Sex Change - Which Bathroom?


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At the gym this afternoon I walked around a set of lockers in the bathroom and saw these weird looking tits. For a split second I stopped and thought 'am I in the wrong bathroom?' Then I realized it was a guy who was in the process of getting a sex change to become a woman. Not that it really matters but I wonder what the law (be it written or unwritten) says someone going through a sex change must start using the bathroom of the gender they are to become?
You could see the changes in his face starting to take place. You don't want to stare at a person but it was hard not to because his/her face in that state was not one you normally see.
I imagine that he still has a penis. He'd probably wait until he got that weird surgery that forms a pseudo-vagina to go to the women's restroom.

If the legislature specifically took the time out of its day to make a law governing this, I'd be rather surprised.
At the gym this afternoon I walked around a set of lockers in the bathroom and saw these weird looking tits. For a split second I stopped and thought 'am I in the wrong bathroom?' Then I realized it was a guy who was in the process of getting a sex change to become a woman. Not that it really matters but I wonder what the law (be it written or unwritten) says someone going through a sex change must start using the bathroom of the gender they are to become?

You have separate baths for men and women in America?
Dubai has a fuck ton of rich people and that's all they have. A big, tiled, fancy hole in the ground.

The Burj al Arab only has holes in the ground?

I imagine that he still has a penis. He'd probably wait until he got that weird surgery that forms a pseudo-vagina to go to the women's restroom.

If the legislature specifically took the time out of its day to make a law governing this, I'd be rather surprised.

Then be surprised...

In CO the legislature (controlled by Democrats) passed a controversial law that says that if you believe your sex to be "wrongly assigned" you can just hop on in to whichever restroom suits you.

This caused controversy based on the fact that pedophiles and just plain sickos can nip on into the "wrong" restroom as long as they say they believe they belong there.
Oh, forgot the link...

In the quadrennial marathon to see who can be the nation’s worst governor, Colorado’s Bill Ritter is in a full sprint. On Thursday, Ritter signed Senate Bill 200 which expands “anti-discrimination” law to cover sexual orientation, meaning not only homosexuality or bisexuality, but also “transgender status or another person’s perception thereof.”

The bill is so ripe for abuse and creates so much risk for private business that it’s no surprise the ordinarily media-hungry Ritter signed the bill late in the afternoon (too late for most newspapers to cover the story) with no fanfare (although he frequently has bill-signing ceremonies and particularly for measures such as this which have received this much media attention). It isn’t even mentioned on his Web site, whereas a look at the page shows that he routinely issues press releases on bills he signs into law.

A major criticism of the bill by conservatives is that it appears to allow men who self-identify as “transgender” a legal right to demand to be able to use women’s bathrooms, health club showers, bathhouses, and any other “public accommodation”.

Importantly, the bill does not define “transgender”. The Wikipedia entry on the term notes that “the precise definition for transgender remains in flux, but includes:

• A person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender, but combines or moves between these.
• People who were assigned a gender, usually at birth and based on their genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description of themselves, and
• Non-identification with, or non-presentation as, the gender one was assigned at birth.”

In other words, not only is there no legal definition for transgender, but there isn’t even a solid dictionary definition for a court to rely on. Instead, transgender status is a matter of self-identification, rendering such a claim to be nearly impossible to prove or disprove.

More at link...

Basically, if you just say you "identify with" the other sex you can just nip into whatever restroom you want to use.
Then be surprised...

In CO the legislature (controlled by Democrats) passed a controversial law that says that if you believe your sex to be "wrongly assigned" you can just hop on in to whichever restroom suits you.

This caused controversy based on the fact that pedophiles and just plain sickos can nip on into the "wrong" restroom as long as they say they believe they belong there.

Yeah, that's probably little more that an extraordinarily fanciful interpretation of the law.

Anyway, why would a pedophile want to go into the women's restroom?
Yeah, that's probably little more that an extraordinarily fanciful interpretation of the law.

Anyway, why would a pedophile want to go into the women's restroom?

It would depend on which of the children they are most attracted to I assume, or which restroom they watched a child enter alone. And no, it isn't all that fanciful. Hence the link.

The law is ambiguous, dangerously so.