Sexy AOC Makes A Statement

Since the mid-20th century, mainstream economists have been critical of the modern-day Austrian School and consider its rejection of mathematical modelling, econometrics and macroeconomic analysis to be outside mainstream economics, or "heterodox". In the 1970s, the Austrian School attracted some renewed interest after Friedrich Hayek shared the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.[8]
Have anyone seen Trump's degrees? What about Ted Cruz's? The entire GOP?

Well since nobody has ever seen them, they must be lying. :rofl2:

As soon as Trump ran, he sent Cohen to every school he ever attended and told them if they released grades or any information about him, they would get a huge suit. I suppose he was so proud of his educational accomplishments that he did not want to dazzle us. Too close to the light.
I have heard AOC question appointments in committees. She does a very good job. She does her homework.
Your party uses the Austrian school of economics idiot

That school says math is not part of economics

You're really out there, Desh. Just because you claim that, doesn't make it true.

Prove Republicans use that, or STFU.
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Since the mid-20th century, mainstream economists have been critical of the modern-day Austrian School and consider its rejection of mathematical modelling, econometrics and macroeconomic analysis to be outside mainstream economics, or "heterodox". In the 1970s, the Austrian School attracted some renewed interest after Friedrich Hayek shared the 1974 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.[8]

This is what the Republican economic ideas are based on
Thanks! Again, I fail to see why AOC triggers the RWNJs so much.

It is hard to fathom the stupidity idiots like you wallow in. We watched you triggered nutbags erupt about Trump, still do, for four or more years.

AOC doesn't trigger anyone. Her political Marxist views are what people with brains find as dangerous. Her influence over brain dead morons like you are what scare us. It isn't her. Get it? Dumnbass.
As soon as Trump ran, he sent Cohen to every school he ever attended and told them if they released grades or any information about him, they would get a huge suit. I suppose he was so proud of his educational accomplishments that he did not want to dazzle us. Too close to the light.
I have heard AOC question appointments in committees. She does a very good job. She does her homework.

^The definition of insane. :palm:

The GOP Has 'formally committed itself to Austrian economics'

02/24/2014Ryan McMaken
It's great that Austrian economics is now the embodiment of free market economics in the minds of so many people. This comes at a great price, of course, since groups that have virtually no interest at all in actual free-market economics, such as the Republican Party, are nonetheless associated with Austrian economics. In the case of the GOP, Republicans like to distract the voters with references to Mises and Hayek right before heading over to vote "yes" on the latest multi-trillion dollar war or welfare program. When the Dems want, say, 750 billion dollars for some new scheme, the Republicans shoot back with a plan to spend "only" 745 billion dollars. In D.C., this is known as taking a hard-core anti-government position. And so it goes with the latest piece of misinformation in New York Magazine:

Since the outset of the Obama era, the GOP has formally committed itself to Austrian economics or some other intellectually amorphous defense of austerity. Higher spending cannot create jobs, Republicans say. And they have acted on this belief, using every bit of leverage at their disposal to clamp down on spending, and to block every proposal to stimulate the economy through infrastructure investment, temporary tax cuts, or any other Keynesian measure. Whatever the effects of the Party’s much-touted wave of economic reform, it has left the anti-Keynesian wall intact.
Hello Dutch,

Thanks! Again, I fail to see why AOC triggers the RWNJs so much.

These are the course requirements:

Oh yeah, but if she can't perform a Laplace Transform then she's 'a dummy.'


Despite the fact that 98% of Americans couldn't do one either, (even if they learned how to do it in college) and probably 85% of Americans never even heard of one.

If you asked them what it was they wouldn't even be able to identify it as mathematics.

AOC triggers RWNJs because she is young, beautiful, smart, and outspoken about what the world really needs.

And they know she's going to be around a long time, and that her power will only grow.

ps She will be old enough to run for president beginning in 2024.
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The GOP Has 'formally committed itself to Austrian economics'

02/24/2014Ryan McMaken
It's great that Austrian economics is now the embodiment of free market economics in the minds of so many people. This comes at a great price, of course, since groups that have virtually no interest at all in actual free-market economics, such as the Republican Party, are nonetheless associated with Austrian economics. In the case of the GOP, Republicans like to distract the voters with references to Mises and Hayek right before heading over to vote "yes" on the latest multi-trillion dollar war or welfare program. When the Dems want, say, 750 billion dollars for some new scheme, the Republicans shoot back with a plan to spend "only" 745 billion dollars. In D.C., this is known as taking a hard-core anti-government position. And so it goes with the latest piece of misinformation in New York Magazine:

Since the outset of the Obama era, the GOP has formally committed itself to Austrian economics or some other intellectually amorphous defense of austerity. Higher spending cannot create jobs, Republicans say. And they have acted on this belief, using every bit of leverage at their disposal to clamp down on spending, and to block every proposal to stimulate the economy through infrastructure investment, temporary tax cuts, or any other Keynesian measure. Whatever the effects of the Party’s much-touted wave of economic reform, it has left the anti-Keynesian wall intact.

Your economic ideas and claims all reflect the Austrian school of economic ideas

The one school that doesn’t use math to do economics


Because economics math kills your idiot ideas