that at least.

I certainly -used- to believe that biological viruses exist. I still believed that when the alleged Covid pandemic started. Then a medical journalist I know told me that there were some that no longer believed that they existed. At first, I couldn't believe it. I told her it sounded too good to be true. But I started looking into it and found a group of medical doctors and other researchers who had stopped believing in them. It took me about a year where I spent a lot of time arguing with people about Covid and also researching this new point of view to become persuaded that these researchers were right. By the time I started my thread on the subject here, I'd become convinced. If you'd like to debate the evidence that biological viruses exist, by all means, take a look at this thread that I made back in 2022:
You're moving the goal posts. If full eradication of a virus is possible, then it's possible that SOME no longer exist. That's not what you said. You said you biological viruses, in general, don't exist.

First of all, I'm moved my response to your post to the thread I made for discussing whether or not biological viruses exist as we're clearly no longer talking about the flu vaccine. I'm not sure why you think I moved any goal posts. I did indeed say that I no longer believe that any biological viruses exist. However, there are certainly -some- people who have only stopped believing that only some biological viruses don't exist, or even just one. I thought an article I read a while back concerning the alleged Cov 2 virus was quite educational. The author came to the conclusion that the COV 2 virus didn't exist and expressed skepticism of the original Cov virus as well. It can be seen here:
First, I've put my response to your post in the thread I made for discussing whether or not biological viruses are real, as we're clearly not just talking about whether the bird flu is fake at this point.

In response to your analogy, it's terrible. As your analogy itself points out, you can literally go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower. The microbes that some label as biological viruses are not visible with the human eye. As to any electron microscrope photographs of microbes, that's all they are- photographs of microbes. I've seen no solid evidence that they actually have the properties that virologists say they have.

If you'd like to read why around a dozen or so medical doctors and other researchers no longer believe in biological viruses, by all means take a look at the opening post of this thread. I must warn you, though, it's a few paragraphs long- seeing as you have described a single paragraph as a "wall of text", I suspect it may be beyond your attention span.
Based on your idiotic argument, atoms don't exist, molecules don't exist, and bacteria can't exist since none can be seen with the naked eye.

Not being able to see something with the naked eye does not prove it doesn't exist.

Your refusal to accept evidence isn't proof of anything other than your refusal to accept evidence. For instance when it comes to Covid you simply make up what you want to believe rather than looking at the actual evidence.
First of all, I'm moved my response to your post to the thread I made for discussing whether or not biological viruses exist as we're clearly no longer talking about the flu vaccine. I'm not sure why you think I moved any goal posts. I did indeed say that I no longer believe that any biological viruses exist. However, there are certainly -some- people who have only stopped believing that only some biological viruses don't exist, or even just one. I thought an article I read a while back concerning the alleged Cov 2 virus was quite educational. The author came to the conclusion that the COV 2 virus didn't exist and expressed skepticism of the original Cov virus as well. It can be seen here:
I posted a Reuters article that talked about the Facebook hoax about viruses not existing. That article had confirmation, from a virologist, that viruses exist and provided detail on how viruses are known to exist. I said before posting that it wouldn't matter. Nothing I or anyone posts is going to matter.

It seems pretty clear, based on the link you posted about Covid 19 and the Reuters article I posted, from May 2020, about a Facebook hoax, that you have been drawn down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories that prevents you from staying in contact with reality and reason.

Only you can get yourself out.

Seek professional help.

First, I've put my response to your post in the thread I made for discussing whether or not biological viruses are real, as we're clearly not just talking about whether the bird flu is fake at this point.

In response to your analogy, it's terrible. As your analogy itself points out, you can literally go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower. The microbes that some label as biological viruses are not visible with the human eye. As to any electron microscrope photographs of microbes, that's all they are- photographs of microbes. I've seen no solid evidence that they actually have the properties that virologists say they have.

If you'd like to read why around a dozen or so medical doctors and other researchers no longer believe in biological viruses, by all means take a look at the opening post of this thread. I must warn you, though, it's a few paragraphs long- seeing as you have described a single paragraph as a "wall of text", I suspect it may be beyond your attention span.

Are you okay? Do you really think if you can't see it, it's not real? Have you ever told a faithful Christian that? lol

I've taken several college level biology courses including microbiology. I can assure you that we can not only SEE pathogens like bacteria and virii with the proper instruments (microscope/electron microscope), we can manipulate them using gene splicing and CRISPR technologies. What do you think makes GMO crops GMO?

Here. I gave this years ago to my micro prof. You can have it too.

Based on your idiotic argument, atoms don't exist, molecules don't exist, and bacteria can't exist since none can be seen with the naked eye.

Not being able to see something with the naked eye does not prove it doesn't exist.

I've decided to respond to your points in a new thread I created in the APP forum in order to avoid the personal attacks that were rather endemic in this thread. For the audience, my response to Saunders' post can be seen here:
I posted a Reuters article that talked about the Facebook hoax about viruses not existing. That article had confirmation, from a virologist, that viruses exist and provided detail on how viruses are known to exist.

I've decided to respond to your points in a new thread I created in the APP forum in order to avoid the personal attacks that were rather endemic in this thread. For the audience, my response to ZenMode's points above can be seen here:
Are you okay? Do you really think if you can't see it, it's not real? Have you ever told a faithful Christian that? lol

I've taken several college level biology courses including microbiology. I can assure you that we can not only SEE pathogens like bacteria and virii with the proper instruments (microscope/electron microscope), we can manipulate them using gene splicing and CRISPR technologies. What do you think makes GMO crops GMO?

Here. I gave this years ago to my micro prof. You can have it too.


I've decided to respond to your points in a new thread I created in the APP forum in order to avoid the personal attacks that were rather endemic in this thread. For the audience, my response to ThatOwlWoman's post can be seen here:
Obvious point, if you inject a virus into your blood, you will usually get the disease the virus causes.
I've decided to respond to your points in a new thread I created in the APP forum in order to avoid the personal attacks that were rather endemic in this thread. For the audience, my response to ThatOwlWoman's post can be seen here:

Sorry you spent so much time on this. I'm not interested in discussing fantasy. Well, maybe if you'd like to discuss favorite fantasy movies or art? lol

Your argument against the existence of something that is quite real reminds me of those nutjobs who (to this day even) insist that the 1969 moon landing was faked. "How do we really know they were there?" "Anyone can take a photo of a flag in a desert and say it's on the Moon," etc. Have you ever asked yourself why you feel compelled to put so much of your energy and time into trying to convince others that something that is real really ISN'T real? What's in it for you? I have a feeling you also believe that evolution is made-up science. Am I right? Viruses, bacteria, and evolution are linked, you know. Billions of years ago a single-celled organism engulfed a bacterium. That bacterium wasn't consumed. Instead, it became part of that organism, providing it with energy. When that organism split, it took the bacterium into both new cells. Eventually the organism evolved into multi-celled lifeforms. That bacterium's progeny lives in every cell in your body and in mine, and in every living eukaryotic organism on the planet. They are your mitochondria. If you're interested in this, look up the Krebs (or citric acid) cycle to see how your mitochondria power your cells.

Science, esp. IMO biology, is a fascinating field. There is no need to make up this nonsense you've fallen for. Reality is far more interesting.
Obvious point, if you inject a virus into your blood, you will usually get the disease the virus causes.

I've decided to respond to your points in a new thread I created in the APP forum in order to avoid the personal attacks that were rather endemic in this thread. For the audience, my response to Walt's statement can be seen here:
Sorry you spent so much time on this. I'm not interested in discussing fantasy. Well, maybe if you'd like to discuss favorite fantasy movies or art? lol

Your argument against the existence of something that is quite real reminds me of those nutjobs who (to this day even) insist that the 1969 moon landing was faked. "How do we really know they were there?" "Anyone can take a photo of a flag in a desert and say it's on the Moon," etc. Have you ever asked yourself why you feel compelled to put so much of your energy and time into trying to convince others that something that is real really ISN'T real? What's in it for you? I have a feeling you also believe that evolution is made-up science. Am I right? Viruses, bacteria, and evolution are linked, you know. Billions of years ago a single-celled organism engulfed a bacterium. That bacterium wasn't consumed. Instead, it became part of that organism, providing it with energy. When that organism split, it took the bacterium into both new cells. Eventually the organism evolved into multi-celled lifeforms. That bacterium's progeny lives in every cell in your body and in mine, and in every living eukaryotic organism on the planet. They are your mitochondria. If you're interested in this, look up the Krebs (or citric acid) cycle to see how your mitochondria power your cells.

Science, esp. IMO biology, is a fascinating field. There is no need to make up this nonsense you've fallen for. Reality is far more interesting.

I've decided to respond to your points in a new thread I created in the APP forum in order to avoid the personal attacks that were rather endemic in this thread. For the audience, my response to ThatOwlWoman's post can be seen here:
I've decided to make my response to you in this new APP thread I've created, in order to avoid a lot of the personal attacks that were rather endemic in the thread where you posted the above. In response to your statement, I have seen no solid evidence that any biological virus was ever isolated to begin with. Clearly, -something- is injected, and if what is injected contains similar or identical ingredients, then it stands to reason that the test animal will get the disease that "the virus" causes. It's just that no biological virus was actually involved.
Cannot respond in the new thread, so sorry, I am using the old thread.

With anthrax, the refine down the virus into a crystal, highly concentrated form. And then they can release the concentrated virus and kill people. They test the virus on animals too. They can do the exact same process without the virus, and animals will not die.
Cannot respond in the new thread, so sorry, I am using the old thread.

Alright, I'll make an exception this time, because I haven't even had the opportunity to ask you why you can't post in the new thread. Mind telling me?

With anthrax, the refine down the virus into a crystal, highly concentrated form.

Anthrax isn't a virus, it's a bacterium:
Anthrax is an infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis or Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis.[2]

Alright, I'll make an exception this time, because I haven't even had the opportunity to ask you why you can't post in the new thread. Mind telling me?
Apparently, I am not enough above the politics for above the politics. The weird part about that is you can find references to the rape and murder of my children in there, so it does not seem much above the politics... Rather more below the politics.

But apparently, I do not have a good sense of humor when it comes to the rape and murder of my children.

Oh well. This got dark fast.

Anthrax isn't a virus, it's a bacterium:
You are correct. I stand corrected.
Apparently, I am not enough above the politics for above the politics. The weird part about that is you can find references to the rape and murder of my children in there, so it does not seem much above the politics... Rather more below the politics.

But apparently, I do not have a good sense of humor when it comes to the rape and murder of my children.

Oh well. This got dark fast.

Ah ok. Alright, for you I'll make an exception and not move things over to APP. I just want to avoid the regular insults as much as possible which is why I made the thread over there.