Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

No, won't shut up. And you can't make me. lol

Lyrics to the song:

You consider me the young apprentice
Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes
Hypnotized by you if I should linger
Staring at the ring around your finger
I have only come here seeking knowledge
Things they would not teach me of in college
I can see the destiny you sold turned into a shining band of gold
I'll be wrapped around your finger
I'll be wrapped around your finger
Mephistopheles is not your name
I know what you're up to just the same
I will listen hard to your tuition
You will see it come to its fruition
I'll be wrapped around your finger
I'll be wrapped around your finger
Devil and the deep blue sea behind me
Vanish in the air you'll never find me
I will turn your face to alabaster
When you'll find your servant is your master
You'll be wrapped around my finger
You'll be wrapped around my finger
You'll be wrapped around my finger

Yeah he was creative with the Greek story. Good musician. As a deaf person, I can appreciate good arts when I see them.


Nice derriere!!!

Where's her mask?


Looks like a pretty Latin girl at a cotillion, which comes after quinceañera, minus the Red Grinch writing on her dress.

I think she's idealistic and young, and may grow up to be something good. Maybe.

She's over 24-something now. What were her parents like? That's the big ticket.

Y'all never heard about "The Drill".

That's the old school 5-part test to see if a girl is worth marrying. Idk, we'll see what happens with her. I think she just might be good later on when she wises up, IF she does.
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she's an intelligent, informed, free woman...........triggers righties every time speaks, they hate those qualities in women........

She's a raging hypocrite con-artist...just like Bernie...and will soon be a multi-millionaire...just like Bernie...but chumps like you always fail to see the obvious.