
We've now reached the TWENTY PAGE MARK and not a single JPP Rightie has been able to explain why Trump's accusers are different than Harvey Weinstein's accusers or Bill Clinton's accusers...TWENTY pages of deflection, evasion and simple outright off topic ignorance.

JPP Righties take Bill Clinton's accusers at their word, but don't show the women accusing Trump of sexual assault the same respect.

You know what that makes them, right?

Three syllable word...starts with an "H".

Zappacrite is still dancing rather than answer two simple questions about claims that he made in August and September.

You know what that makes him, right?

Three syllable word...starts with an "H". Ends with "ypocrite".
Cathy Heller

Kari Wells

Jessica Leeds

Jill Harth

Kristin Anderson

Mindy McGillivray

Rachel Crooks

Temple Taggart McDowell

Jessica Drake

Natasha Stoynoff

Summer Zervos

At least ELEVEN women have accused Trump of sexual assault...why won't Trumpkins take them at their word.

All the GOP needed was the uncorroborated word of a few women who accused Clinton of sexual assault.
I am not a Trump supporter per se, however I will take a shot. With Bill Clinton there is physical evidence and though not yet with Weinstein, there could be. Donald Trump so far there is no physical evidence.

The Voodoo Trumptard defends his orange master...
At least ELEVEN women have accused Trump of sexual assault...why won't Trumpkins take them at their word. All the GOP needed was the uncorroborated word of a few women who accused Clinton of sexual assault.

Did you take Russell Walker at his word, Zappacrite?

Did you take Paul Smith at his word, Zappacrite?
I do have to give Sailor some credit. At least he took an honest shot at actually discussing the issue. It's been over 20 pages now and I have yet to get an honest answer from most of JPP's biggest Trumpkins.

How long have I waited to get an honest answer from you on your claim that Russell Walker is a "Trumpkin", Zappacrite?

How long have I waited to get an honest answer from you on your claim that Paul Smith is a "rightie", Zappacrite?

Will I ever be able to give Y O U some credit, Zappacrite?

Answer, Zappacrite.
Poor Buck Fuck.

Poor Voodoo boy...
Is that so, Zappacrite?

Where's your evidence for that, Zappacrite?

OMG I'm sorry, I didn't see this!

I saw a post from you and just (wrongfully) assumed it was another of your endless whiny tantrum posts pouting and crying about questions I actually answered MONTHS ago!

The evidence I have is the women waited MONTHS and YEARS before coming forward to make their claims, and then each of the women used their accusations to monetarily enrich themselves.
The evidence I have is the women waited MONTHS and YEARS before coming forward to make their claims, and then each of the women used their accusations to monetarily enrich themselves.

I noticed that you failed to provide any evidence of those assertions, Zappacrite, and once you do so, if you ever do, perhaps you can logically explain how a delay or the receipt of a settlement negates the validity of each women's claim.

I'll understand if you choose to dance again, just like you have on your own claims that you falsely stated that you already answered.

Link up to these alleged answers you claim to have given months ago, Zappacrite.

Do it now, Zappacrite.
I noticed that you failed to provide any evidence of those assertions, Zappacrite, and once you do so, if you ever do, perhaps you can logically explain how a delay or the receipt of a settlement negates the validity of each women's claim.

I'll understand if you choose to dance again, just like you have on your own claims that you falsely stated that you already answered.

Link up to these alleged answers you claim to have given months ago, Zappacrite.

Do it now, Zappacrite.

Still trying to derail the thread by whining about long lost debates, eh?


Well I tried, GOD knows I tried.

You just will not stay on topic.
Still trying to derail the thread by whining about long lost debates, eh? Unbelievable...Well I tried, GOD knows I tried.
You just will not stay on topic.

So, no proof, even though you just claimed that you supplied it "months ago"?

I saw a post from you and just (wrongfully) assumed it was another of your endless whiny tantrum posts pouting and crying about questions I actually answered MONTHS ago!
Really, Zappacrite?

Link up to it, Zappacrite.

Do it, Zappacrite.

Do it now, Zappacrite.

Already did and if you aren't bright enough to go back and find it yourself then I can't help you.

Awwwww...doesn't the widdle bitty troll know how to use the search feature?

Apparently not.
Already did and if you aren't bright enough to go back and find it yourself then I can't help you. Awwwww...doesn't the widdle bitty troll know how to use the search feature? Apparently not.

You made the claims, Zappacrite.

The onus of proving your own claims is on you, Zappacrite.

If you can't back up your own claims, what could the reason be, Zappacrite?

I think I know, Zappacrite.

Can you prove your claims or not, Zappacrite?

Answer, Zappacrite.

Answer now, Zappacrite.
You made the claims, Zappacrite.

The onus of proving your own claims is on you, Zappacrite.

If you can't back up your own claims, what could the reason be, Zappacrite?

I think I know, Zappacrite.

Can you prove your claims or not, Zappacrite?

Answer, Zappacrite.

Answer now, Zappacrite.

And prove them I did!

Sadly, it is NOT my responsibility to go back whenever you get butthurt and re-post something simply because you've got your tightie whiteys jammed in your buttcrack again..