SF: For future reference

the Reagan revolution was a myth created by hard core righties to diswade people from the protectionsist greatness that preceded him.
What a fucking moron:shock:

SF what was that you had said about my exaggerating Topper's spelling and grammatical errors? "Diswade" is the best yet.
People don't risk their lives to come to this country to be average or make median wages. They come for the american dream

check it, this country is not great by defenition of what the median guy makes. We are great because someone can go from the bottom to the ever expanding top. The top expanded greatly under Reagan and has done so ever since.:clink:


Republicans should run on exactly this platform, which has the added benefit of actually being truth in advertising.


Now, we've gotten right back to the crux of the matter, and you have verified my original premise. Thanks Topper.
More Welfare For The Oil Companies - They're Suffering!

This Country Isn't About The Little Guy, It's About the Top Percentile

I'll tell ya Top, I don't know why some smart politico hasn't snapped you right up as his chief campaign advisor.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you get a phone call.
Why do you quote top...

SF what was that you had said about my exaggerating Topper's spelling and grammatical errors? "Diswade" is the best yet.

then address SF...Me thinks ya have a real drinking problemo...like your Docs suggested! You also do this to me all the time as well as others!
that's what dems should run on duhla you should really read more.
Focusing on the median is why dems have had their asses kicked since Carter.
I'm here to educate.
LOL @ Darla

Seriously topper, you're not helping SF's argument.

Your backing our premise: that the Reagan/Bush economy is great for the top percentiles.

But, not so great on average, for working families. Working families did better, on average, before the Reagan/Poppy/Bush43 economies.
that's what dems should run on duhla you should really read more.
Focusing on the median is why dems have had their asses kicked since Carter.
I'm here to educate.

Right, the Dems should run on:

More Welfare For The Oil Companies - They're Suffering!

This Country Isn't About The Little Guy, It's About the Top Percentile

Thanks for the education.
then address SF...Me thinks ya have a real drinking problemo...like your Docs suggested! You also do this to me all the time as well as others!

You know, I think SF will be able to figure it out. So follow him around and ask him to explain it to you. He likes you, he'll very patiently explain everything you don't understand.
the top 2 fiths, what you economic morons don't get is the vast majority in the middle quintile want to be and strive to be in the top.
So they are not for your class warfar. Only the bottom two fiths are and you already have them bought and paid for.
that's what dems should run on duhla you should really read more.
Focusing on the median is why dems have had their asses kicked since Carter.
I'm here to educate.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Under Clinton, JFK, and LBJ, (and yes, lets include New Deal republicans like Eisenhower) everyone was doing significantly better, trending upward, year by year.
People don't risk their lives to come to this country to be average or make median wages. They come for the american dream

I know of many Mexicans around here that come to work for minimum wage....or less....
You are WRONG!
However it is still a better life for them than in Mexico.
the top 2 fiths, what you economic morons don't get is the vast majority in the middle quintile want to be and strive to be in the top.
So they are not for your class warfar. Only the bottom two fiths are and you already have them bought and paid for.

Class warfare is what is being succesfully waged. Pointing it out, is not "class warfare."
I'm sure you associate with plenty immagrant workers, nobody expects you to get this US.

Cypress I'll gladly take 8 more years of Clintonomics, we won't get it by her attacking the rich.
Backpeddling is so very....

You know, I think SF will be able to figure it out. So follow him around and ask him to explain it to you. He likes you, he'll very patiently explain everything you don't understand.

unbecoming...ya screwed up and now are suggesting I missed your error... you meant to do it...lmao @ darla...have another pina-colada!