Seventeen + pages now and counting!

That's how many pages the usual cadre of JPP trolls and Conservatives have been dodging a very simple question.

All I wanted to know was if any JPP Trump supporter can explain to me why, if the women who accused Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault are to be believed,

Then WHY are we ignoring the allegations of sexual assault leveled at President Cheeto von Combover a.k.a. President Trump?

No one is thread banned, I'm not one of those pathetic chickenshits...ANYONE who thinks they can answer is welcome to try.

I await your answers.

Please list for the record the women who have accused Trump of sexual assault.
This thread (and his leading question) is butthurt Zappacrite's way of trying to distract everyone from the DEMOCRAT scandal that engulfed his beloved Obama and Hillary.

The sheer hypocrisy of Zappacrite demanding proof of someone else's claim is par for his double-standards.
Looks like Weinstein's driver has decided to spill the beans.

Harvey Weinstein’s former driver has made a series of shocking claims about the disgraced movie mogul in a candid new interview, revealing that Weinstein’s staff and French locals would call him ‘Le Porc’ (the pig) because of his sweaty demeanour and the way that he would grunt at women. Mickael Chemloul, 56, also opened up about how the star would lure women into the back of his car, even claiming that he had one woman “beg him not to hurt her”.
Locals would reportedly refer to Weinstein as ‘the pig’. Copyright: [AP]

Mickael worked as Harvey’s driver in the south of France between 2008 and 2013 and claims that Weinstein would regularly cheat on his wife, Georgina Chapman, whilst she was pregnant, kept Viagra and condoms in the glove compartment of his car, and even revealed that Weinstein almost died at Naomi Campbell’s birthday party after his gastric band burst. Speaking to The Sun, the driver shared: “Weinstein was a terrible man to work for. When he came to Cannes we all knew what to expect.”
He detailed how the high-powered film exec would “shake” from excitement “as if he [was] having an orgasm” when he saw attractive women and would indulge in “Viagra, chewing gum, Coca-Cola and loads of M&M’s” before attending sex parties.

Weinstein would regularly cheat on his pregnant wife, it has been reported. Copyright: [Getty]

Speaking about Naomi’s birthday party, Mickael recalled that a nearby surgeon rushed to Weinstein’s aid, sharing: “It appeared he had eaten so much from the buffet that it was too much for the sort of gastric band he had fitted. “The surgeon did a manipulation that allowed Harvey’s food to go down, so he could breathe more easily. He told me Harvey would have died within 30 minutes if he had not intervened.” Mickael finally quit his position working for Weinstein following an altercation over escorts in 2013. The chauffeur claims that after Mickael misunderstood the location of where he’d wanted to meet two escorts, Weinstein threatened to have the mafia kill the driver.

The star allegedly ‘almost died’ at Naomi Campbell’s birthday party. Copyright: [Getty]

It has also been reported that Weinstein attacked the driver, leaving Mickael with a broken finger, bruised ribs, and facial injuries – an incident that was reported to Cannes police. Mickael’s comments come after dozens of women – many high profile actresses – have come forward to accuse Harvey Weinstein of serious sexual assault. In recent weeks, Cara Delevingne, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie have been among the dozens of women to have accused Weinstein of making unwanted sexual advances towards them, with Rose McGowan and Asia Argento among the actresses to accuse the film producer of rape.

Weinstein, 65, has insisted that all sexual conduct has been consensual, with his spokeswoman Sallie Hofmeister saying earlier this month: “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr Weinstein.”
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So that's it?

Trumpkins had the entire weekend to come up with justification why Trump has been treated differently from others accused of sexual assault.

We've almost reached 20 pages of diversion, though!
Thank you for taking a shot.

correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there was any physical evidence in any of the Clinton allegations.

So why did he settle a sexual harassment lawsuit, same as O'Reilly, and subsequently get his law license revoked? Evidence enough for me.
So why did he settle a sexual harassment lawsuit, same as O'Reilly, and subsequently get his law license revoked? Evidence enough for me.

It's silly, anyway, Aloysious, for two reasons.

First, this thread is Zappacrite's failed attempt to establish a false equivalence between something Trump said and something a DEMOCRAT supposedly did.

Second, the thought of Zappacrite - a proven hypocrite - accusing others of double standards is ludicrous.
Trumpkins had the entire weekend to come up with justification why Trump has been treated differently from others accused of sexual assault.!

You've had since August 24th to come up with evidence to support your contention that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", haven't you?

That's a lot of weekends.

Get back to me when you can prove your own claims, Zappacrite.
It's silly, anyway, Aloysious, for two reasons.

First, this thread is Zappacrite's failed attempt to establish a false equivalence between something Trump said and something a DEMOCRAT supposedly did.

Second, the thought of Zappacrite - a proven hypocrite - accusing others of double standards is ludicrous.

As usual, GBA is lying.

WILLFULLY misrepresenting what this thread is about.

This thread is to give anyone at JPP a chance to explain to me why it's different when women accuse Trump of sexual assault.

Women accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault - they are BELIEVED.

Women accuse Bill Clinton of sexual assault - they are BELIEVED.

Women accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault - they are dismissed outright.

THERE is the double standard GBA is afraid to discuss.
As usual, GBA is lying. WILLFULLY misrepresenting what this thread is about.

ZIPPY the Zappacrite is lying, WILFULLY misrepresenting what this thread is about.

From the OP:

Seventeen + pages now and counting! That's how many pages the usual cadre of JPP trolls and Conservatives have been dodging a very simple question.

Yet, as the factual evidence has shown, ZIPPY the Zappacrite has been dodging two very simple questions for an extended period of time.

How, therefore, is ZIPPY the Zappacrite entitled to demand answers to his leading question when he is guilty of dodging two very simple questions?

Where is your evidence that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", Zappacrite? You made that claim on August 24 and have dodged that very simple question ever since.

Where is your evidence that Paul Smith is a "rightie", Zappacrite? You made that claim on September 27 and have dodged that very simple question ever since.

How do you justify demanding that others answer questions when it is a fact that you refuse to do so yourself, Zappacrite?

Answer, Zappacrite.
ZIPPY the Zappacrite is lying, WILFULLY misrepresenting what this thread is about.

From the OP:

Yet, as the factual evidence has shown, ZIPPY the Zappacrite has been dodging two very simple questions for an extended period of time.

How, therefore, is ZIPPY the Zappacrite entitled to demand answers to his leading question when he is guilty of dodging two very simple questions?

Where is your evidence that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", Zappacrite? You made that claim on August 24 and have dodged that very simple question ever since.

Where is your evidence that Paul Smith is a "rightie", Zappacrite? You made that claim on September 27 and have dodged that very simple question ever since.

How do you justify demanding that others answer questions when it is a fact that you refuse to do so yourself, Zappacrite?

Answer, Zappacrite.

I'm not "demanding" anything of anyone.

I am ASKING anyone to explain the double standard being exhibited by the GOP these days.

Sadly, once again you prove you aren't intelligent enough to stay on topic...a trait you've displayed a number of times now.
You aren't?

I must have missed the civility that you set such store by in your OP.

Can you point out your courteous and civil requests for honest discourse that eschews petty insults and derisiveness in the following, Zappacrite?


Dance, Zappacrite, dance.


It's unbelievable how a dim bulb such as yourself could possibly equate salty language with making a "demand", but apparently you are a special breed of stupid.

But at least you've got another thread all loaded up with my swinging junk for the next time you get lonely.
It's unbelievable how a dim bulb such as yourself could possibly equate salty language with making a "demand", but apparently you are a special breed of stupid. But at least you've got another thread all loaded up with my swinging junk for the next time you get lonely.

I figured you'd dance some more and I anticipated that you'd make the same tired homophobic reference, Zappacrite.

I was right.

It's cute that someone who notoriously requires others to exhibit "civility" and eschew "petty insults" and "derisiveness" excuses his own incivility, petty insults and derisiveness as "salty".

Keep dancing, Zappacrite. You may not be good at it, but apparently it's all you know how to do.

Dance, Zappacrite. Dance. I'll call the tune.
