Sex tape shame of dethroned Miss California

cancel2 2022

Sex tape shame of dethroned Miss California, the top pin-up for American conservatism

By Carol Driver
Her opposition to gay marriage and strong ties to religion made her an overnight celebrity and a top pin-up for American conservatism.
However, it's a controversial view of a different type that has pushed Carrie Prejean back into the spotlight.
The former Miss California now stands accused of a great act of hypocrisy after starring in what is being described as a 'solo sex tape'.


Controversial views: Carrie Prejean was sacked as Miss California

According to tabloid website, which obtained the video, the 'X-rated version of Home Alone' is 'too racy' to be published online.

The tape has reportedly been used in a legal battle between Prejean, 22, and Miss California USA, who are both suing each other.

Prejean was demanding more than $1million (£600,000) in damages from the company for allegedly firing her because of her beliefs and disclosing confidential information – including about her breast implants.
However, the Pageant was counter-suing, claiming Prejean had violated the terms of being Miss California.



Naked truth: Carrie Prejean has reportedly starred in a 'solo sex video'

According to beauty pageant contracts, contestants must assure they have not appeared in nude videos or pictures in their past.
At a legal meeting this week, lawyers for Miss California reportedly played the alleged sex tape to Prejean and her representatives - to illustrate how she had brought the pageant into disrepute.
'When the video started playing, Carrie's first reaction was "that's disgusting",', which claims to have spoken to lawyers present at meeting, reported.


Perez Hilton discusses his question to Carrie Prejean about gay marriage on CNN's Larry King Live

'Carrie denied it was her. Then, the camera angle changed ... and panned up to her face.
'She was caught red-handed, so to speak. Carrie was rendered speechless and immediately began talking with her lawyer.
'We're told it took about 15 seconds for Carrie to drop her $1million demand.'
Platinum-blonde Prejean is said to have received just $100,000 to cover legal costs.
Both sides said they 'wish each other well in future endeavours,' in a joint statement.

The dethroned beauty queen was this year crowned runner-up of Miss USA - missing out on the title after answering a question on gay marriage from blogger Perez Hilton.
During the competition in April, Prejean said: 'I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other ... same sex marriage or opposite marriage.
'I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman ... that's how I was raised.'
Being interviewed afterwards, Prejean said had she been asked another question, 'I know I would have won', but added: 'It wasn't what God wanted for my life that night.'
In the weeks and ensuring controversy that followed, Prejean was fired as Miss California after falling out with the pageant's organisers.
It came just a month after Donald Trump, who owns the production company that holds the Miss California pageant, told Prejean she could keep the crown.


Carrie Prejean and Donald Trump on ABC's Good Morning America

On Friday, after the discovery of the sex tape was made public, Prejean was ditched as a celebrity guest at a fundraiser being held by right-wing group Defenders Of The Family.

The company is refusing to say whether she declined to appear or whether she was asked not to.
Prejean's lawyer, Charles LiMandri, has not commented on the tape, but claims to be upset that 'inaccurate and misleading' rumours about the legal settlement had been leaked.

Big surprise for liberals, that Republicans have sex too... :palm:

Everyone knows they have sex. We just thought it was either seen as a duty, or it happened after tapping their foot in the airport men's room.
It said 'solo sex tape'. I took that to mean a video of her doing herself (god bless her). Am I interpreting it wrong?
I thought you claimed not to be a liberal?

I didn't say I was a liberal. I just said something about republicans. Are you operating under the misconception that all people are either a liberal or a republican?
It said 'solo sex tape'. I took that to mean a video of her doing herself (god bless her). Am I interpreting it wrong?

I found this quote on another website...the little lady was "giving herself a hand" if ya know what I mean...

"Sources tell TMZ Carrie's mom was in shock -- instantly turning sheet white as she watched her daughter give herself a hand.

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It said 'solo sex tape'. I took that to mean a video of her doing herself (god bless her). Am I interpreting it wrong?
You are correct, it would be a video of her pleasing herself if it is a "solo" sex video. If there is only one video it would be the sole video not a "solo sex video"...

Solo is a description of participants, sole is a more general numerative description.